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A picture's worth 1,000 words

The Big Cat

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I think you're reading too far into it. Orton has PLENTY of room to step and throw, and the screen grab was taken from a play to illustrate good pass coverage.


Not up the middle (where there's a jail break) or to the left (where there's a pending jail break), which is where the open receivers are.


And this isn't to defend Orton. It's to point out that hating on Orton blinds everyone to the fact that there's serious dysfunction ALL over the field.

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Oh, I see, Sarcasm.


You are right, team gimp. The players did a HELLUVA job executing on that play. They were put in a position to fail because each of them did the EXACTLY what they were asked to do, did it flawlessly and yet STILL the quarterback had no where to go with the ball. Each of them won their one on one match ups with ease!


Well you have to give Orton some credit for executing those PLAY ACTION PASSES your boy called when down two scores with less than 3 minutes left.

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Baloney. Zero defenders would have been in a position to defend Woods' post.

Four yards away when Orton is already well into his throwing motion? The way Orton often decides pre-snap and telegraphs these things? You're nuts. Woods is at the 42. The Raider is at the 38. The Raider would have had enough time to cover him easily. It's not even arguable.

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This play, and the ensuing punt, were what has put me over the edge with the Coaching. I might understand this call if, as I was assuming at the time, they planned to go for it on 4th down. However, as we all know now, Marrone decide to punt, 2 points down and less than 15 yds from kicking the go ahead field goal. That decision, along with this cutesy call which did not even seem to have an option, baffle me. You had 2 plays to get 1 yard, and this is the best option? Orton of course screwed it up. Game over.


EXACTLY! Was Orton bad? Yes, of course. He's awful and I don't want him as the Bills quarterback at all.


Why though, does the coaching staff constantly put him in these situations. It's not like there was a gun to Hackett's head that forced him to have his QB throw behind the LOS on 3rd and 1. There's no way I can believe that because the QB is bad that the coaching staff gets a pass. They need to be better situationally and utilize the strengths of their players. Not throw a weird flat pattern to Hogan on 3rd and 1.

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Baloney. Zero defenders would have been in a position to defend Woods' post.

Orton has been atrocious for over a month now. That being said, you still have no idea what you're looking at or talking about.

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Kyle Orton gives us the best chance to win


Fire em all. 13 yards rushing and linemen who can't figure out how to block on screens is coaching.


Bums at qb, bums calling plays, wasted all that defense for nothing. Marrone should apologize for the turd he puts out there on offense week in and out.


Edited by Ryan L Billz
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This 3rd and 1, before the "no punt" looks just as bad for Orton, Hackett, Marrone, The Bills, My parents, and everyone involved:




Why is everyone complaining about coaching on this play? Orton has good protection and if he had any balls he would have stood in their and thrown it to Sammy at the 40 yard line for an easy 15 yard gain.


PS - why was there no illegal contact called on the Raiders defender? The one gaurding Sammy. He clearly contacts Sammy 7 yards down field.

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Why is everyone complaining about coaching on this play? Orton has good protection and if he had any balls he would have stood in their and thrown it to Sammy at the 40 yard line for an easy 15 yard gain.


PS - why was there no illegal contact called on the Raiders defender? The one gaurding Sammy. He clearly contacts Sammy 7 yards down field.


Looks like a designed play there... Look closely at Woods and Watkins, and the way they run their route. Their clearly jamming the defender. Orton passes before Watkins is "open".

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Ive been saying this for weeks:


Orton pre-determines where he is going with the football 95% of the time before it is even snapped. The guy has very limited mobility and combined with our terrible blocking decides where his best shot is on the field before the play begins.


Often times this leads him to either A: Snapping and gunning an inaccurate throw like you see above B. Lack of plays where he stands in the pocket and assesses the field for his 2nd or 3rd read.


Anybody notice on Sammys TD play (One of the only ones we executed all season) a perfect pocket formed for Orton and he went to his 3rd or 4th progression?


The guy is capable but its a combination of him being limited skillset wise and bad Oline play that makes our offense so bad. If you gave orton a wall I bet he would be a lot better than he is right now.


The problem is and always will be is that Ortons play will deteriorate when his pocket collaspes and he gets pressured, and I dont think he'll ever be able to to overcome that like the best franchise QBs do.



Which means that he may be an adequate starter for next year if he works his butt off in the offseason and improves his mobility, but we still need to find a new guy.


At the end of the day....giving Orton a steel wall might be the plan


I would still like to see another QB brought in to compete


Why is everyone complaining about coaching on this play? Orton has good protection and if he had any balls he would have stood in their and thrown it to Sammy at the 40 yard line for an easy 15 yard gain.


PS - why was there no illegal contact called on the Raiders defender? The one gaurding Sammy. He clearly contacts Sammy 7 yards down field.


If Kyle had any ability to put air under a ball and not throw it so flat that is a completion as well.....the receiver WAS open

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Sorry. Nate Hackett is still a joke. Glad you found a picture that shows that Orton missed some potential completions. I think everyone agrees he's not a great quarterback. Apparently where we disagree is that the boy wonder could be putting him in more favorable situations. Additionally, Nathaniel Hackett has put one of the worst offenses in the NFL on the field for two years running now, with several different quarterbacks at the helm. The offense has gotten worse under Marrone/Hackett tutelage, not better. At some point, the final responsibility rests with what the coaches are able to get out of the team they have. Other posters have pointed out on here correctly that Chan maximized little talent in his offense, while neglecting the defense entirely that suffered mightily under Wanny.


I'll give Marrone some props for this defense, even though I mostly believe he's hands off with them and the credit should primarily go to the coordinators. The area he and Hackett control, however, has been amateur. Just an absolute disgrace. It's such a timid brand of football. They, as coaches, own that.

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The picture does look bad in many ways. A few comments...

  1. Is the Bill on the 31.5 yard line kneeling? in prayer? It looks like 3 Raiders are charging through the hole behind him.
  2. Orton's arm shows that he is in the middle of throwing the ball. Going back to (1), if Orton were standing there still making reads, would he be a second away from taking a sack?
  3. The Raider at the 39 with his foot in the top yellow circle looks like he dropped his own coverage and is jumping the outside route. I'm going to guess that this is Woodson. The guy has been around a long, long time and this is his calling card move.
  4. Is Chandler even visible in the flat? There is a mass of big guys between Orton and Chandler here. I'm sure Orton doesn't have time at this point to pivot all the way back to and find Chandler. And part of that is Orton isn't all that athletic.
  5. Do we know the play design? Did the coverage Orton thought he saw dictate who he was going to throw to? Did he read it correctly?

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