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Sirius NFLN - Brandon Spiked coming up 2


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I typed as they talked, lots of mistakes, oh well. I went and bolded iimportant parts after, but gotta run so not cleaning it up.


Spikes = S

Sirius Crew = N


N Bills are 8-6, can you get to ten wins?

s: i think so, we are closing in on the guys at hand, keep trying to get better, i think we havea great week of prep, lets get this game,sky is limit.


n stride just hitting now, d been good all seaosn, but gen a pass russ with guys up front, how much pride do you take in last two weeks you played peyton rodgers, shut them down. rodgers worst start ever


S take an enomorous amount of pride, just having un, make stuff, create stuff, thorurought season we've had chance to do that. we haven't played our best game yet!



N jim schwartz on d. having fun. has he been part of it?


S: absolutely, smile on face, very up beat, contagious, you can see if on sunday. guys playing for each other, just all fun, on of best defense i've been a part of, that front four being crazy every sunday.


N: how often are oyu in blitz situation with 7 droppign back?


S: very rare we blitz, pass rushers get home, ball comes out its a pass, our guys make am ove and they're in your face, yogtta respect it. make quicki decisions, last two qb's, rodgers manning playing at a high level all season, it opened eyes but it not surprise to us. build off of that, i have a feeling we can end season as #1 d


sirius: player very under the radar been a huge key for succes?


N just one? or a couple? go up on my backers, preston brown, nigel. young guys growing handling themselves as professionals. and corey graham. makes plays over and over. he's been playing at a high level all season. those three guys fro me have opened my eyes.



N: Compare contract New england and this team, what you brought?


S: right, we, well my success in high school, college, new england you get used to it. people new experience for me, counted out, same old bills, it's a movitation for us, the fans they love, it's 12-1 it's odds, we use it as a competitve edge. we like the doubters and the haters, keep hating us, we don't believe the hype, we love it.


N during training camp, water calmed, what happened with new owner


S: coach marrone made a big deal handling all that, running the scheme those....phone breaking up..... having the team here, new owner, great for city.... off the field, bringing community together, great for us


N: outside noise helping, comign from NE what do you think? it was we're the champs bring it on in NE, you know that won't happen this year ... as someone part of it now chasing it, is it frustrating seeing their success over and over ...



S: NE forever greateful, they brought me in, it's business, they taught me how to be a professional. it is different, it's just. it's honestly sports. you get better, you think you get better, guys play hard. it's different to put in words, its cool man, i enjoyed the doubters, all my life people told me what i can't do. give them that, it is the edge to boost,




N: you like brown, working with him. but what about EJ? from Orton? EJ forecast?


S: I was just, it's funny you asked that, at practice on scout team he's been getting practice better every day. it helps him, having a vet qb in front of him, learn small things, get better, it's a positive thing. he's lost his position, but that has to happen to make a guy grow and develop. young player, sky is the limit, keep his attitude, as long as he keepts that he'll be starting in this league again.



N: the start of this league after a demotion. you find success, high schoool college, for him, high school, florida state, how hard is it to deal with?


S: we hd dsome converstations about it. as a leader , we talked about him being a qb everyone watchign you, stay positive .what you can't control don't stress about it. its a buessines you gotta produce, plain thru. what the timing was he understood it, he's been working his ass off . he's been giving us a great look on the scout team, it's stil early for him



N: last thing, worried about the oakland raiders, gettting 10 wins... need help. have you circled the 28? hard to take oyur mind off?


S: I knew that question was coming. i glanced at schedule, all my attention is oakland, they're a scary team, they don't show they're a great team, they have been up with the best toe to toe,have to be cofused on this to see this Win to see those guys in foxboro. but yeah, i keep my eyes on the schedule and whats coming.


N good luck...


S: thanks guys.


commentators after:


bills have not won 10 games since 99, success for them would be 8-8. answer the question at qb, got the tealent and skill position, and if they get a play caller and an ol... playoffs aren't far from this team in buffalo


looking at it from 40,000 feet from 10 months ago... solid ownership, secure, everyone can put attention on winning. not moving. good days ahead for us...

marrone staff have found both sidse of line have to be strong. need to see if manuel is answer long term. signed orton, worked out favoriable sum up 2014 it's been successful regardless next two outcomes


i have to worry about a let down this week, you split two games. they are human they have tom brady coming up, but this is just derek carr. guys like taht will beat oyu



its a long trip. iassume they go out tomorrow or early saturday with time change. as i said earlier you have to finish. the sign of a player, coach, front office, team member. bills have two games to finish no matter what. they want two wins gotta be oakland andgo to foxobo.

Edited by jboyst62
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Thanks for the transcription. Like hearing (again) about what a great attitude EJ has and how hard he is working to get better and show the defense "good looks" in practice. I haven't given up on that kid.

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Thanks, jboys. Great recap and write up.


I love me some Spikes. I really hope we can re-sign him. Not sure what he will get on the open market.


I have been meaning to post this for weeks. But despite the blaring refrains that Spikes sucks in coverage, and is too slow, and isn't a three down linebacker, I really don't recall him getting beat very much. Sure a 5-10 yard pass once in awhile. Sure a play or two where you see him chasing a RB or TE five yards behind (which on replays show it wasn't his man). But he has broke up some passes and been in position on pass D a lot. I don't think he has been abused at all.


People say stuff without really watching the games or specific plays and players. Someone who has been watching the all-22 please chime in here, either for or against him. I haven't keyed on it, but I hardly remember ever thinking Spikes just got abused there.

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