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Posted (edited)

I don't know how everyone feels about the gofundme stuff, but I have a friend that has spent a lot of money over the last few years to get her dog treatment for a heart condition and cancer. The dog is her best friend and has been with her through good times and bad. I have never asked for donations before and would not do this if it wasn't so important to me. I have given a couple hundred dollars in person and she just re-opened the page so there aren't many donations yet. This group is always incredibly supportive and caring so I thought I would reach out to you. She is very distraught and not proud of having to "beg for donations" http://www.gofundme.com/32eqi4

Edited by chknwing334

Thanks. It means a lot! I feel really bad for her and it isn't that she doesn't have a full time job and the ability to pay the normal expenses of having a pet, it is the huge costs of cancer treatment. Christmas has been cut way back and presents will be minimal this year. I know some people don't understand spending so much on a pet, but they become like family and you have an obligation to do everything feasible to give them the best life possible. I spent about $125 a month for many years to treat the Addison's Disease that my dog has. It adds up to a lot but I can't imagine letting him die due to the cost of treatment.


I'm well into 10K into my one pooch…it is what it is….when you take on a pet you take on the responsibility of caring for it….the money is worth the endless love they have for you.

Posted (edited)

Unfortunately my friend's dog died today on the way to the vet. She was showing signs of improvement over the last couple days after the chemo but all of a sudden had trouble breathing. So not only is she dealing with a lot of debt from vet bills, she is absolutely devastated after losing her best friend. I truly appreciate your response and donation Zevo.

Edited by chknwing334
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