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Opinions Please - Rank Player Position Categories for Importance


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Every player on an NFL team is important. But, we know that certain positions (categories) are more important than others. For example, in my opinion, it is more important to have good quarterback play than any other position category.


Think about which aspect of the team you need to play well with consistency. Then rank those positions according to which position (category) you feel an NFL team needs the most consistently good play from.


My opinion:

1) Quarterback

2) Offensive line

3) Linebackers

4) Defensive Line

5) Secondary

6) Kicker

7) Receivers

8) Backs

9) Punter

10) Other special teams players


What is your opinion? How would you rank them?

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I think your ranking makes sense, but it may be biased by the needs of the Bills. Would a fan of a team with a solid O-Line (if there are any) or a team whose QB can function without a solid O-Line, think that the O-Line is so important?


With a Russell Wilson or Aaron Rodgers type of QB, would you rank the O-Line so highly?


Receiver is kind of low on your list. That could also be debated.

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I think your ranking makes sense, but it may be biased by the needs of the Bills. Would a fan of a team with a solid O-Line (if there are any) or a team whose QB can function without a solid O-Line, think that the O-Line is so important?


With a Russell Wilson or Aaron Rodgers type of QB, would you rank the O-Line so highly?


Receiver is kind of low on your list. That could also be debated.

My intention is for it to be unbiased and not about the Bills, just an NFL team in general. That is the list I came up with trying to think from just a generic NFL team standpoint. Rank the positions you need the most consistently good performance from to have a consistently dominant football team. That is the idea.


I think anyone who actually does this exercise will achieve greater clarity in their thinking when analyzing what really matters for their team to become a powerhouse.

Edited by PolishDave
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