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Head Coach candidate: Mike Shanahan


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I remain highly skeptical that Shanahan would seriously consider Buffalo and I continue to believe this is a leverage ploy to get the 49ers to offer more, and more quickly.


That said, Shanahan would be a great choice. His offenses are a thing of beauty: precision route schemes designed to attack weaknesses in the defense; zone-blocking perfection that sets up the play action by getting the linemen to block the exact same way on the pass as they would on a running play, which drives the read-react defenses crazy. Put simply, there are few better at coaching up an offense than Mike Shanahan, and if he came here, he wouldn't have to worry about the defense. Plus this is a guy who won games with Jake Plummer and Jay Cutler - no one else has been able to do that. Jake the Snake, in particular, intrigues me as it relates to EJ, because Shanny got him on the move and let him use his athleticism, and limited his reads, and protected him with deadly playaction... it would translate to EJ's skills, and mask his weaknesses; Jake was not an accurate passer. (Having said that, Plummer absolutely hated Shanahan.)


I don't really know what happened in Washington. I do know that that organization is even more dysfunctional than the Bills are. The owner hangs out with RGIII on his yacht in Cannes or wherever; the scouting department is a mess (although now they've promoted A.J. Smith), and Bruce Allen is a piece of work - if you think Brandon is a bullshidt artist, you should listen to Bruce Allen sometime. I just don't think you can judge Shanahan based on that situation.


Again, I don't think he'll come here. But for an offense-starved city, he would bring a feast.

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This is 2015, not 1998. Shanahan would crawl to Buffalo to be the Bills coach. He's clearly in Re-tread Land as far as NFL desirability goes.

9ers are brand name buyers. Wouldn't be surprised if they make him an offer. But does he wan to commit to another read-option QB who hasn't been able to adjust to pocket passer? Edited by JTSP
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This is 2015, not 1998. Shanahan would crawl to Buffalo to be the Bills coach. He's clearly in Re-tread Land as far as NFL desirability goes.


Both Tom Coughlin and Pete Carroll were head coaches way back in 1998 and they've won two of the last three Superbowls...LOL


No I'm not saying he's as good, just pointing it out. Although I am intrigued by the possibility of Shanahan becoming the Bills head coach. It's a huge upgrade offensively with regards to Marrone/Hackett. That is a fact.



Here's a fun fact, back in 1998 there were three divisions in each conference.

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Both Tom Coughlin and Pete Carroll were head coaches way back in 1998 and they've won two of the last three Superbowls...LOL


No I'm not saying he's as good, just pointing it out. Although I am intrigued by the possibility of Shanahan becoming the Bills head coach. It's a huge upgrade offensively with regards to Marrone/Hackett. That is a fact.



Here's a fun fact, back in 1998 there were three divisions in each conference.


Oh, I'm just talking about Shanahan's stock. The poster I was quoting was suggesting he's too big for Buffalo, which seems absurd.


Regardless of how good you think he'd be here (I think he'd suck), there's no way if he's still interested in coaching that he would reject an offer from the Bills.


In 1998, he was too big for Buffalo. Not now.

Edited by Ozymandius
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He scares me. Maybe this would be an opportunity to redeem himself from all the mediocrity since Elway left the Broncos. Our defense looks pretty set for a while anyway. Especially with Kiko on the mend. What needs fixing happens to be right in his wheelhouse.


He still scares me. I don't see him fostering any loyalty or brotherhood in Buffalo. More mechanical and less emotional. We prefer some of both.

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per ESPN Shanahan interviewed with the niners for 4 hours on New Years Day. 49ers impressed. Nothing new concerning him meeting with the Bills. It would be for leverage most likely anyways.

Adam Schefter ‏@AdamSchefter 2m2 minutes ago


After Denver Post reported Mike Shanahan would interview for 49ers' HC job, he confirmed he spent New Year's Day meeting with SF braintrust.

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Just have a feeling he's using us for leverage with the Niners. The Niners don't mind either - this way they can say they weren't the only team crazy enough to consider hiring him.

The worst thing tho would be if Shanny comes out and says he doesn't have an interview with Buffalo. Because that would be the second incorrect PR-motivated leak out of OBD in a week.

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first off - great comeback! :thumbsup:


as far as why a Shanahan hire excites me.. he only wants to coach a team that he thinks can win the Super Bowl. the fact that he's considering the Bills as such a team, tells me he's been thinking about our roster, our current staff, our available cap space - and thinks he can work with all of the above to achieve a ring.


he wants, what i want. nothing less.

he's not coming back to 'see' if he can win in the NFL - he's done it.

the fact he's tried and failed elsewhere doesn't dissuade me from my belief that he's more qualified then those who've never tried.

Fair enough. I'd probably feel just as you do if he weren't 1) 61 2) coming off 4 meh years with the Redskins 3) likely IMO to demand to be VP, O as well as HC.

I think an older coach can be successful if he delegates well and puts less on his plate so he can direct his focus to his best contributions.

But in general, I do think the hours and energy demanded make HC a younger man's game (and by younger I include, like, <55)

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Seriously people:


There are a few truly unfair ideas at work with some here:


1) After witnessing for decades what a meddling owner can do to the FO, the personnel, the draft, coaching staff and the product itself - how in the world can you operate on the assumption that Shanahan is solely to blame for the situation with the Skins? Danny was messing up that franchise before he got there and is doing a bang up job post-Shanny.


2) After seeing all of the season-long ups and downs, in-game decision making, injuries, managing staff and personnel - how do you take away the improbable success of back-to-back SB wins from the HC and put it all on the QB (Elway)?


3) There are people on this board clamoring for Marty Schottenheimer, Coughlin (like that will ever happen) and best of all Cowher. Shanahan had a team in the playoffs after winning the NFC East just 2 seasons ago!! But he's a washed-up retread? He inherited a 4-win Jim Zorn dumpster fire in Washington with Jason Campbell as QB.


Seriously, the ones saying "no thanks" like some cancer would be coming here to bring our storied franchise down need a reality check. Offensive HC, respected among his peers, 2 SB rings EARNED, knows the game better than anyone currently in our organization and could absolutely take us to the next level - even with Jay freaking Cutler.


If Pegs is truly a hands-off owner, won't jam him with a diva gadget QB and wants a football guy here, IMHO he would be a tremendous person to right this ship. I'm glad that he's being considered.

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