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Ok time to start the off-season


First move?  

55 members have voted

  1. 1. What is your first move Mr. Pegula?

    • Retain Whaley and Marrone
    • Retain Whaley and fire Marrone
    • Fire both Whaley and Marrone

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I would retain Whaley and fire Marrone and the entire offensive staff. Whaley did ok in the draft and FA. I don't believe Marrone was his choice. He messed up the o-line but has the defense stacked. All they need to do is resign Hughes and maybe Spikes.

Then use entire draft on lineman, tight ends, and a rb.


Bring in another veteran to push EJ. I would even take Cutler.

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And only because I can see that the talent level on the team is rising under Whaley, but this team is undisciplined (i.e., lots of penalties), and the offense is a joke. Biggest game in a decade and they can't figure out how to get Spiller in space, run the ball, or throw past the first down marker. All on coaching...


Keep everyone another year.


If you fired anyone, who would you replace them with? Who is realistically available?


Replace them with ME.. I could give a ****$torm to my QB who REFUSES to throw the ball more than 5 yards. It doesn't take a football genius to know what's wrong with this team...

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So close yet so far away.


If Maybin was Orakpo (like I wanted) and Spiller was Bulaga (like I wanted) and Troup was Gronk (like I wanted) and TJ Graham was Russell Willson (like I wanted) we probably would have won the Superbowl by now


:-). I think the problem with the Bills is that I am not the "Captain Obvious" Scout. Who chimes in at select times to point out the obvious draft picks.

Edited by peterpan
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So close yet so far away.


If Maybin was Orakpo (like I wanted) and Spiller was Bulaga (like I wanted) and Troup was Gronk (like I wanted) and TJ Graham was Russell Willson (like I wanted) we probably would have won the Superbowl by now


:-). I think the problem with the Bills is that I am not the "Captain Obvious" Scout. Who chimes in at select times to point out the obvious draft picks.




Gronk and Wilson certainly have been difference makers. Orakpo has spent a lot of time injured and hasn't been very productive relative to other pass rushers in his 5-6 seasons. Bulaga has just been ok as a tackle. I've seen him get owned in a number of games especially by speed guys.

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I just can't see this team winning next year either. Too many holes to fill on offense. Whaley and Marrone will be gone so why waste another year? Time to move on now.


No QB. So, expect another 8-8 type year next season. But that's only if the Bills retain their current coaching staff. If any of the coaches/GM leave then expect a 5-11 type season. Inconsistent coaching will kill any team.

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How about Urban Myer? The guy can clearly coach and if anyone is the 'next chip Kelly' it's myer.


And you know what? Tebow is available and myer is probably the only qualified coach willing to build a system for tebows talents.


And as much as people hate tebow, he took a bad Denver team to the playoffs after orton went 1-4 with that same team. Tebow would have gotten us to the playoffs this year

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This is a failed organization, for 15 years; poor coaching, poor drafting, and the bottom line - last playoff appearance 1999. Clean house and start over or one year from now we will be having the same discussion.


it's all about getting a FRANCHISE QB



whaley and marrone will get one more year to get it right.



Orton is gone.

What about the O-Line and a premier running back?
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How about Urban Myer? The guy can clearly coach and if anyone is the 'next chip Kelly' it's myer.


And you know what? Tebow is available and myer is probably the only qualified coach willing to build a system for tebows talents.


And as much as people hate tebow, he took a bad Denver team to the playoffs after orton went 1-4 with that same team. Tebow would have gotten us to the playoffs this year



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How about Urban Myer? The guy can clearly coach and if anyone is the 'next chip Kelly' it's myer.


And you know what? Tebow is available and myer is probably the only qualified coach willing to build a system for tebows talents.


And as much as people hate tebow, he took a bad Denver team to the playoffs after orton went 1-4 with that same team. Tebow would have gotten us to the playoffs this year

Please stop with this nonsense. He is out of football for a very good reason - he is not an NFL QB - not even close.

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I just can't see this team winning next year either. Too many holes to fill on offense. Whaley and Marrone will be gone so why waste another year? Time to move on now.

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: Could not agree more; this is a failed organization - 15 years - tear it down and start again with competent proven football people.


I say none of those.




The move would be hire his guy, I like the idea of Accorsi, to build a winning football program the right way from the top down.



Firing/retaining/structuring is trusted into the new guy. From the outside.

:thumbsup: :thumbsup:
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Firing Moron is a given, but so is firing Whaley. He picked Sammy and Cujo, gave up next year's first, and didn't pick Mack. He also brought in Orton as backup and let Moron play him instead of giving HIS first-round QB pick a chance to develop. What more do you need to do to get canned? (Oh, I forgot...it's Buffalo...standards are low.)


He's been in charge of a horror show which shows no sign of ending.

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Please stop with this nonsense. He is out of football for a very good reason - he is not an NFL QB - not even close.


Well Orton was out of football too until we called him & don't forget who put Orton on the bench in Denver. In all seriousness though hopefully they could upgrade the QB. If not this is a 6-8 win team again next year.

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