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Time to label Marquise Goodwin a BUST!


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Nate Hackett is a bust. I refuse to judge any player on offense anymore until this guy is gone. He doesn't make any sense with anything he does. He tells ej to be conservative with the ball and don't make mistakes then calls all vertical routes. He runs a speed back right into the middle of the line with some of the worst guards in history. He has no feel for the game. Goodwin can run almost every route but we only have him run flys. Yes he gets injured but when he is not injured Hackett has no clue how to use him. We have tons of talent at wr but don't use them correctly.

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Time to cue all the "he is a great weapon, just like CJ Spiller if this idiot OC could just gameplan for them"


Get over it people. Really good players don't need gimmicks to get the ball and be effective.

It isn't about gimmicks. Do you really think the offensive scheme and game plan don't affect players?? Look at Wes Welker and how different he was when he got to New England. That wasn't gimmicks, it was knowing how to use him (and of course having a QB who knew how to make reads and throw the ball on target).


I don't have any love for Goodwin, but your comment is nonsense.

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With all of the TJ Graham haters the past few years, I'm surprised to see everyone letting Marquise Goodwin slide. They are basically the same type of player, drafted in pretty much the same draft position, but with very different on-field production. TJ Graham had twice as much production as Goodwin at this point in their careers. Graham was never that great of a receiver but the stats don't lie:


Graham: 54 receptions, 683 yards, 3 td's

Goodwin: 18 receptions, 325 yards, 3 td's


Not to mention that every time Goodwin gets hit he gets injured. Is this guy made out of play-dough? If TJ Graham is a has-been then Marquise Goodwin is a never-was. And now that we have someone like Thigpen handling the returns it's even more evident what we were missing out on in terms of special teams play.


I feel betrayed. Goodwin said once the Bills drafted him that he was now going to focus on football and being the best player he can be. He lied: http://www.buffaloru...n-2016-olympics


This whole time he has been doing track and field workouts in lieu of football workouts. No wonder he is always getting injured and has never progressed. He seems like a good guy but he is definitely not a football player. If he plans on being in the 2016 olympics then maybe we should just cut him now so he can train full time. I think he's going to have a hard time making this roster next year anyhow as it is.


Bye bye Marquise. We hardly knew ya!


Marquise who?

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Meh, I always believe you can't consider someone a "bust" when they aren't a 1st round pick.


Goodwin is a track star. He's a speed demon in a straight line but he's not a very good football player. He runs average routes, isn't very fluid in his breaks, has average hands etc. He's just a gifted athlete who isn't good at football. No bigs.

Disagree...he run good routes and has great hands. His two issues are injuries and not being used.



I agree but a description like that warrants a 5th, 6th, or 7th round pick and not a 3rd. A lot of people on this forum have been giving TJ Graham crap for the past few years and he was only a 3rd round pick as well. Seems like there is a double standard for some reason. TJ Graham was probably the better player and we let him walk and we kept Goodwin who can't even stay on the field for an entire game. Maybe it's not a huge deal because we have Watkins and Woods but it would have been nice to have another weapon for our QB's

TJ was not the better player. He could not run routes or catch. He jumped to catch 75% of balls thrown to him...even the ones in his chest. He was a track star....Goodwin is a football player.




Goodwin can catch without jumping.


When he's healthy.


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With all of the TJ Graham haters the past few years, I'm surprised to see everyone letting Marquise Goodwin slide. They are basically the same type of player, drafted in pretty much the same draft position, but with very different on-field production. TJ Graham had twice as much production as Goodwin at this point in their careers. Graham was never that great of a receiver but the stats don't lie:


Graham: 54 receptions, 683 yards, 3 td's

Goodwin: 18 receptions, 325 yards, 3 td's


Not to mention that every time Goodwin gets hit he gets injured. Is this guy made out of play-dough? If TJ Graham is a has-been then Marquise Goodwin is a never-was. And now that we have someone like Thigpen handling the returns it's even more evident what we were missing out on in terms of special teams play.


I feel betrayed. Goodwin said once the Bills drafted him that he was now going to focus on football and being the best player he can be. He lied: http://www.buffaloru...n-2016-olympics


This whole time he has been doing track and field workouts in lieu of football workouts. No wonder he is always getting injured and has never progressed. He seems like a good guy but he is definitely not a football player. If he plans on being in the 2016 olympics then maybe we should just cut him now so he can train full time. I think he's going to have a hard time making this roster next year anyhow as it is.


Bye bye Marquise. We hardly knew ya!

Pheww!!! Thanks for getting that declaration in just under the wire..that was close! I can't stand it when a guy on our team goes a day too long without being declared a bust! Also, you say the stats don't lie? What conclusion are you drawing from the stats that you are showing? I look at it and I see that Goodwin has nearly half the yardage that Graham had, and the same number of TD's with 66% fewer receptions...so do we draw the conclusion that Goodwin is three times as good as Graham was? Edited by Buftex
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Pheww!!! Thanks for getting that declaration in just under the wire..that was close! I can't stand it when a guy on our team goes a day too long without being declared a bust!

lol I think the Thigpen TD return made me think you know what I no longer see a use for Goodwin on this football team. the time has come for BUST status

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I agree but a description like that warrants a 5th, 6th, or 7th round pick and not a 3rd. A lot of people on this forum have been giving TJ Graham crap for the past few years and he was only a 3rd round pick as well. Seems like there is a double standard for some reason. TJ Graham was probably the better player and we let him walk and we kept Goodwin who can't even stay on the field for an entire game. Maybe it's not a huge deal because we have Watkins and Woods but it would have been nice to have another weapon for our QB's

Its an old story....Goodwin is Marrone/Whaley's pick...Graham was not. They kept THEIR guy. Probabily the wrong decision IMHO. Having said that, TJ wasn't great by any means. Now, the question is, is duribility a disqualifying issue? I guess it should be......and, even when he is healthy, they are not going downfield to Goodwin at all. This, however, is Hackett all the way....cannot penalize Goodwin for the lack of calling deep throws....can argue the OC doesn't have the stones to make those calls. So, I am saying, get rid of Hackett, give Goodwin another shot...use him as a receiver only.....and lets see if the world class speed can have an effect. He is the fastest man in the NFL, hands down....and all the opposing coaches know it!!!


By the time Kyle is ready to throw his 5 yard dump off Goodwin is 40yards down field. It's not his fault Kyle can't make a throw down field

Ahhh.....how would you know whether Orton can make that throw. I am thinking that we haven't seen a verticle/downfield game at all from Hacketts. I am for a new OC who will call the occasional long ball. Of course, they are playing 15 yards off of Goodwin, we should be taking the easy 10-12 every time. But, we are not.......need to use Square pegs in Square holes.....but our OC seems only have his O......which is popgun short stuff all the time.
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last time Goody touched the ball he ran for 11 yards on an end around. Nice play.

(fyi, last time Spiller touched the ball he went for 50 plus, also a nice play, except for the end)


If you're going to list stats and compare skill, then list the number of targets in there or it's meaningless.


Goodwin is our 5th receiver behind sammy, woods, hogan, and chandler. Our 5th receiver with our qb's and OC isn't every going to be much more than a 1-3 targets per game type of guy, especially considering our 1 and 2 WR's are studs that get open almost every play. He's not a salary cap killer, and he plays hard. Much more talent than Graham.


Durability is always an issue with little guys, but Goodwin is ready to have a healthy season next year. He'll win the WR4 spot in camp again and I'm glad for it.

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It isn't about gimmicks. Do you really think the offensive scheme and game plan don't affect players?? Look at Wes Welker and how different he was when he got to New England. That wasn't gimmicks, it was knowing how to use him (and of course having a QB who knew how to make reads and throw the ball on target).


I don't have any love for Goodwin, but your comment is nonsense.

if you think that Goodwins situation is even remotely close to Welker, your nonsense.
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With all of the TJ Graham haters the past few years, I'm surprised to see everyone letting Marquise Goodwin slide. They are basically the same type of player, drafted in pretty much the same draft position, but with very different on-field production. TJ Graham had twice as much production as Goodwin at this point in their careers. Graham was never that great of a receiver but the stats don't lie:


Graham: 54 receptions, 683 yards, 3 td's

Goodwin: 18 receptions, 325 yards, 3 td's


Not to mention that every time Goodwin gets hit he gets injured. Is this guy made out of play-dough? If TJ Graham is a has-been then Marquise Goodwin is a never-was. And now that we have someone like Thigpen handling the returns it's even more evident what we were missing out on in terms of special teams play.


I feel betrayed. Goodwin said once the Bills drafted him that he was now going to focus on football and being the best player he can be. He lied: http://www.buffaloru...n-2016-olympics


This whole time he has been doing track and field workouts in lieu of football workouts. No wonder he is always getting injured and has never progressed. He seems like a good guy but he is definitely not a football player. If he plans on being in the 2016 olympics then maybe we should just cut him now so he can train full time. I think he's going to have a hard time making this roster next year anyhow as it is.


Bye bye Marquise. We hardly knew ya!


So every time we misuse talented players on the team, the player becomes a "Bust"? Okay...Got it! :wallbash:

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Not sure how a #78 overall project can be labeled a bust considering something like 13% of 3rd round WR picks make at least 2 Pro Bowls...Also, something like 25% of 3rd round picks start for more than half their NFL careers...I once read somewhere that 6% of 3rd round picks end up starting for 5 years or more in the NFL...The odds are not good...


If Goodwin does not pan out he's not a bust...He would actually be in the clear majority of 3rd round draft picks who hang around the NFL for a few years as back-ups and never really amount to much... B-)

Edited by KOKBILLS
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