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Everything seems to be safety these days. Everyone's first priority is safety and it's beyond the legal perspective. For example when I watch House Hunters I laugh at these moms that are afraid to have stairs in the house or have to have a floor plan that allows them to have eyes on their kids every second of the day. Or there was one chic that didn't want to have a pool because the kid may drown. Instead of imagining all the fun children have in pools all they can do is be afraid. Amazing wimpery going on

The pussification of America is less evident in your story of the moms than in men who watch House Hunters.

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The pussification of America is less evident in your story of the moms than in men who watch House Hunters.

After Queer Eye For The Straight Guy, the downhill slide really gained momentum.


The pussification of America is less evident in your story of the moms than in men who watch House Hunters.

If I am correct, he's not "American"... Isn't he a Canadian? Unless he has dual, he escapes the awful mess. Or does he? ;-)


Great... Now we have Canadians telling us how much a kitty we have become! :-/

After Queer Eye For The Straight Guy, the downhill slide really gained momentum.

It was "Meathead" on "All in the Family" carrying the "man purse" in the early 1970's... Damn p*ssy liberal commie pinko hippies!

Then disco started...


Ah, Disco. Pussification with chest hair.

LoL... In these neck of the woods they made a stand @ Sox Park against it way back in '79:


If you haven't seen it (heck you lived through it), this has restored my faith in humanity... Check it /dev... No pussification here:



Incredible display of non-pussified hell hole of humanity!


I just got the robo call from the school... Seems there will be no school tomorrow (Thursday) too. WTF, it's 5 above now and only going down to -11 tonight. 0% snow coming w/about 3 inches on the ground. Super sunny on this side of The Lake and will continue to be super sunny... The roads are all clear and you do need sunglasses because of the glare. Cold BUT not THAT cold. Holy Smokes, this has to put some family's in a lurch if parents have to work. I am lucky today is my "Saturday" and tomorrow my "Sunday" so I am home before going on midnights...


Crazy... For the cold, it's not even that cold!


Even last March when the river was so frozen I could have drove my car across from bank to bank, we didn't close. I notice that in recent years, business (towing/marine companies) are not risking their boats/barges to break ice/path through the river... They wait for somebody else to do it first! WTF! They heard that one company was blaming the Fed/US gov't/Corps for being shut down... I told one rep from a southern company who came up for a look see: "That we aren't closed, it just company's don't want to expend the time and energy to keep breaking ice and blazing trail through... In the old days there was always a few boats taking turns cutting ice with a barge or two back and forth... Now they wait for some other towing outfit to do it.!" The representative was a little stunned w/my answer.


Point? Everybody makes excuses now!

EDIT: Marine interests and inland towing through the center of the country has become more and more consolidated... A lot of small companies that used to run have been shut down, sold, or consolidated into bigger shipping company (ACBL, ARTCO/ADM, Kirby, Ingram, etc...). These big companies simply don't run, they shut down and wait. If we (gov't) didn't push they would have sat on their hands till April last year. Years ago, the bigger southern boats would make the cuts for petrol products. Years of nice winters got them lazy or new pilots simply shy away from cutting the ice even with the 5,000 hp southern boats... Then they simply aren't being trained to navigate the ice fields. Mid-1990's were bad winters, even worse than last year, but the river didn't get as bad because the ice was managed better.


I just don't know what it is... All kinds of factors, but there is change even the last 25 years I have been there...


Just my insane two cents...


The pussification of America is less evident in your story of the moms than in men who watch House Hunters.


If I am correct, he's not "American"... Isn't he a Canadian? Unless he has dual, he escapes the awful mess. Or does he? ;-)


Great... Now we have Canadians telling us how much a kitty we have become! :-/


It was "Meathead" on "All in the Family" carrying the "man purse" in the early 1970's... Damn p*ssy liberal commie pinko hippies!

Then disco started...

Damn right! That's how bad it's become. :nana:

Posted (edited)

What if you're an illegal immigrant in CA and you can't get a driver........oh wait it's 2015. Never mind.


California: the first sanctuary state.


We should remember this the next time progressives cry about how hard it is for minorities to get a license to vote.


California officials say 46,200 immigrants started applying for a driver's license in the first three days that the state began issuing licenses to immigrants who are in the country illegally.

Department of Motor Vehicles spokeswoman Jessica Gonzalez said Tuesday that 970 licenses were issued Friday to immigrants who weren't required to take a road test because they previously had a license in California or another state.

I love the part where illegal immigrants who had illegal California licenses don't have to take a road test to get the legal license.

Edited by LABillzFan


California: the first sanctuary state.


We should remember this the next time progressives cry about how hard it is for minorities to get a license to vote.


I love the part where illegal immigrants who had illegal California licenses don't have to take a road test to get the legal license.


An illegal license is now proof of identity? Awesome. :lol: Let's see them try that at LAX.



California: the first sanctuary state.


We should remember this the next time progressives cry about how hard it is for minorities to get a license to vote.


I love the part where illegal immigrants who had illegal California licenses don't have to take a road test to get the legal license.


I saw a lot of teary eyed "immigrants" on the news after the New Year saying they were so happy they could drive without worrying about being pulled over and having their car impounded. So that's your only worry when your pulled over when you're in this country illegally? WTF is wrong with this picture?

Posted (edited)

Bit of a tangent:


LA, Chef... If you could answer this seriously, I would be much obliged.


Funny... I was talking to a co-work that was in Cali @ one time... I don't how we got on the subject, but think it was red-light cameras. Then how they were bringing back licenses for illegals. I guess they used to give licenses to illegals until the mid-1990's. Anyway, we started talking about red-light cams and he said they were pulling them from Cali. Is this true? I suppose, with all the illegals, they would just run them and there would be no consequence (license suspended after so many). Bringing them on-line with a license, does Cali stand to bring red-light cams back? With cams, it is all about "cost of doing business." If nobody ran them or nobody paid, wouldn't the system collapse and they'd have to pull them for lack of funds to maintain them? I see many getting tore out here. How is the "custodian" of the camera going to make money in some far away state and give a cut to the muncipality asking for their service?


Here in Illinois. It's an ordinace that the registered owner of the car violates, its on them no matter who's driving. It's an ordinance just like not mowing your lawn. If you don't pay, it just goes to collections and they can attempt to serve and sue you (I guess request a trial by jury if they do). Without a license, why would anybody even respond?


Anyway, either they get the drivers to change their habits and not run them... Business model goes down the pooper... Or eveybody bans together and lets them sue. I guess in Cali w/all the illegals, IMO maybe they were "banding together" and not even knowing it? Of course, five in Illinois and your license is suspended. BUT, what does a suspended license mean to an illegal who has no license. Can't they now say: "We gave you one, now respect the gift." Then track their illegal azz! Oh my!


Again... You Cali guys, do you see them bringing the red-light cams back? Or, are they still employed in the gr8 state of Calee-forn-nigh-ay?


BTW... I just got a notice on Christmas Eve in the mail from red-light enforcement in Orland Park, Illinois. The letter came from a company in Phoenix, Arizona and wants me to send the check to Chicago. The kicker? The offense was supposedly on October 30th, 2014. That's when my wife was coming through Orland after a meeting... @ about 14:00. They made a final determination that I owe double now... $200.00 because I never responded or paid in 14 days! This was the first letter I ever got! I never went online and viewed it either. Now? The even bigger kicker? This is the same company that I fought successfully in a court hearing in Chicago Heights... They threw it out... Wife again, you can see she barely gets to the red light line/sensor before the light changes... By a split second! She hestitates but doesn't want to jam the breaks... Big dump truck in front of her obscurring the light.


Long post... I know... Do you think the custodian of the camera has me in the database that I beat the other ticket and they never sent out the first notice on the second ticket. They aren't required to have "proof of service" on these things... How would that hold up in court. I gotta figure out some way to vacate this final determination in about 30 days or so... I assume 30 days would be timely...


Any suggestions... From one JailHouse Lawyer to another. Why would I let an Arizona company basically "extort" 200 bucks from me... I have no problem paying it if it ALL went to Orland Park, Illinois. Or... Just blow it off, let them go to collections... Attempt to sue (they need proper service in my county), take it to trial by jury... Etc... AND of course never get near the 5 time limit for a suspended license?


Is this like warning points on The Wall? ;-) Oh... I never miss court dates and I would never run from being served, especially if the sheriff unloaded papers not properly served... God as my witness, I never got the first notice? Lost in mail? Or just didn't send it like I mentioned above (database 'Bot)?? If I did get, I would have never missed the hearing... Curiosity would have gotten to me and I would have looked @ the video... They have records on their server if I ever logged in???

Edited by ExiledInIllinois

Bit of a tangent:


LA, Chef... If you could answer this seriously, I would be much obliged.


Funny... I was talking to a co-work that was in Cali @ one time... I don't how we got on the subject, but think it was red-light cameras. Then how they were bringing back licenses for illegals. I guess they used to give licenses to illegals until the mid-1990's. Anyway, we started talking about red-light cams and he said they were pulling them from Cali. Is this true? I suppose, with all the illegals, they would just run them and there would be no consequence (license suspended after so many). Bringing them on-line with a license, does Cali stand to bring red-light cams back? With cams, it is all about "cost of doing business." If nobody ran them or nobody paid, wouldn't the system collapse and they'd have to pull them for lack of funds to maintain them? I see many getting tore out here. How is the "custodian" of the camera going to make money in some far away state and give a cut to the muncipality asking for their service?


Here in Illinois. It's an ordinace that the registered owner of the car violates, its on them no matter who's driving. It's an ordinance just like not mowing your lawn. If you don't pay, it just goes to collections and they can attempt to serve and sue you (I guess request a trial by jury if they do). Without a license, why would anybody even respond?


Anyway, either they get the drivers to change their habits and not run them... Business model goes down the pooper... Or eveybody bans together and lets them sue. I guess in Cali w/all the illegals, IMO maybe they were "banding together" and not even knowing it? Of course, five in Illinois and your license is suspended. BUT, what does a suspended license mean to an illegal who has no license. Can't they now say: "We gave you one, now respect the gift." Then track their illegal azz! Oh my!


Again... You Cali guys, do you see them bringing the red-light cams back? Or, are they still employed in the gr8 state of Calee-forn-nigh-ay?


BTW... I just got a notice on Christmas Eve in the mail from red-light enforcement in Orland Park, Illinois. The letter came from a company in Phoenix, Arizona and wants me to send the check to Chicago. The kicker? The offense was supposedly on October 30th, 2014. That's when my wife was coming through Orland after a meeting... @ about 14:00. They made a final determination that I owe double now... $200.00 because I never responded or paid in 14 days! This was the first letter I ever got! I never went online and viewed it either. Now? The even bigger kicker? This is the same company that I fought successfully in a court hearing in Chicago Heights... They threw it out... Wife again, you can see she barely gets to the red light line/sensor before the light changes... By a split second! She hestitates but doesn't want to jam the breaks... Big dump truck in front of her obscurring the light.


Long post... I know... Do you think the custodian of the camera has me in the database that I beat the other ticket and they never sent out the first notice on the second ticket. They aren't required to have "proof of service" on these things... How would that hold up in court. I gotta figure out some way to vacate this final determination in about 30 days or so... I assume 30 days would be timely...


Any suggestions... From one JailHouse Lawyer to another. Why would I let an Arizona company basically "extort" 200 bucks from me... I have no problem paying it if it ALL went to Orland Park, Illinois. Or... Just blow it off, let them go to collections... Attempt to sue (they need proper service in my county), take it to trial by jury... Etc... AND of course never get near the 5 time limit for a suspended license?


Is this like warning points on The Wall? ;-) Oh... I never miss court dates and I would never run from being served, especially if the sheriff unloaded papers not properly served... God as my witness, I never got the first notice? Lost in mail? Or just didn't send it like I mentioned above (database 'Bot)?? If I did get, I would have never missed the hearing... Curiosity would have gotten to me and I would have looked @ the video... They have records on their server if I ever logged in???


Sometimes I can't tell the difference between one of your posts and a Joe Biden speech when he goes off script.


In all the years I've lived in CA, I've known one person who got a traffic light ticket. I have no idea if they are still used, or being pulled.


They closed schools here today because it is supposed to be TOO cold. Huh? Not too much snow but cold... You gotta be kidding... A lot of children walk to school in my town, when it gets that cold I drive my daughter the 1,000 feet or so she needs to walk. Now what are some parents going to do when they have to be @ work and school is closed? Is their boss gonna give the day off like the teachers have? I think its only supposed to get down to -10 or so. Wouldn't it be better to be in a warm school all day? Not that I mind, I am off of work anyway and my wife doesn't have to go in if she doesn't want to (work @ home)... But really? The cold? Even my son's high school is closing today.


Holy Moly... I know exposure can kill... But come on, be prepared, life and business goes on @ 10 below.


What are children to do? Go sledding! Just don't read an Edith Wharton novel first.

I live in South Carolina and work in the school system. The district I work for is on a 2 hour delay tomorrow because the overnight low is supposed to be in the mid teens. The concern is students waiting outside at bus stops in those temps before the sun rises. Even though school oficially starts late, staff reports at the usual time and parents are allowed to bring their kids at the normal time if they need to to accommodate their work schedule.


I live in South Carolina and work in the school system. The district I work for is on a 2 hour delay tomorrow because the overnight low is supposed to be in the mid teens. The concern is students waiting outside at bus stops in those temps before the sun rises. Even though school oficially starts late, staff reports at the usual time and parents are allowed to bring their kids at the normal time if they need to to accommodate their work schedule.


It's only a rumor, but I heard that winter clothing might actually make its way to South Carolina by 2025.

Posted (edited)


Sometimes I can't tell the difference between one of your posts and a Joe Biden speech when he goes off script.


In all the years I've lived in CA, I've known one person who got a traffic light ticket. I have no idea if they are still used, or being pulled.

Same here I've only know of one person to get a ticket and I also had no idea if they were going away but I looked it up and it looks as if they are. Now regarding his posts being like Biden gone bad? I wouldn't know. That woud require me reading his whole post. Edited by Chef Jim

Just got the robocall... They closed school tomorrow too! Hasn't snowed in days... Only have about a few inches on ground... 7 degrees out now, going up to 13 above. Bit colder tomorrow, but slowly warming... Getting about 1-3 inches today... No biggy... WTF.


Oh well... We are freezing water bucket "luminaries" as shown below:




When it gets really cold, I make these to light our front walkway. Here's how you do it. Get a bunch of pails (cheap, a buck each @ Dollar Store etc...)... Fill with water and leave out to freeze. Let freeze for about 10 or so hours... Depending on temp. DO NOT FREEZE SOLID. Pop the ice out (little warm water on side of bucket)... A core hole will be on the bottom of ice... Clean out, flip that side up (bottom of the pail)... Stick a tealight in it. Line them along a walkway or path... Enjoy!

Posted (edited)

Same here I've only know of one person to get a ticket and I also had no idea if they were going away but I looked it up and it looks as if they are. Now regarding his posts being like Biden gone bad? I wouldn't know. That woud require me reading his whole post.

The red-light cams here are very ticky tacky... Even if you get to the line (sensor), they still send it out in hopes that you will just pay. They did change the law slightly for the better back in 2011... Key points:


1. 100 bucks, no more outside late fee (100 bucks added)... Can't tack on "court costs" if you fight.

2. Even if you stop past sensor, no citation... As long as no pedestrians are in cross walk.

3. They have to study traffic flow before cams go up... Certain #'s have to be attained... In the code what exact study numbers are.


No-turn on red are basically lock-tight losses @ hearings. Turn on right without full stop (Hollywood Roll) are also lock tight loss @ hearing.


Yet... Straight up "get to the goal line (sensor)" can be beat... I got my wife's citation dismissed. You can see that she would have had to jam on the brakes.


Bad news: They shorten the yellow light now. Also, I am probably in their database w/the dismissal so I suspect they never served me a notice. I missed hearing and now they claim I owe 200.


Only recourse: Raise the "cost of doing business" and everybody demand their day in court. See 100 dollar limit above. Don't make it easy and they will start taking the things down when they lose money.


Or: Just change driving habits, jam on brakes, stop in intersctions when the yello is short, etc... I have noticed some have come down. Probably, the study thing coupled w/other stuff I mentioned above.


Sorry for going all Uncle Joe on you guys... ;-)

Edited by ExiledInIllinois




Gender identity politics are the dumbest **** on the planet. I'll say it again...I don't care who you think you are, I don't care who you want to be. If you have an Y chromosome, you're a man.


In grad school I took a few classes with undergrads. During one such class, a lovely coed asked me if I was interested in seeing her do a scene in The Vagina Monologues. As this was a woman I'd been flirting with for much of the semester, of course I said yes. She wasn't an actress and was doing it for a quite charming reason (a charity kind of thing) and was nervous about it, but still wanted me to come. Not wanting to go alone, I invite my buddy to come along and off I go to see my first ever performance of the play.


Before I go farther, I should explain something about the buddy I chose to go with me. He's the loudest human on the planet, no exaggeration. When he tries to whisper, he somehow amplifies his voice. Add to that, he's a talker. By that I mean, this was film school so we watched a lot of crazy **** in darkened auditoriums. This guy was the one who'd laugh (and applaud) at all the most inappropriate or seemingly traumatic moments in these ****ty student films because he found it hilarious. To people not used to his reactions, or volume, he's a jarring presence on his best day. The fact that I didn't consider this before inviting him, or that his eager acceptance to see a play about women's issues and their naughty bits didn't cause me to flinch, makes the rest of the story entirely my fault.


We show up, this is a big university, so it's not in the big theater but one of the smaller ones. Still, around 300 people -- all of which, outside the family and friends of the performers, were exclusively female. Then there's me and my jackass friend, sitting elbow to elbow with them, listening to monologues about all sorts of explicit shenanigans. All through out my buddy is laughing and making color commentary with the volume on about 11. We're in the middle of the theater too, no getting out and our gender made us pretty easy to identify. The whole time we're waiting for the lovely lady who invited us to do her monologue. My buddy wasn't in the class with us so he had never met her and was curious to figure out who she was. When she finally does come on stage, it turns out her monologue was about orgasms.


For those of you who haven't read the play, or seen it, the orgasm section is undoubtedly the most bawdy and hilarious. It's one (or in this case two) different women on stage acting out various kinds of orgasms; the virgin, the quickie, the over forty orgasm etc etc. So here's this girl who've I've been telling my buddy about for weeks on stage doing Oscar worthy (and AVN Award winning) renditions of orgasm after orgasm after orgasm. After she's through, my buddy leans over and goes, "if you don't sleep with her you're letting down all of mankind." He said this loud enough to be heard two states away let alone in a packed theater of feminists who've spent the past forty minutes getting into war paint.


I didn't get a second date.

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