JimBob2232 Posted February 5, 2005 Posted February 5, 2005 If they move to LA, they will likely change names as well. no longer the bills. Hatred will set in. Look at what happened to the ravens when they left cleveland
Hawk Posted February 5, 2005 Author Posted February 5, 2005 If they move to LA, they will likely change names as well. no longer the bills. Hatred will set in. Look at what happened to the ravens when they left cleveland 229333[/snapback] Yea they finally won a Super Bowl...now that would REALLLY SUCK!!!!
bdelma Posted February 5, 2005 Posted February 5, 2005 The comish can go screw. He's an idiot. Tell the morans here in san diego to play in mexico. That would make alot more sense here
Thamus Posted February 6, 2005 Posted February 6, 2005 I'd root for the LA Bills like I root for the LA Clippers - not at all. And I'd still watch the NFL as often as I watch the NBA - not at all. It's !@#$ing ridiculous to hear rumors of Tagliabue wanting the Bills to leave Buffalo, for 3 main reasons: 1. The Bills still remain near the top of the NFL's attendance leaders, this despite fielding a pathetic team for most of this century and also despite having a population smaller than all other NFL franchises not named the Packers. 2. The Bills are transitioning into a regionalized team (Rochester, Syracuse, and yes even some of Canada) that will maintain good overall profit even as the city of Buffalo continues to collapse financially. 3. The pro sport of American football partly began in this area (along with Ohio and Western Pennsylvania), so there's the issue of preserving a bit of historical tradition here - hey, this argument worked for Cleveland, didn't it? For the record, I'm not at all opposed to us playing 1 game a season in Toronto, but as long as it's the preseason. The more Canadian Bills fans, the more profitable the Buffalo team becomes. But I do agree with most everyone else here that playing an actual REGULAR season home game in Toronto is none of Paulie T's business. 229244[/snapback] Totally agree. The ultimate "screw" would be what they did to the NBA Braves (which had good attendance).: 25 or so years ago: Stern (at that time NBA attorny) brokered the Braves move west? That would be like, Kraft wanting to move "the beloved" NFL darlings, the Patriots, to the west coast. He'll swap ownership with RW and then take the Bills west! That is basically what happened between the Braves and the Celtics! LA Clippers=San Diego Clippers=Buffalo Braves, right? How many Clipper fans do know?
CajunBillsBacker Posted February 6, 2005 Posted February 6, 2005 I'd be just a casual NFL fan and have even more time to follow my first love, NCAA football. Eventually another team probably would grow on me, probably the Texans.
Bill from NYC Posted February 6, 2005 Posted February 6, 2005 Yes. If the Bills moved from Buffalo, I wouldn't be a fan of whatever team that was. It would be taking away one of my major joys in life. I don't think I can really explain why, but every Sunday I am rooting for the city of Buffalo just as much as I am for the Bills. 229056[/snapback] Well Said!!! If the Bills were to leave WNY, I would immediately abandon the franchise. Honestly, I do not know what I would do in terms of being a fan of any team. The New Jersey Giants are out, and I was already abandoned by the jests while residing in Queens. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: jests, now and forever!!! I have never lived in WNY, but I have, after going there for 11 consecutive years, grown to love it. I have made friends there (through TBD). WNY needs the Buffalo Bills. I am disturbed, almost sickened by the comments of Tagliabue. This is not good.
CBusBillsFan Posted February 6, 2005 Posted February 6, 2005 My parents were born and raised in Buffalo and I was born there. I moved to Columbus, OH and kept my love for the Bills and the city of Buffalo. Here in Columbus I take pride in my Buffalo roots and a large part of that pride is the Bills. If the NFL moves the Bills anywhere, will not root for them. I would watch the playoffs and the Super Bowl, but thats it. I saw the Cleveland mess first hand, most of my friends are Browns fans, but they had a baseball team to fall back on. Buffalo has the Sabres...oh yeah about that.
mcjeff215 Posted February 6, 2005 Posted February 6, 2005 Yes. If the Bills moved from Buffalo, I wouldn't be a fan of whatever team that was. It would be taking away one of my major joys in life. I don't think I can really explain why, but every Sunday I am rooting for the city of Buffalo just as much as I am for the Bills. 229056[/snapback] Well said! I'm not just rooting for the team, I'm rooting for my home town and all of the memories I have of it. It's my weekly "piece of home", if that makes sense. I could see that stadium out my bedroom window as a kid - the lights, at least. Every sunday I turn on the TV and immediately I'm back home. If they go elsewhere? Nope, none of that for me. I'll find some other way to keep my home town roots planted, I hear of a game called hockey that was once played.... -Jeff
Thamus Posted February 6, 2005 Posted February 6, 2005 Well said! I'm not just rooting for the team, I'm rooting for my home town and all of the memories I have of it. It's my weekly "piece of home", if that makes sense. I could see that stadium out my bedroom window as a kid - the lights, at least. Every sunday I turn on the TV and immediately I'm back home. If they go elsewhere? Nope, none of that for me. I'll find some other way to keep my home town roots planted, I hear of a game called hockey that was once played.... -Jeff 229498[/snapback] Exactly. That is why Buffalo needs the Bills the most! It has got to the one NFL with the most fans that moved out of the home area. Given the economic mess in the area, this can't be that hard to believe?
mcjeff215 Posted February 6, 2005 Posted February 6, 2005 Exactly. That is why Buffalo needs the Bills the most! It has got to the one NFL with the most fans that moved out of the home area. Given the economic mess in the area, this can't be that hard to believe? 229501[/snapback] Not hard for me to believe at all. Honestly, when that team takes the field I can almost smell the Chevetta's on the grill and feel the chill in the air. It's about a hell of a lot more than the football. The Buffalo area is unique. It's a run down, over taxed, big government bureaucratic hell hole located just south of North Pole, but damn I love the place! -Jeff
Thamus Posted February 6, 2005 Posted February 6, 2005 Not hard for me to believe at all. Honestly, when that team takes the field I can almost smell the Chevetta's on the grill and feel the chill in the air. It's about a hell of a lot more than the football. The Buffalo area is unique. It's a run down, over taxed, big government bureaucratic hell hole located just south of North Pole, but damn I love the place! -Jeff 229504[/snapback]
rockpile Posted February 6, 2005 Posted February 6, 2005 I know most of you are displaced former residents. Some of you have been gone a short time, some for years. There may be even Bills fans here that have never lived in the Buff. Considering Tags comments yesterday, would it really matter to you if the Bills moved to LA or Toronto or wherever? And Why. 229049[/snapback] First, I do not think the Bills would move north. Tagliaboo said: Prime candidates to sacrifice a game in their home stadium would be the Cardinals for Mexico or the Bills for Canada, although Tagliabue mentioned no specific teams. Second, the Bills would not be the Bills anywhere else. The Toronto Bills? Los Angeles Bills? Give me a break. If the Bills leave Buffalo, I have no team.
kasper13 Posted February 6, 2005 Posted February 6, 2005 If the Bills ever left Buffalo, I would never watch another NFL game again. Bills aren't going anywhere anytime soon but if something insane ever did happen and they did leave they wouldn't go to Canada. Everythig I read and heard from yesterday, Tagliabue never mentioned the Bills and he said the NFL would not put a team anywhere in Canada. How do these rumors get started?
Thamus Posted February 6, 2005 Posted February 6, 2005 Just a side note. The Cardinals are the oldest team in football. They are the sole surviving team form it's original season. Sure, they moved from Chicago to St. Louis (1960), St. Louis to Phx/Arz (1988), also throw in some roster combining during the war years with the Pittsburgh Steelers (1944). The only team that has been there since 1920. They will never lose the Cardinal name! Kind of ironic in that Buffalo had a team in 1920 (All-Americans) and throughout the twenties. Older than the Bears, older than the Packers (both 1921).
John from Riverside Posted February 6, 2005 Posted February 6, 2005 Buffalo is not my hometown....in fact I have never set foot in Buffalo....the fastest I have come to it was when I was stationed in Cape Cod MA while I was in the Air Force (I was a Bills fan WELL before that) To be completely honest there were two reasons why I got hooked onto the bills: - I really liked the idea of rooting for what I consider to be a "small college mentality" football town to win a championship instead of the big corporate "spend as much as ya want" types to win it. If I want to see that kind of a team I can watch my lakers. The idea of a small town team winning the hole damn thing and then jumping in the streets where everybody knew everybody was just awesome (even if that is not the case in real life) the kid of Super Bowl parade where the players were actually knowing and getting giggy with the common folk like the FANS HAD ONE THE DAMN THING TO The other reason? The uniforms....I thought those red, white, and blue uniforms with the awesome bill logo were the best friggen uniforms in the league. I like the new ones too....but I thought there was absolutlely no reason to change from the ones we had.
Buftex Posted February 6, 2005 Posted February 6, 2005 Absolutely it would matter. Even though I can't make it back for games anymore, there's something about your hometown team and the associated memories that make a difference. Times spent at Rich/RWS - the sights, smells, the rabid love of the Bills by the fans - are all things that help you identify with the team. Them moving would really make a difference as to how ardently i would follow the team. For me I don't think it would be any different than a Bills fan living in Buffalo. Psychologically they become "someone else's - not ours anymore." I have to concede that i'd probably root for them for a few years because of their origin and familiarity with players, but it would fade over time. 229216[/snapback] Well put jukester! I have lived away from Buffalo for 17 years, the last 13 in Austin, TX. When I moved here in 1991, the Houston Oilers were the hot team in town, and you could count Cowboys fans on one hand. When the Cowboys started their "dynasty" (at our expense), the front runners jumped on the Cowboys bandwagon, leaving the Oilers in their rear view mirror. I had a few friends who stuck with their Oilers. I kind of empathized with them, seeing their team get to a certain point, only to fall short every year. I remember how devistated some of them were when the Oilers left Houston for Tennesee. They stuck with them, begrudingly, for a few years, and some were so stung when the Titans finally made it to the Super Bowl, with the core of players that were long-time Oilers. It was very bitter-sweet for a lot of them. After that Super Bowl loss to the Rams, there were no more Titans fans in Austin. Now, Houston has the Texans (god only knows why Houston warrented another team, especially so quickly), and I can already sort of see the novelty of them waring of some. Buffalo, I am afraid, would not be so fortunate to get another team... As a Bills fan, I think I would be pretty devistated if the team ever left town. I won't claim that I would never watch the game again (the byproduct of watching some really miserable Bills teams growing up, was that I learned to appreciate good football.) I might still watch NFL football, but I would never get too attatched to another team. It sounds kind of crazy, but it would be like having your spouse pass away, after 40 or 50 years of marriage. I have been married to the Bills for nearly 40 years. My moods on 16-20 weeks every year is directly tied up in their success or failures...pathetic I know....
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