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Mom calls C-Span, tells her two Repub/Demo sons to STFU

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Boxing gloves?! The only padding my brothers got for their knuckles were my face and stomach.

Yeah but did your parents tell your brothers to go out back and beat the **** out of you? The day we hot those gloves that's exactly what my parents told me.
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Yeah but did your parents tell your brothers to go out back and beat the **** out of you? The day we hot those gloves that's exactly what my parents told me.


Oh hell yeah -- anywhere but inside the house where stuff could get broken. It didn't help though, I was one of five and three of us were constantly brawling for any number of reasons. As the youngest, I was the designated punching bag -- especially when I got old enough to really take more of a beating.


That stopped though when one of my older brothers came home from college his senior year (the closest ones in age to me, though still 5 years older, and the one who scrapped the most). That first night my step father took us out in front of the house (and the neighbors) and told us to settle it once and for all because he was "too tired and old to kick our asses anymore" when we upset our mother. It started off kind of jokey because none of us were riled up at the time (he had literally just walked in the door for summer break), but it turned hostile really quickly as those things tend to.


Wish we had gloves that day.

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Oh hell yeah -- anywhere but inside the house where stuff could get broken. It didn't help though, I was one of five and three of us were constantly brawling for any number of reasons. As the youngest, I was the designated punching bag -- especially when I got old enough to really take more of a beating.


That stopped though when one of my older brothers came home from college his senior year (the closest ones in age to me, though still 5 years older, and the one who scrapped the most). That first night my step father took us out in front of the house (and the neighbors) and told us to settle it once and for all because he was "too tired and old to kick our asses anymore" when we upset our mother. It started off kind of jokey because none of us were riled up at the time (he had literally just walked in the door for summer break), but it turned hostile really quickly as those things tend to.


Wish we had gloves that day.


Four brothers?? Pfffft. I had four sisters.

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