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The Big Cat

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Don't have that much time my friend. Hope you understand. :thumbsup:


Also know I always feel validated when it's KTD and GG who twist like pretzels to prove I'm wrong.


Also, in GE's eternal wisdom, as he decries the decision to punt, he conveniently ignores the 3 and 22 reality that arose TWO plays later deep in Raider territory.



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Also know I always feel validated when it's KTD and GG who twist like pretzels to prove I'm wrong.


Also, in GE's eternal wisdom, as he decries the decision to punt, he conveniently ignores the 3 and 22 reality that arose TWO plays later deep in Raider territory.

And the next play?

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So it isn't that the Raiders scored a touchdown on the drive that matters because the play sequence prove Marrone right? Dumb beyond words.


No seriously, the choice to punt gives us something to B word about over and over and over again. So let's just stick with that.

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So it isn't that the Raiders scored a touchdown on the drive that matters because the play sequence prove Marrone right? Dumb beyond words.


No seriously, the choice to punt gives us something to B word about over and over and over again. So let's just stick with that.

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Also know I always feel validated when it's KTD and GG who twist like pretzels to prove I'm wrong.


Also, in GE's eternal wisdom, as he decries the decision to punt, he conveniently ignores the 3 and 22 reality that arose TWO plays later deep in Raider territory.

Didnt have to twist anything. Just had to look at the pic and see what was there and explain it. And pretty much everyone that commented on the explanation of what they were looking at, agreed. Including some of the smartest people on this board. I didn't see anyone refute anything numerous posters discussed outside of one post by Maddog who was talking about passing lanes.

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I didn't get why spiller was in there either. He isn't anywhere close to Fred as a pass blocker he doesn't break tackles like Fred or boobie. Wtf were Marrone/Hackett thinking?

Cuz if Fred or Boobie are in there in shotgun formation, the defense knows it's going to be a pass because they know they are in there to pass block. It's pretty easy to read what they are going to do when they have whoever in the backfield in a particular formation. The fact that I can see it most of the time probably makes DC's job as easy as reading "Defense for Dummies".


I am honestly surprised they didn't run the ball with Spiller back there in the shotgun.

Edited by The Wiz
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You really can tell a whole bunch from a snapshot in time. Like this guy in Vietnam. He had FOREVER to dodge that bullet.





Orton shares a lot of the blame.


But If Hackett it is still here in January there will be a revolt in Buffalo land. I will participate.



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Cuz if Fred or Boobie are in there in shotgun formation, the defense knows it's going to be a pass because they know they are in there to pass block. It's pretty easy to read what they are going to do when they have whoever in the backfield in a particular formation. The fact that I can see it most of the time probably makes DC's job as easy as reading "Defense for Dummies".


I am honestly surprised they didn't run the ball with Spiller back there in the shotgun.

I disagree. Spiller was averaging what -8 yards and hasn't been good at short yardage since Hackett got here. Spiller would have trouble getting that one yard from the shotgun the way the O line has been playing in that game. With Fred or Boobie it at least gives you that short yard threat along with receiving ability.


If I'm the defensive coordinator in that situation I am watching for a screen or short pass to the flat and putting a linebacker exactly where the linebacker was that broke up the pass. With Fred or Boobie I would have been more worried about the run.


however this is Hackett and he makes absolutely no sense with substitutions and play calling. Everyone at the house was screaming at the TV because we knew exactly what they were going to do and it was stupid.

Edited by kr632
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They're in a Cover 1 on 1st down because they have absolutely zero fear of the Bills hurting them downfield.

Orton has two primary reads here, the first is the one he actually took up the right sideline; the other is waiting for Watkins to come clean on the drag route, but only if he's willing to wait on it. He's clearly not willing to wait on it (possibly for good reason) so he went with the default option of the outside throw against that defense.

If he is stupid enough to throw the post against a Cover 1 like The Big Clueless wants him to, its an automatic pick unless the WR makes a great defensive play.


not sure if that's a cover 1 - looks kinda soft, like a cover 3 - but i agree that they had no worries about us going vertical on them - they were playing 10 men within 10 yards of the los most of the game. i'm also not sure about Watkins being his secondary receiver there. the play seems to be designed to force that safety to choose to give help to the sideline or defend the post. that's Orton's read. if the wideout gets past the corner - the safety's screwed - but it looks like the inability of that outside receiver to get up field relieved him of having to make that choice. still, i wonder why Orton didn't hit the post - or the drag. by the looks of things, he was probably just 3 seconds into this, with enough protection to pump fake that safety away from the post - instead of trying to throw the WR open. anyway.. that's looks like a well designed play, where the receivers were running solid routes at good depths, and the line was holding it's own - enough for, what looks like Freddie, to run his checkdown route. this one's on Orton.


unfortunately, in the last two years there are just as many pics of receivers running their men into each other.. for instance - where that post is run too shallow and the drag is run too deep. little things like that, which Hackett and his receiver coaches have never cleaned up enough to be a precision passing game


edit - looking at that receiver hooked up on the outside.. rom his positon, it looks like he may have been the slot man running a chair route - up.out,up - after crossing a wideout running the post.. if that's the case, it's a lot to ask that slot receiver to fight through good CB technique to even threaten the Safety.. oh..well.. have to see it from the get go.


edit 2 - actually, that would be the same position a defender would have smothering a hook and go.. which makes more sense :rolleyes: i'm turning this into a Mike McCarthy flash card drill :D

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Also know I always feel validated when it's KTD and GG who twist like pretzels to prove I'm wrong.


Also, in GE's eternal wisdom, as he decries the decision to punt, he conveniently ignores the 3 and 22 reality that arose TWO plays later deep in Raider territory.


Sorry to ruin the slow clap moment for you by introducing doubt into your screenshot.

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