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Tim Graham: Marrone spoke to and convinced Polian not to take job

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It is 100% total BS. Go read the feature story in the Buffalo News sports. From Polian's own mouth as told to Vic Carucci. I'll 100% believe that over anything else. Simply had to do with Polian not wanting to make a 5 year commitment to the Bills at his age. Had nothing to do with Marrone bad mouthing the Bills, had zero to do with money. Polian thought it was going to be an advisory role and it turned into a total overhaul. he didn't want to do it so that's that.

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It's a small league St. Doug. If you think that this is good for your career you are about as intelligent as I thought you were. While you were a decent HC & a good motivator, you were never the sharpest knife in the drawer. "Obviously" this isn't a good decision for your future.

Edited by Kirby Jackson
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Pegula has a vision to turn this franchise around. If it means costing us a mediocre quitter in Marrone and a guy, by some accounts has had the game pass him by, so be it.


This also means that Polian's idiot son comes nowhere near this franchise too.


Sounds like Pegula's vision just turned down the job.

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That "who ripped the organization" line is pure TG innuendo/speculation at it's finest.


Polian wouldn't have let a second-year coach's opinion influence him if he thought the job description Pegs outlined was still the same.


I agree with this entirely. It's just not how these guys operate. Graham is doing nothing more than feeding into the fan myopia that has to have a good guy vs. bad guy scenario. There are no villains in this story but the media has to create them. I'm surprised at the naivete of some fans.



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It is 100% total BS. Go read the feature story in the Buffalo News sports. From Polian's own mouth as told to Vic Carucci. I'll 100% believe that over anything else. Simply had to do with Polian not wanting to make a 5 year commitment to the Bills at his age. Had nothing to do with Marrone bad mouthing the Bills, had zero to do with money. Polian thought it was going to be an advisory role and it turned into a total overhaul. he didn't want to do it so that's that.


This was already discussed on page 1.


Polians quote doesn't contradict the source. What did you expect Polian to say "Im turning down the job because Marrone bashed the Bills". Of course he's not going to say that.


He did basically call the Bills a dumpster fire though. No coach, No QB, no stability.

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Wow. This is just crazy. Sure makes me wonder about the whole thing just blowing up.

New ownership, but who is the problem if true why Maroon craps on the team?

Matbe a complete FO sweep is in order. there has to be power struggles by all involved to prove

Their worth too ownership. has to be a lot of CYA after yesterday.


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Polians quote doesn't contradict the source. What did you expect Polian to say "Im turning down the job because Marrone bashed the Bills". Of course he's not going to say that.

Nor, IMO, would he ever say it to TG, because it reflects badly on the franchise.


Call me naive, but I believe BIll would never slag the Bills like that either on or off the record. He'll always love the team and the town and would never air laundry like that with a lightweight like TG...

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It is 100% total BS. Go read the feature story in the Buffalo News sports. From Polian's own mouth as told to Vic Carucci. I'll 100% believe that over anything else. Simply had to do with Polian not wanting to make a 5 year commitment to the Bills at his age. Had nothing to do with Marrone bad mouthing the Bills, had zero to do with money. Polian thought it was going to be an advisory role and it turned into a total overhaul. he didn't want to do it so that's that.


No it makes sense but doesnt necessarilly relate to the TG story. Fact is that at 72 years old Polian thought it would be nice to be in an advise/support role to whaley and the organization but now he realised the organisation is heading towards a new and maybe even drastic rebuild the commitment is one that is far larger then just advising for one or 2 years.

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Nor, IMO, would he ever say it to TG, because it reflects badly on the franchise.


Call me naive, but I believe BIll would never slag the Bills like that either on or off the record. He'll always love the team and the town and would never air laundry like that with a lightweight like TG...


No one said he said it to TG....

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and Tim Graham said he overhead Marrone saying this too in the Bills parking lot on his way out. Must be true. Everyone knows Pegula is an A-hole and if you can't work with everyone's darling Doug Marrone clearly you're the problem.

I've always gone by the adage "when people show you who they are, believe them."


Marrone's rep v. El Pegual's rep?


Good luck Jets

Edited by YoloinOhio
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Marrone reported to the owner, not the GM.


Russ was acting owner, so Marrone reported to Russ....


Until Pegula took over


So . . . GMs hire coaches, but GMs dont manage coaches?


Or are you privy to Marrone's contract which explictly took his GM out of his chain of command.


I mean, ultimately, even the assistant towel boy reports to the Owner. But . . . .

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Maybe he didnt "rip" the organization. Maybe he told the TRUTH. Its probably a mess there with Brandon and company. Hopefully Pegula can fix that fast.

Or maybe he's unhappy because he knows the Brandon clan are about to get their nuts clipped.....

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