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Is Peyton Manning quietly playing his last season?

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He is still better than 2/3s of all the QBs in the league, but I feel like this year more than others the talent around Manning is carrying him more than the other way around.



Do you think think he is quietly playing his last season?


I think he SHOULD be playing his last season but don't necessarily think he WILL. For most of this past month, he has not looked his old self. Perhaps it is arm fatigue setting in, perhaps his abilities are sliding. Be that as it may, considering the great things he has achieved, I think he should call it a career and go out when he is still remembered as one of the greatest. If his arm/abiities are shot for good and he continues to play for another season or two, he risks tarnishing his legacy. His ego will ofcourse make that decision for him but if he is smart, he will consider the above point and save his body from another season of punishment. He will have plenty of coaching or boradcast booth offers.

Edited by Fan in Chicago
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most of those starters are not irreplaceable. they're hardly above average. that's many of the reasons the broncos have struggled. everyone said they'd struggle without moreno and losing that LB.


D Thomas, J Thomas and T Knighton are 3 of the teams best players and will be 3 of the most prized FA's this offseason. And S Williams is no slouch either. All 4 will be testing the FA market for the first time and will be be looking to cash-in.


B Marshall is a key LB for them. Especially with Trevathan and Irving made of glass and Miller one bad piss test from being gone for the year on suspension. I suppose Welker, Franklin, and Moore are replaceable types but, given their sal cap woes, they'll have a very tough time simply replacing them never mind improving upon them.

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To my eyes, Peyton looks like he's loosing his arm strength as the season wears on. He's by no means washed up, but he's in serious decline mode.


Just for fun, I was wondering how many passes a QB has in his arm... if that could be some predictor of how long the great ones can play?


Manning is currently just over 9,000 pass attempts for his career. When Favre retired, he was just over 10,100 (although as I recall his last few years were tough to watch as he was loosing his ability to throw the deep ball).


Brady, you ask, is currently just over 7,100 attempts. Considering he's 2years behind Manning in playing time, I'd say he's right about where he should be. If my stupid analysis has any merit at all, he's got about 3 good years left before we see his arm start failing him.


Also, if there is any validity to this notion at all... I'd say the last thing Peyton needs to do is work hard all off season and prepare even more. Just the opposite, I say he needs to rest that arm and use it as little as possible in the off season.


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the thing is, they can give those starters big signing bonuses and small salaries. get them a bunch of money in year one that only counts at a 20% hit. plus, the cap just keeps on growing. teams do it all the time. then let guys like welker and tamme walk. then hopefully get 2 starters out of the draft plus 1-2 rotational role players...


especially if they think they have a 1-2 year window, its an easy choice. im not saying overpay like crazy for anything. but be smart and efficient with your moves, and aggressive with your accounting and you can do a lot still.


They already did the short base/high guaranteed route to get Talib, Ware, and Ward in under the cap last offseason. And they did it again with Harris just recently. There is no freebie in this; the cap hit eventually comes due. The sal cap maneuvering a team can do becomes limited and restricted. The Donks are now at that stage.

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I think that it will be hard for the Broncos to maintain even this level of success next year, but at the same time, they have no real QB successor to Peyton, so face the prospect of a rebuild. My guess is he plays one more year as they groom someone, but that depends on whether his body holds out.



Oh, don't worry, given the way luck works around the NFL they will have one more 11-5 or better season with Manning, then go 2-14 and pick a franchise QB in the 2017 draft.


...The Bills will be 13-19 over that stretch with "Insert Generic QB Name Here" leading the way with 18 TDs, 15 picks with many saying he is "the next big thing" in the NFL AND that we are about to turn the corner.



I respect many of you for being up beat, I really do; but after 15 years I'm quite simply getting too old for this F****** S***!


I've buried both my parents, one best fried and one friend who was like the little brother I never had during that time.


I'll root, but my pessimism stays until they finally win something.


...Go Bills.



EDIT: The Blue Jays...please correct me if I am wrong, but the Blue Jays are the only other professional North American sports teams beside the Bills that have gone longer without making the playoffs.


...We are 121st to their 122nd.

Edited by dollars 2 donuts
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Hopefully not cause they were Bills fan...though i am starting to wonder if that is a contrbuting factor sometimes



That...made me laugh.


Thanks, plenzmd1!



The last game I went to with my dad was in 07...the Giants game. For some reason I told him, "ya never know, pops, this could be your last Bills game."


...I wish I had him back for even just one game...even a loss.


He only had to suffer through 8 years of ineptitude.

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They already did the short base/high guaranteed route to get Talib, Ware, and Ward in under the cap last offseason. And they did it again with Harris just recently. There is no freebie in this; the cap hit eventually comes due. The sal cap maneuvering a team can do becomes limited and restricted. The Donks are now at that stage.



i just looked and while they have a lot of spots to fill for a 2015 roster, they seem to have a lot of money too --- am i missing something? Im not saying itll be easy but glancing through a couple articles because i was curious after your comments were actually applauding their ability to structure things so as not to totally mortgage the future.

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Yes, he is still having a pro bowl caliber season statistically BUT...


Look at these stats the last few games:


Miami 28/35 257 yards 7.3 Avg 4 TDs 0 INTS

KC 17/24 179 yards 5.3 Avg 2 TDs 0 INTS

BUF 14/20 173 yards 8.7 Avg 0 TDS 2 INTS

SD 14/20 233 yards 11.7 Avg 1 TD 0 INTS

CIN 28/44 311 yards 7.1 Avg 2 TDS 4 INTS



Manning has arm strength has noticeably regressed in the month of December and the broncos have been forced to rely upon CJ Anderson and defense to stay in games. I remember Manning appearing noodle armed two years ago in the Divsional playoff matchup vs Baltimore, but that was in January. It appears to me that he is hitting the physical wall a full month earlier than he has the last two years.


He is still better than 2/3s of all the QBs in the league, but I feel like this year more than others the talent around Manning is carrying him more than the other way around.



Do you think think he is quietly playing his last season?


I think is arm is fading quick, which makes me think he has an injury. So unless he can get it better I think he is done.

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It's sad but what sucks even more is that Brady never gets old


Montana, Elway, Marino, Young, Kelly, all were eventually not the same. Even Brees today.


But Brady? He'll be around forever!


Hes like the Mick Jagger of the NFL

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Watching him play the last few weeks, it appears his arm is gone. Watch the passes he is throwing, some are duck balls, wobbly and high, up for grabs. I think this is his last year, too bad, one of the greats.


I was really surprised at some of the balls he threw against the BIlls a few weeks ago. The one that I think Graham picked off down the seam I mean my 11 year old son could throw a better ball then that. I think it is over for Manning & if you watched his press conference after the Bengals game I think he knows it. Sure he is still a better option then 80% of the options out there, but that is more telling of the sorry state of Qbs around the league. Even though they will probably end up as the 2 seed, I don't think anyone would be surprised to see the Broncos one and done in the playoffs. I see Manning playing next year & that is probably all she wrote. I hope Denver fans have to suffer of 20 years of bullsh*t at the QB position like we have to the last 2 decades.

Edited by Gordio
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Yes, he is still having a pro bowl caliber season statistically BUT...


Look at these stats the last few games:


Miami 28/35 257 yards 7.3 Avg 4 TDs 0 INTS

KC 17/24 179 yards 5.3 Avg 2 TDs 0 INTS

BUF 14/20 173 yards 8.7 Avg 0 TDS 2 INTS

SD 14/20 233 yards 11.7 Avg 1 TD 0 INTS

CIN 28/44 311 yards 7.1 Avg 2 TDS 4 INTS



Manning has arm strength has noticeably regressed in the month of December and the broncos have been forced to rely upon CJ Anderson and defense to stay in games. I remember Manning appearing noodle armed two years ago in the Divsional playoff matchup vs Baltimore, but that was in January. It appears to me that he is hitting the physical wall a full month earlier than he has the last two years.


He is still better than 2/3s of all the QBs in the league, but I feel like this year more than others the talent around Manning is carrying him more than the other way around.



Do you think think he is quietly playing his last season?


Nope, not one bit, and who cares!

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To my eyes, Peyton looks like he's loosing his arm strength as the season wears on. He's by no means washed up, but he's in serious decline mode.


Just for fun, I was wondering how many passes a QB has in his arm... if that could be some predictor of how long the great ones can play?


Manning is currently just over 9,000 pass attempts for his career. When Favre retired, he was just over 10,100 (although as I recall his last few years were tough to watch as he was loosing his ability to throw the deep ball).


Brady, you ask, is currently just over 7,100 attempts. Considering he's 2years behind Manning in playing time, I'd say he's right about where he should be. If my stupid analysis has any merit at all, he's got about 3 good years left before we see his arm start failing him.


Also, if there is any validity to this notion at all... I'd say the last thing Peyton needs to do is work hard all off season and prepare even more. Just the opposite, I say he needs to rest that arm and use it as little as possible in the off season.

Great post, I too think his arm is slowly fading, but he can still beat you. I hope he retires at the end of the season avoiding a painful season when his arm is really finished.
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Kind of off topic but I don't know much about Osweiler. Did they draft him as a backup or as a developing starter? He was a second round pick so I would assume the latter. Does anyone think he will be a decent starter? Just curious if Denver will be shopping for a QB soon.

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