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Scathing article in NY Daily News on Marrone


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Sure he could trust me but would a reader trust me if I built a whole story with no attribution like Mehta did.

There's a lot of attribution in that article, but unnamed. The editors and fact checkers were apparently satisfied enough that the quotes didn't come only from Tim Graham or WGR callers. There is plenty of details in the piece that clearly came from somene inside OBD.

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I'll make a deal with you. I'll show that story to my boss and I'll ask him if he would let me write a story like that and I'll let you know what he says.Where do you stand on Deep Throat's anonymity vis-a-vis the Watergate burglarly?? Seriously, check out this story, which is one of most important pieces of reporting in the past decade. All the sources are anonymous: http://www.nytimes.com/2005/12/16/politics/16program.html?pagewanted=all .

I'm hardly comparing Mehta, who does in fact have an agenda (fostering controversy and getting after the Jets' owner), to reporters who cover serious issues. But anonymized sources are a staple of any story in which the basic narrative is speaking truth to power.



I'm well aware.


Especially for IMPORTANT things like government and actual 'power' that can hurt the little guy.


Not for a freaking football coach---I immediately question the source bc if you can find me one football team anywhere in America that didn't have a head man tick off people or had players who hated him it'd be the first.


And that's who they're quoting.


The sources are probably Urbik and EJ.


Fire everybody!

Edited by Big Blitz
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Where do you stand on Deep Throat's anonymity vis-a-vis the Watergate burglarly?? Seriously, check out this story, which is one of most important pieces of reporting in the past decade. All the sources are anonymous: http://www.nytimes.com/2005/12/16/politics/16program.html?pagewanted=all .


I'm hardly comparing Mehta, who does in fact have an agenda (fostering controversy and getting after the Jets' owner), to reporters who cover serious issues. But anonymized sources are a staple of any story in which the basic narrative is speaking truth to power.

And if you know the story behind that story, the Times didn't want to publish it for a very long time because of the lack of attributed quotes. I doubt that was the case here.

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He can write an opinion piece and that's fine. But he's making a lot of claims without anything to back them up.


Let me ask you this...Right off the bat he describes Marrone driving in his SUV after he GB game getting annoyed at the radio. But how does he know that happened? He never says he was with Marrone or that he asked Marrone what he was doing after the GB game. So where does that come from? Mehta paints a very clear picture of an intimate activity but never explains how he'd know that.

Maybe mini-me Nate was riding shotgun and has now turned states evidence.

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And if you know the story behind that story, the Times didn't want to publish it for a very long time because of the lack of attributed quotes. I doubt that was the case here.

Now you're just makin' stuff up. That is not why they held the story back -- http://hereandnow.wbur.org/2014/05/14/nytimes-wiretapping-delay . Anyway, I could find any number of times and post stories that rely on anonymous sources.


Also this: http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/politics/2008/03/the_education_of_a_911_reporter.single.html .

Edited by dave mcbride
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And if you know the story behind that story, the Times didn't want to publish it for a very long time because of the lack of attributed quotes. I doubt that was the case here.

And Lacanfora's sources are also the same unnamed variety. At some point, you have to admit that OBD was a festering mess in 2014.

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And Lacanfora's sources are also the same unnamed variety. At some point, you have to admit that OBD was a festering mess in 2014.


That was an event that was witnessed by many people. There is no question a shouting match occurred.

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And Lacanfora's sources are also the same unnamed variety. At some point, you have to admit that OBD was a festering mess in 2014.

there had to be someone leaking info about him, who was likely wronged by him in some way. Could be a scout, intern, anyone.
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And Lacanfora's sources are also the same unnamed variety. At some point, you have to admit that OBD was a festering mess in 2014.

And we wonder why the Pegula's are part of the HC interviews...Honestly everyone at OBD should be on notice...

there had to be someone leaking info about him, who was likely wronged by him in some way. Could be a scout, intern, anyone.

Whaley's revenge

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That was an event that was witnessed by many people. There is no question a shouting match occurred.

There was a lot more to the article than the shouting match.


I wonder what it would take for you to finally admit that Buffalo Bills were a terribly run sports franchise?

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There was a lot more to the article than the shouting match.


I wonder what it would take for you to finally admit that Buffalo Bills were a terribly run sports franchise?


This always fascinates me, how anything I say gets twisted into a defense of the Bills organization. Are you so incapable of debating the issue at hand that you have to resort to that cheap Jedi mind trick? The topic is Metha's article. Not a defense of the Bills.

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And Lacanfora's sources are also the same unnamed variety. At some point, you have to admit that OBD was a festering mess in 2014.And we wonder why the Pegula's are part of the HC interviews...Honestly everyone at OBD should be on notice...there had to be someone leaking info about him, who was likely wronged by him in some way. Could be a scout, intern, anyone.Whaley's revenge




Or they may just be supporters of Whaley---if there was a rift between the two this is a great chance to distance Whaley from this mess.


It could be anyone around Team Pegula bc they need a fall guy.....and convince the masses that Marrone was all wrong and we'll get it right.



No! Pitchforks! Let's not think critically!

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Maybe, but I have to believe there were plenty of people willing to dish this stuff earlier, if the local media had pursued it and been willing to print it.

Maybe. But when you're working for someone, or you're both working for the same organization, it can only hurt (the organization, and maybe you) if this stuff comes out. So most professional people would keep a sock in it. Now that he's gone, and in fact by report trashing the organization, there's actually something to be gained by showing another side.


There were hints of his control-freak-ness - stuff about the players getting instructions on how to line up and stand and comport themselves during the National Anthem and how to dress for interviews.

Interesting that they mentioned he had a vendetta against Goodwin in addition to Mike W and urbik. Yes Goodwin was hurt often but he was also healthy scratched at the end of the year.



And Kouandjio. Makes one wonder if he had a similar attitude towards other players.


Maybe he felt CJ wasn't making enough effort to run up the middle, so he was going to make him smash-mouth up the middle until he learned his lesson?

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Lol....as I trash Buffalo sports media and how I feel they are destroying the fan base and shouldn't be trusted I just see the thread on Sammy slamming Jerry Sullivan.



What more proof do you need of their bitter, miserable lives impacting their coverage than that?

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This always fascinates me, how anything I say gets twisted into a defense of the Bills organization. Are you so incapable of debating the issue at hand that you have to resort to that cheap Jedi mind trick? The topic is Metha's article. Not a defense of the Bills.

And as I said there are enough things in the article that clearly came from someone inside OBD. Whether Mehta took creative license with the SUV story is beside the point that there are many daggers aimed at Marrone now.


GG - PTR isn't actually right in his claim here about anonymity being the reason the times story was held back. See above.

More of a reason to think the sources were valid if DailyNews printed the piece.

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This always fascinates me, how anything I say gets twisted into a defense of the Bills organization. Are you so incapable of debating the issue at hand that you have to resort to that cheap Jedi mind trick? The topic is Metha's article. Not a defense of the Bills.

This is probably the most disingenuous post you've ever submitted

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Yep. I went from thinking some of this grudge stuff couldn't be true, to thinking maybe, to probably so, to definitely so, to looks confirmed.

It's remarkable. I couldn't believe someone in his position would act that way. I was wrong.

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It just occurred to me that the Bills haven't lost $4M on the opt-out clause, they saved $4M.


Everything coming out now, PLUS the decline in offense and the OC and QB situations, say Marrone shouldn't be a head coach. If the Pegulas had fired him (a BIGGG if) they'd owe him the last 2 years on his contract (= 2015 $4M + 2016 $4M). Since he opted out they only owe him one. And best of all he's not the coach.


Meanwhile I keep praying the Jets hire him asap.

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