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Greg Roman for OC


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Most of the posters on this site are completely polarizing. All this love for an OC who isn't exactly changing or redefining the game of football on offense, yet you all are stating he is?!
Sure our running game will likely improve but I've seen nothing as of late which dictates that this guy is what half of you are saying: "creative"/"innovative". Won't surprise me if things fail and he's thrown into the mud each and every week.


Still, "he's better than Hackett", right?

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He's not getting fired, he'll be dismissed with every penny do him for this season. Thought wouldn't be shocked if he stays on in a diminished role. It's his choice, but he may feel his reputation got ruined by the whole Marorne thing and staying maybe as assistant OC at his present salary would be the best thing for him. The other liekly option is a couple steps down so this may be better for him. From what Freddy stated, sounds liek alot of the anger directed at Hackert was due to Marrone's calls.



When are they going to announce the firing of Hackett? I don't want to miss that.

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When are they going to announce the firing of Hackett? I don't want to miss that.


In many ways, I don;t see Roman as much different than Hackett. I sure hope, but the reviews froi his work in SF are not too different than Hackett's here.

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As I wrote in another thread, they are ready to hang this guy from a tree in San Francisco, and he has been heavily criticized for being a collegiate coach out of his depth at the NFL level.

Which reminds me a lot of another offensive coordinator heavily discussed at this forum.


Let's see who they actually hire before we all go crazy talking about Roman though.


He was a genius in 2011 when the offense went from 24th in the league on points to 11th with Alex Smith.

He was a super-genius in 2012 when the offense switched from Smith to Kaepernick mid-season, was just as good or better (11th on both points and yards), and the team went to the super-bowl.

The luster was starting to wear off in 2013 when expectations weren't met and the team lost the conference, even though the offense was still 11th in the league on points.

Now in 2014 he is a no-good bum of a collegiate coach out of his depth at the NFL level because the wheels fell off and the offense regressed to 25th.


I don't know what happened, if it was key players or had to do with the defense struggling or what, but I don't think we'll learn from the fan boards.


In many ways, I don;t see Roman as much different than Hackett. I sure hope, but the reviews froi his work in SF are not too different than Hackett's here.


But the results are different, right?

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This is funny. Even though EJ has a better td to ratio and qb rating than Cousins, Cousins is talented and EJ isn't. There is no agenda here.


Also, I think playing under Shanahan and Gruden is slightly better than playing under Hackett and Marrone. Slightly.


Statistically, they are very similar. Game log, EJ both rookie year and last year was very hot and cold: couple of good games with completion percentages in the upper 60s/70s, couple of crap games with completion percentages in the mid-40s to mid-50s. Y/A track the same way. Cousins was pretty consistently sucky his 2nd year in the league, and was consistently much better this year (3rd year)


I don't know what that means, but I do know that in a QB-poor league, even if Washington wants to part with Cousins they will not be giving any QB who has shown he can play at a NFL level (even if "average") away.

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I kinda hope Hackett stays on in some sort of assistant role, being that he's young, it'd be a good learning experience, and maybe by the time Roman takes a HC job somewhere, Hackett would be able to step up with lessons learned to keep some sort of consistency in place. But I'm likely thinking too far ahead at this point.

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He's not getting fired, he'll be dismissed with every penny do him for this season. Thought wouldn't be shocked if he stays on in a diminished role. It's his choice, but he may feel his reputation got ruined by the whole Marorne thing and staying maybe as assistant OC at his present salary would be the best thing for him. The other likely option is a couple steps down so this may be better for him. From what Freddy stated, sounds like a lot of the anger directed at Hackert was due to Marrone's calls.



I think back to Marrone not even knowing that the defensive staff had benched Hughes during a game and think this HC doesn't get involved in the game day calls. Mike Williams stated after the Texans game that they didn't make offensive adjustments until late into the third quarter. This tells me that it was all Schwartz, and it was all Hackett. From calling nothing but runs last year, and +70% of those up the middle to calling mostly pass plays all this year.


If Marrone stepped in at all on the offensive side it might have been in the second half of the Green Bay game when the Bills came out and run 9 straight run plays to kick a FG in the opening drive. That series was so very un Hackett like.


Hackett is what he is, and that is someone with a very limited understanding on how to correctly run an NFL offense. I don't care if he stays or goes, as long as he is no longer calling plays or setting up the game plan.


I understand where you're coming from and you're making plenty of sense right now. I guess I'm going to take the wait and see approach and hope for the best. I do plan on watching 4 years worth of 49ers offense to see how it has evolved and what they like to do and what they are good at doing.


I'm excited and anxious at the same time. Hopefully this proves to be the start of something great for this franchise.

What really stinks is Greg Roman will only be as good as his O line allows. Lets not forget that he had one of the very best O lines at San Fran, and now he is moving to a team with one of the very worst lines.


Will the Bills finally fix that line, and who will the QB be?

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Most of the posters on this site are completely polarizing. All this love for an OC who isn't exactly changing or redefining the game of football on offense, yet you all are stating he is?!

Sure our running game will likely improve but I've seen nothing as of late which dictates that this guy is what half of you are saying: "creative"/"innovative". Won't surprise me if things fail and he's thrown into the mud each and every week.


Still, "he's better than Hackett", right?

How many coaches do this? Football is football. You need good coaching but if your players suck there is not much you can do.

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