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Jameis Winston gets RKO'd

The Poojer

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RKO is the signature move used by Randy Orton on WWE, who is the image in the video, there are bunch of similar videos out there of the RKO being employed, here's a nice compilation




I figured it was some stupid fake wrestling thing. I'll skip watching a video of d-bags.

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yeah, that video has zero wrestlers in it, except for the fake cut out that, to me, makes it so funny. I figured it was too low-brow for some, but I enjoy it


I figured it was some stupid fake wrestling thing. I'll skip watching a video of d-bags.

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Cowboy Bob's kid, you are thinking of Mr. Wonderful Paul Orndorff

Dude what? Cowboy Bob is from Howdy Doody and Orndorff is that short guy that Tim Connely played on the Mary Tyler Moore show. He was funny. I never got how they made him so short though because that was way before photoshop.

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as i was typing i knew i was getting sucked in, but i did it anyway :D

Dude what? Cowboy Bob is from Howdy Doody and Orndorff is that short guy that Tim Connely played on the Mary Tyler Moore show. He was funny. I never got how they made him so short though because that was way before photoshop.

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