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Posted (edited)

Funny how someone who's anti- domestic oil production would be crowing about this when it's said domestic oil production that's CAUSED the drop.


Yeah... I never quite figured that out about the enviros. I am as liberal as it gets, but know to keep it under my Stetson on issues like this. A lot of thanks and praise should be floated towards the pro-fracking states. We need to continue the drilling infrastructure and not let greed/bottom line get in the way... Invest in preserving it or we will be right back where we started, playing right into the hands of foreign oil.


Let's use them (world's oil) for what their worth and keep or resources tapped. Some say they will hate us more for doing that, but give it a whirl. May actually push are enemies to peace. ?? Going hungry has a terrible effect on people.


Yet, in the end... We still need to conserve and tightly control that conservation. Think Americans have the stomach or do we play right into somes notion that we are greedy and short-sighted.

Edited by ExiledInIllinois

Who is anti-domestic oil production?


You and every other anti-fracking, anti-pipeline, anti-oil sands,environmentalist, granola-eating, anti-progress, linguini-spined liberal out there.


You and every other anti-fracking, anti-pipeline, anti-oil sands,environmentalist, granola-eating, anti-progress, linguini-spined liberal out there.


Let's be fair: he's not a liberal. He's just an idiot. He's actually too stupid to be a liberal.




You and every other anti-fracking, anti-pipeline, anti-oil sands,environmentalist, granola-eating, anti-progress, linguini-spined liberal out there.

I'm none of those things, so as usual you are being guided by your intense ignorance.




Let's be fair: he's not a liberal. He's just an idiot. He's actually too stupid to be a liberal.

Ha ha, angry Tom! Did someone hide your meds on you?



As long as it's not in your backyard right?

in West Virginia it literally was in our back yard! The company own the mineral rights and had the right to come on our property and drill, work, make noise, trucks, blah! My mother left because of it.




in West Virginia it literally was in our back yard! The company own the mineral rights and had the right to come on our property and drill, work, make noise, trucks, blah! My mother left because of it.


So, who sold the mineral rights? If it wasn't your mother, was she aware that she bought a property that someone else owned the mineral rights to? BTW, you mentioned WV and I hate to stereotype, but is there any chance your mother married her first cousin? It would explain a lot.




So, who sold the mineral rights? If it wasn't your mother, was she aware that she bought a property that someone else owned the mineral rights to? BTW, you mentioned WV and I hate to stereotype, but is there any chance your mother married her first cousin? It would explain a lot.

Gosh, you are the biggest piece of trash on this board, seems like you are projecting by asking that.

Gosh, you are the biggest piece of trash on this board, seems like you are projecting by asking that.


For someone who craves attention so badly, you sure get butthurt whenever you receive it.


So, who sold the mineral rights? If it wasn't your mother, was she aware that she bought a property that someone else owned the mineral rights to? BTW, you mentioned WV and I hate to stereotype, but is there any chance your mother married her first cousin? It would explain a lot.


Really, for all the problems gatorman has, to explain them away as a result of inbreeding would have required his mother to marry herself.




Really, for all the problems gatorman has, to explain them away as a result of inbreeding would have required his mother to marry herself.


You, 3rdtrash, aZero and Joe too many six packs think I have problems? I'll just judge you by your friends there Tom. The Freak show


You, 3rdtrash, aZero and Joe too many six packs think I have problems? I'll just judge you by your friends there Tom. The Freak show


Then let's judge you by the quality of yours:


You don't have any. EVERYONE here thinks you're a damned fool.


Then let's judge you by the quality of yours:


You don't have any. EVERYONE here thinks you're a damned fool.

damned fool?- you can take the boy out of the Catholic church but you can't take the Catholic church out of the boy (in your case the priest must have inserted the teachings deep) btw English speakers just say damn fool.
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