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In grad school I took a few classes with undergrads. During one such class, a lovely coed asked me if I was interested in seeing her do a scene in The Vagina Monologues. As this was a woman I'd been flirting with for much of the semester, of course I said yes. She wasn't an actress and was doing it for a quite charming reason (a charity kind of thing) and was nervous about it, but still wanted me to come. Not wanting to go alone, I invite my buddy to come along and off I go to see my first ever performance of the play.


Before I go farther, I should explain something about the buddy I chose to go with me. He's the loudest human on the planet, no exaggeration. When he tries to whisper, he somehow amplifies his voice. Add to that, he's a talker. By that I mean, this was film school so we watched a lot of crazy **** in darkened auditoriums. This guy was the one who'd laugh (and applaud) at all the most inappropriate or seemingly traumatic moments in these ****ty student films because he found it hilarious. To people not used to his reactions, or volume, he's a jarring presence on his best day. The fact that I didn't consider this before inviting him, or that his eager acceptance to see a play about women's issues and their naughty bits didn't cause me to flinch, makes the rest of the story entirely my fault.


We show up, this is a big university, so it's not in the big theater but one of the smaller ones. Still, around 300 people -- all of which, outside the family and friends of the performers, were exclusively female. Then there's me and my jackass friend, sitting elbow to elbow with them, listening to monologues about all sorts of explicit shenanigans. All through out my buddy is laughing and making color commentary with the volume on about 11. We're in the middle of the theater too, no getting out and our gender made us pretty easy to identify. The whole time we're waiting for the lovely lady who invited us to do her monologue. My buddy wasn't in the class with us so he had never met her and was curious to figure out who she was. When she finally does come on stage, it turns out her monologue was about orgasms.


For those of you who haven't read the play, or seen it, the orgasm section is undoubtedly the most bawdy and hilarious. It's one (or in this case two) different women on stage acting out various kinds of orgasms; the virgin, the quickie, the over forty orgasm etc etc. So here's this girl who've I've been telling my buddy about for weeks on stage doing Oscar worthy (and AVN Award winning) renditions of orgasm after orgasm after orgasm. After she's through, my buddy leans over and goes, "if you don't sleep with her you're letting down all of mankind." He said this loud enough to be heard two states away let alone in a packed theater of feminists who've spent the past forty minutes getting into war paint.


I didn't get a second date.


You idiot.


You ought to make a script out of that. Sounds like a good Seth Rogen vehicle.

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Gender identity politics are the dumbest **** on the planet. I'll say it again...I don't care who you think you are, I don't care who you want to be. If you have an Y chromosome, you're a man.

Is there any science supporting their beliefs? Like the whole, gender is a social construct, I'm a woman in a man's body, thing?


Is there any science supporting their beliefs? Like the whole, gender is a social construct, I'm a woman in a man's body, thing?


Not that I know of, but I haven't researched it.


But to me, it's all bull ****. Gender self-identity amounts to two things: hormones and dress-up. I prefer to just cut through all the bull **** and say "You have a Y chromosome, you're a man." Not just because I loathe the very concept of gender identity politics with a passion, but because the discussion of gender identity politics has become so !@#$ed up and ambiguous in the past few years that a concrete definition of "male" and "female" is practically necessary as a foundation for discussion. And ultimately, the primary determination of gender is "Do you have a Y chromosome?"


In grad school I took a few classes with undergrads. During one such class, a lovely coed asked me if I was interested in seeing her do a scene in The Vagina Monologues. As this was a woman I'd been flirting with for much of the semester, of course I said yes. She wasn't an actress and was doing it for a quite charming reason (a charity kind of thing) and was nervous about it, but still wanted me to come. Not wanting to go alone, I invite my buddy to come along and off I go to see my first ever performance of the play.


Before I go farther, I should explain something about the buddy I chose to go with me. He's the loudest human on the planet, no exaggeration. When he tries to whisper, he somehow amplifies his voice. Add to that, he's a talker. By that I mean, this was film school so we watched a lot of crazy **** in darkened auditoriums. This guy was the one who'd laugh (and applaud) at all the most inappropriate or seemingly traumatic moments in these ****ty student films because he found it hilarious. To people not used to his reactions, or volume, he's a jarring presence on his best day. The fact that I didn't consider this before inviting him, or that his eager acceptance to see a play about women's issues and their naughty bits didn't cause me to flinch, makes the rest of the story entirely my fault.


We show up, this is a big university, so it's not in the big theater but one of the smaller ones. Still, around 300 people -- all of which, outside the family and friends of the performers, were exclusively female. Then there's me and my jackass friend, sitting elbow to elbow with them, listening to monologues about all sorts of explicit shenanigans. All through out my buddy is laughing and making color commentary with the volume on about 11. We're in the middle of the theater too, no getting out and our gender made us pretty easy to identify. The whole time we're waiting for the lovely lady who invited us to do her monologue. My buddy wasn't in the class with us so he had never met her and was curious to figure out who she was. When she finally does come on stage, it turns out her monologue was about orgasms.


For those of you who haven't read the play, or seen it, the orgasm section is undoubtedly the most bawdy and hilarious. It's one (or in this case two) different women on stage acting out various kinds of orgasms; the virgin, the quickie, the over forty orgasm etc etc. So here's this girl who've I've been telling my buddy about for weeks on stage doing Oscar worthy (and AVN Award winning) renditions of orgasm after orgasm after orgasm. After she's through, my buddy leans over and goes, "if you don't sleep with her you're letting down all of mankind." He said this loud enough to be heard two states away let alone in a packed theater of feminists who've spent the past forty minutes getting into war paint.


I didn't get a second date.

Wait a second, did you get a 1st date?


Please tell me watching your 'date' describe her naughty bits in front of 300 people (1 of whom was your buddy w/ no voice modulation) wasn't your 1st date. She sounds like she might've been a keeper.

Posted (edited)




Gender identity politics are the dumbest **** on the planet. I'll say it again...I don't care who you think you are, I don't care who you want to be. If you have an Y chromosome, you're a man.

Perfect example. I worked for a corporate dining firm and the corp chef was a guy who had a sex change. He was speaking to a large group and a guy walked by. As he was talking to us his eyes were in the guys ass as he walked by for several seconds. I'm sorry a woman doesn't do that.


BTW I heard a rumor that he regretted the change and was looking at getting it reversed.

Edited by Chef Jim


Gender self-identity amounts to two things: hormones and dress-up.


I've written about this previously, but in California, your grade school child can legally declare their gender different than what their physical make up would otherwise dictate. In doing so, a teenage boy can use all facilities, and participate in all activites, dedicated to teenage girls (and vice versa).


I only bring it up because it's yet another example of liberal hypocrisy. I mean, if you have a 'y' chromosome, the science is settled, isn't it?

I didn't get a second date.


Would you really want one? I mean, if she spent 45 minutes showing everyone how she fakes an orgasm, do you want to spend your time in bed with her figuring out which one she was faking for you?



Would you really want one? I mean, if she spent 45 minutes showing everyone how she fakes an orgasm, do you want to spend your time in bed with her figuring out which one she was faking for you?


I can think of worse ways to spend a Saturday night.

Posted (edited)

I believe that this qualifies for the "Pussification" thread



Parents Investigated for Neglect After Letting Their Kids Walk Home Alone



The distance: 1 mile. The place: Silver Spring. The children: a 10-year-old boy and a 6-year-old girl. The parents: a climate-science consultant and a physicist at the National Institutes of Health.


The Meitivs say that on Dec. 20, a CPS worker required Alexander to sign a safety plan pledging he would not leave his children unsupervised until the following Monday, when CPS would follow up.


At first he refused, saying he needed to talk to a lawyer, his wife said, but changed his mind when he was told his children would be removed if he did not comply.






more at the link:

Edited by B-Man
Posted (edited)

I believe that this qualifies for the "Pussification" thread



Parents Investigated for Neglect After Letting Their Kids Walk Home Alone



The distance: 1 mile. The place: Silver Spring. The children: a 10-year-old boy and a 6-year-old girl. The parents: a climate-science consultant and a physicist at the National Institutes of Health.


The Meitivs say that on Dec. 20, a CPS worker required Alexander to sign a safety plan pledging he would not leave his children unsupervised until the following Monday, when CPS would follow up.


At first he refused, saying he needed to talk to a lawyer, his wife said, but changed his mind when he was told his children would be removed if he did not comply.






more at the link:


I saw that yesterday, and I'll be honest...if I had absolutely no choice but to trust my 10-year-old to walk home from a mile away, he could do it. That doesn't make it a good idea, especially if he's got a 6-year-old girl with him. No way I'm letting him do that. No way at all.

Edited by LABillzFan

The beginning of this story really isn’t anything unusual or alarming. If a confused citizen noticed the children walking (and we can all admit that ages 6 and 10 qualify as “young” in this case) and was worried that they may be lost, running away or something worse, having the police check on them is certainly understandable.


But after the investigation revealed that the kids were fine, knew where they were and where they were going, and that the parents were aware of the situation, that should have been it. It wasn’t.


Child Protective Services (CPS) was called in for a home inspection and the parents still have more meetings at school coming up to explain their actions.


I will say that decisions such as this – while always the province of responsible parents – is conditional based on the environment.


If you happen to live in a place like Brownsville, New York and you even allow your kids out on the front stoop without a security detail and full body armor we might want CPS paying you a visit. At the opposite end of the scale, families in some rural areas with long stretches of road where there are no houses or police coverage may want to exercise caution as well. But in this case?



Here is their neighborhood





Would you really want one? I mean, if she spent 45 minutes showing everyone how she fakes an orgasm, do you want to spend your time in bed with her figuring out which one she was faking for you?



At that point I don't think I would have been worrying about which ones were fake or real, I would have been more focused on seeing if I could get her to relive all 50. I'm always one for a challenge.


Afterwards, when I was alone with my thoughts, then yes I would probably be haunted by which were real or fake. But it would have been worth it.



I saw that yesterday, and I'll be honest...if I had absolutely no choice but to trust my 10-year-old to walk home from a mile away, he could do it. That doesn't make it a good idea, especially if he's got a 6-year-old girl with him. No way I'm letting him do that. No way at all.


That's your decision. And that's fine. But I think the key point is: do you want CPS involved in that decision with you?


And it's ridiculous, the amount of coverage this story's getting down here. You'd think they'd locked the kids in the basement and fed them dog food for the past three years, for all the vitrol.

I believe that this qualifies for the "Pussification" thread



Parents Investigated for Neglect After Letting Their Kids Walk Home Alone



The distance: 1 mile. The place: Silver Spring. The children: a 10-year-old boy and a 6-year-old girl. The parents: a climate-science consultant and a physicist at the National Institutes of Health.


The Meitivs say that on Dec. 20, a CPS worker required Alexander to sign a safety plan pledging he would not leave his children unsupervised until the following Monday, when CPS would follow up.


At first he refused, saying he needed to talk to a lawyer, his wife said, but changed his mind when he was told his children would be removed if he did not comply.






more at the link:


CPS sucks. The amount of power they have is astonishing. They can do damn near whatever they want.





CPS sucks. The amount of power they have is astonishing. They can do damn near whatever they want.


Except you know, follow up on cases that are truly troubling.




At that point I don't think I would have been worrying about which ones were fake or real, I would have been more focused on seeing if I could get her to relive all 50. I'm always one for a challenge.


Afterwards, when I was alone with my thoughts, then yes I would probably be haunted by which were real or fake. But it would have been worth it.

You should have promised to show her your repertoire. You know like your "almost 40 seconds" orgasm, your "dreaming of Celine" orgasm, and especially your "alien abduction" orgasm.


Is there any science supporting their beliefs? Like the whole, gender is a social construct, I'm a woman in a man's body, thing?

What about the ones with extra X or Y chromos? Abnormality? Hermaphrodites, etc.. What/how do the associate with?


1 in 400 @ birth have a sex chromosome abnormality.


"Sex chromosome abnormalities (SCAs) are the most frequently occurring chromosomal abnormalities encountered at both prenatal diagnosis and at birth. Approximately 1/400 newborns has an SCA, and incidence at prenatal diagnosis is even greater, 1/250 to 1/300. Physicians and health providers from various specialties are encountering diagnoses of SCAs with increased frequency as more individuals are becoming identified, both prenatally and postnatally. Because these conditions generally have relatively few serious physical implications and because they are extremely variable, genetic counseling is often more complex and challenging than that occurring with an autosomal abnormality. It is imperative that health professionals have the knowledge of content and methodology to provide appropriate counseling to such individuals and their families. During the period from 1964 to 1975, seven international groups (including the Denver group) screened a total of 199,898 consecutive births and identified 307 individuals with SCA. The Denver group has followed more than 40 such individuals from birth to adulthood. In addition, the Denver group has experience in counseling over 1,000 families with a prenatal diagnosis of SCA. Based on these studies and contacts, guidelines for the counseling of individuals and families with SCA are provided. Accurate information must be presented and the variability and imprecise prognosis recognized. Successful counseling strategies include interfamily contact, viewing photographs, and utilizing support groups. Issues of disclosure, follow-up, and anticipatory guidance should be addressed.

Copyright 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc."

I believe that this qualifies for the "Pussification" thread



Parents Investigated for Neglect After Letting Their Kids Walk Home Alone


The distance: 1 mile. The place: Silver Spring. The children: a 10-year-old boy and a 6-year-old girl. The parents: a climate-science consultant and a physicist at the National Institutes of Health.

I personally don't think the parents should go back to Rockville, but they might not have any choice in the matter.




A mile. And, it was cold. Oh my! Think of the children.


A few years back our town voted down a school budget. So in true libtard fashion the school board went "Full Mommy Management™" with implementing their austerity budget. We'll show YOU, you stupid taxpayers who's boss. They cut off all extra-curricular programs, etc., and all bussing for students living with three miles of a school. Three miles.


Of course they were thinking of the children. It's always about the children. Like when the teachers were threatening to go on strike. They picketed and protested and refused to support any extra-curricular activities - like sports, school plays, Jr. and Sr. Proms. One teacher who did show up at the Sr. Prom was completely ostracized and had to get a job in a Princeton private school.


And it doesn't stop. A School Superintendent just three years ago posited that the school budget was too important an issue to be put to a public vote.


Yep. Think of the children.


A mile. And, it was cold. Oh my! Think of the children.


A few years back our town voted down a school budget. So in true libtard fashion the school board went "Full Mommy Management™" with implementing their austerity budget. We'll show YOU, you stupid taxpayers who's boss. They cut off all extra-curricular programs, etc., and all bussing for students living with three miles of a school. Three miles.


Of course they were thinking of the children. It's always about the children. Like when the teachers were threatening to go on strike. They picketed and protested and refused to support any extra-curricular activities - like sports, school plays, Jr. and Sr. Proms. One teacher who did show up at the Sr. Prom was completely ostracized and had to get a job in a Princeton private school.


And it doesn't stop. A School Superintendent just three years ago posited that the school budget was too important an issue to be put to a public vote.


Yep. Think of the children.


As a former Superintendent of Schools permit me to say the Sup't referenced above should step back and think about who he works for and what the objectives of public schools are before making such a stupid statement.


As I always say, "You can't shine $#!t."


What about the ones with extra X or Y chromos? Abnormality? Hermaphrodites, etc.. What/how do the associate with?


1 in 400 @ birth have a sex chromosome abnormality.


"Sex chromosome abnormalities (SCAs) are the most frequently occurring chromosomal abnormalities encountered at both prenatal diagnosis and at birth. Approximately 1/400 newborns has an SCA, and incidence at prenatal diagnosis is even greater, 1/250 to 1/300. Physicians and health providers from various specialties are encountering diagnoses of SCAs with increased frequency as more individuals are becoming identified, both prenatally and postnatally. Because these conditions generally have relatively few serious physical implications and because they are extremely variable, genetic counseling is often more complex and challenging than that occurring with an autosomal abnormality. It is imperative that health professionals have the knowledge of content and methodology to provide appropriate counseling to such individuals and their families. During the period from 1964 to 1975, seven international groups (including the Denver group) screened a total of 199,898 consecutive births and identified 307 individuals with SCA. The Denver group has followed more than 40 such individuals from birth to adulthood. In addition, the Denver group has experience in counseling over 1,000 families with a prenatal diagnosis of SCA. Based on these studies and contacts, guidelines for the counseling of individuals and families with SCA are provided. Accurate information must be presented and the variability and imprecise prognosis recognized. Successful counseling strategies include interfamily contact, viewing photographs, and utilizing support groups. Issues of disclosure, follow-up, and anticipatory guidance should be addressed.

Copyright 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc."


What abnormalities are you talking about? Hermaphrodites have Y chromosomes always. But let's say we're talking about physical characteristics. Turner's syndrome sufferers are clearly women. Those with Klinefelter's are clearly men.


You see, something so vague as a "sex chromosome abnormality" can mean just about anything. With Barr bodies, sex chromosome abnormalities may not even have an effect on a woman.

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