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Greg Roman for OC


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Did you watch the 49ers offense this year? The 49ers offense only looks better than ours because they have a better offensive talent. Roman's schemes and playcalling this year were terrible.

I wouldn't just say better talent and feel comfortable. They have a much better line. Kaep is better then Orton, but he really did not play much better then Orton when you look at what happened on the field. Their RB's struggled, just like ours. Their WR's were hot/cold, just like ours. Their TE game disappeared, just like ours.


We were a lot like the Niners but I think they underachieved a lot more then we did.


*if you look at this year in a vacuum and ignore the success theyve had and potential distractions behind the scenes currently.

b i n g o.


The Niners underachieved more then anyone else in the league.

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I'm definitely supportive of Roman coming to town as OC...

The fan base in San Fran isn't the brightest due to being distracted and having to hit up the food stand regularly because of the munchies from smoking weed all morning and afternoon.


The 49’ers were doomed before the season began due to clashes between management and coaching staff…


There were leaks to the media about this all summer and continuing throughout the season creating dissention in the locker room and permeated amongst the players.


The defense and O-line weren’t what they were and had been decimated by injuries. The QB position couldn’t manage all the responsibilities required from that position in the NFL. (I wouldn’t assume it JH or GR that wanted Alex Smith gone... The coaching staff can be overridden by management in some decisions.)


To support my statements I’ll take you into the film room… If you've played or coached at any level beyond high school (and I have) then you're taught how to watch film. When watching film you don't watch the ball or the entire landscape of the play like most do while watching a game on television... Film allows coaches and players to isolate evaluate - isolate one position at a time noting the formation, down. What you're looking for are tendencies that can offer you tips or clues as to the play being run or weaknesses to exploit. Some common things you’ll notice are a lineman’s weight forward on the fingers (rear slightly raised) that could hint to a run. If the lineman’s weight is distributed to the heels and rear (rear slightly dropped) then you might expect draw, screen, straight drop back pass, or pull. Some others: leaning one way or the other - pull or blocking down, foot placement and footwork and so on. It's not unusual to watch one play - one position frame by frame a dozen times or more.


Guys that know how to watch film and grade performance will tell you that Roman was extremely limited in the plays he could send down to the field for many reasons. Most notably, the QB position was riddled with deficiencies.


Most thought Kaepernick was something he never was and won’t be in the future unless you’re satisfied running short dink patterns and no huddle the entire game. He was a product of other teams not having any film on him to study, and the smoke and mirrors Roman put in place to protect the kid.


It's not unusual for a talented rookie to experience some level success due to limited film to study. The true test comes in year two and three – these are the years that separate the men from the also-rans. If the player performs consistently through those years (Andrew Luck), remains injury free, limits off the field stupidity, and puts in classroom work that translates to the field then he has a chance to be very special. If not, he's a flash in the pan like Mike Vick.


People don’t have any concept of what Roman achieved. Think about it… He had to insert a back-up into the most important position on the field and design an entirely new package. He designed a scheme that had NEVER been seen before in the NFL to accommodate Kaepernick in one week. Roman knew the QB position would limit his options, so he systemized the options into the offense. He did so knowing the QB would not be able to run the full package or an NFL offense, but the opposition didn’t know this – at least not yet… An NFL QB has to be a student because he’s required to do a million things in just a few seconds before the snap. Things like - pre-snap reads, adjustments, QB audible, clock management, and progression from the pocket - option 1, 2, 3, 4, outlet.


If you have watched the 49’ers did you notice the lack of swing passes and screens? That's because, believe it or not, those are some of the most difficult to complete for a QB. Throws Kaepernick could not consistently complete. He's not what would be considered an accurate passer, and would be hard pressed to hit Rosie O'Donnell in line at a Krispy Kreme. His release point is never consistent, his footwork is horrible, and his drops suck. He doesn't settle into the pocket, regularly puts his lineman at a disadvantage because he's not in sync with the blocking scheme called by the line. I don't need to hear them make the call when watching film to know what they called based on how they block after the snap. For those that don’t know when the offense breaks the huddle and is at the line of scrimmage usually the center or one of the guards will yell out the blocking scheme. It's this call by the line that tells Kaepernick where to drop in the pocket placing him in the position where he is most likely to be protected, and it tells the RB what gap or area he needs to fill and block... However, Kaepernik regularly screws that up which is why he's one of the most sacked QB's in the NFL this year. Again, his release / delivery is a mechanical mess, he holds the ball too long, and his release is molasses. Rarely, consistent... Hit or miss. If the defense takes away the primary and secondary receiver(s) then he’s lost. All the meetings, reps, and practices are thrown out of the window usually panicking or breaking contain which will eventually get him murdered... He can’t progress through his "reads", and he should be able to at this stage in his career. The list goes on...


The rebuttal is usually something about not using Frank Gore enough. Do you think the guy is Robo Cop? He's been running the rock in the NFL for 10 years on busted up wheels. Also, the defense wasn't what it was and the offense had to put more responsibility on the QB. When Kaepernick sh** the bed, Roman had to go conservative or risk screwing up the kid's head forever in which case Kaepernick would never come back from a lack of confidence.


I would like to conclude by reminding you of the greatest calls I’ve witnessed in recent years. It was the 49’ers vs Saints in the playoffs a few years back… This is how it read in the fish wrap the next day, "Smith ran for a 28-yard TD with 2:11 left and threw another scoring pass to Davis in the first quarter." What it didn't say was that Roman called a QB sweep pulling both guards as lead blockers!!! Are you kidding me?!?!?! There's not another OC in the NFL with the balls big enough to call that play in the biggest game since Steve Young was in town. That's the plain truth - take it or leave it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

As I wrote in another thread, they are ready to hang this guy from a tree in San Francisco, and he has been heavily criticized for being a collegiate coach out of his depth at the NFL level.

Which reminds me a lot of another offensive coordinator heavily discussed at this forum.


Let's see who they actually hire before we all go crazy talking about Roman though.

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@AdamSchefter: Bills expected to hire former 49ers OC Greg Roman as new OC to go along with Rex Ryan, per sources. The two worked together in Baltimore.

@john_wawrow: Latest #Bills story on offering job to Rex Ryan includes team negotiating with Roman to be O-Coordinator, per source. http://t.co/rAD5Ul298j

@KevinMassare: Greg Roman has been top 4 in rushing the last 4 years. He has more Offensive experience/success than Trestman.

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As I wrote in another thread, they are ready to hang this guy from a tree in San Francisco, and he has been heavily criticized for being a collegiate coach out of his depth at the NFL level.

Which reminds me a lot of another offensive coordinator heavily discussed at this forum.


Let's see who they actually hire before we all go crazy talking about Roman though.

The 49ers fans have displaced anger over that high priced QB that wants to run more then he should, and can't settle down to be a pocket QB. Granted the offense wasn't all that good this year, and I can only think Kaepernick was more the problem then anything else as he regressed trying to throw from the pocket. With Greg Roman as OC the 49ers ran the ball more then they threw it his entire time in SF, and that's with Alex Smith at QB. . He built a solid ground game with Frank Gore.


in 2014 SF was the #4 rushing team

In 2013 SF was the #3 rushing team

in 2012 SF was the #4 rushing team

in 2011 SF was the #8 rushing team.


Time will tell if this was a smart move, and we should know quickly in the 2015 season.

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