OCinBuffalo Posted December 16, 2014 Posted December 16, 2014 (edited) Well, well, well, what do you know? I've been saying this, but, it was an obvious conclusion. The Democrat Civil War is on, and it's going to be worse than anything the Rs have been doing, because there is very little common ground between the sides. War was inevitable, and we now have the Ft. Sumter. The far-left fired on Ft. Rational Democrat with the recent passage of the CR. Now it seems some in the media finally see the war, and of course, some don't. In a sentence, my premise has always been that the environtologists, or, watermelons(green on the outside, red on the inside), and their agenda would piss off enough consistent, white, middle class D voters(Reagan Democrats), to the point that open warfare would commence. Take the simple fact that gas prices are falling. This is awful news for the environtolgists, but it is great news for the plumber who has to fill up his truck. Both are diametrically opposed to each other on this issue....yet we are supposed to believe that they will unite over issues like: abortion, or Obamacare, or absractions like income inequality, and vote D in 2016? Plumbers don't make minimum wage, so raising it doesn't help them. They can't increase their income, if gas prices don't drop. Thus, it's easy for the Rs to point to the Ds, and say: "they don't want you to have cheap gas, so, who is really keeping you from gaining income?". Not even the dumbest of Rs can F that up. This is why the rational Ds are in a panic, and they ARE willing to fight back, like they did, this week = see here: http://www.theatlant...ality/383708/2/ For a while on Thursday, it looked like liberals would actually succeed in sinking the appropriations bill. Led by Pelosi and Warren, opponents had seized the momentum and forced Republicans to delay a vote for hours. Obama dispatched Denis McDonough, the White House chief of staff, to speak to Democrats, but he didn't change many minds. [Well, there's a shocker. As I've said: Obama will be a lame micro-organism that lives in some duck's ass next year] According to one person in the room, it was only when Steny Hoyer of Maryland, the minority whip and chief deputy (and occasional rival) to Pelosi, stood up at the end of the meeting to say he would support the bill that the tide turned. Opponents were stunned. "No, Steny, no," cried Maxine Waters[ ], the veteran California liberal. A senior Democratic aide said the White House had been building support throughout the day, but Hoyer's backing gave additional cover to undecided Democrats, and ultimately 57 of them joined with Republicans to put the bill over the top shortly after 9:30 p.m. They can see the lunatic, out of control/touch left is leading them to their political end. That's because they know that the "demographic advantage" is a myth: http://www.realclear...ats_124701.html The major factors driving the different results between 2012 and 2014 were not demographic. The major difference was that in 2012 Barack Obama was a moderately popular president. In 2014, he is an unpopular president. If this does not change between now and 2016, demographic shifts alone will not save the Democratic nominee. ... Put differently, if Obama had put up the same vote shares among racial groups in 2012 as Democrats ultimately did in 2014, he’d have lost. ... We might even go a step further and inquire if perhaps what is frequently being called the “presidential” electorate is really simply the “Obama” electorate, something political scientists like John Sides have questioned, and something that Democratic strategists are increasingly fretting about. Regardless, the Democrats’ problem in 2014 was not simply the map, nor was it mostly a demographic/turnout issue. It was an unpopular Democratic president. If Hillary Clinton (or whoever) does not perform better among these groups in 2016 (and she/he might!), the best turnout machine in the world will not save her or him. Moving on, there's no doubt that the Rs see this war accurately, thus they see the opportunities and angles clearly, and will exploit them: http://www.weeklysta...own_821211.html Democratic approval ratings have gotten even worse in the month since the blowout election. Some Democrats, like New York’s Chuck Schumer and retiring senator Tom Harkin of Iowa, have rung the alarm that the party is out of sync with working-class voters. But they’re lonely voices. The party’s New Democrat Clinton wing—Bill Clinton, that is—is extinct. [And people wonder why Hillary is having a hard time with what to say/think?] .... Even Democrats are undermining the recovery narrative: Heir apparent Hillary Clinton has been telling people around the country the middle class is getting squeezed and the poor are getting poorer—under Obama. .... But on issue after issue, that isn’t how working-class voters see things. Take, for example, the Democrats’ continuing and lunatic opposition to the Keystone pipeline. Why would a party that allegedly cares about blue-collar unions kill a project that would create 10,000 jobs for their members? Keystone symbolizes why blue-collar Reagan Democrats have started abandoning the party. The working class wants jobs and high incomes—how many times do they have to say this to pollsters? Billionaire Democratic funder Tom Steyer wants a green agenda that would block any and all energy projects and the $60-, $80-, and $100K-a-year jobs that go with them. .... If the Democrats weren’t so tethered to the radical green left, they would have taken credit for the shale oil and gas boom rather than denouncing fracking and other smart drilling technologies that have made it all possible. After all, this energy revolution has happened on Obama’s watch. And instead of bemoaning lower gas prices as a disaster for the environment, as many green commentators have been doing recently, Democrats could be celebrating the benefits to the middle class. Privately, Democrats that I talk to whisper the obvious point that the party has found itself on the wrong side of the energy issue. But they’re trapped by activists and donors who sound like members of Earth First. .... There’s a stark contrast between the Reagan and Obama recoveries. Under Reagan, the economy grew at just under 4 percent over the first five and a half years of recovery. Under Obama, the recovery has been right at 2 percent. This means we would have $2 trillion more in annual output and incomes if the economy had grown as fast from 2009 to 2014 as it did in the Reagan boom years. We would have 3 million more jobs if employment had grown at the Reagan pace. This growth deficit is what frustrates voters and makes a mockery [ ] of Krugman’s claim that Obama is an economic wonderboy. Yeah, only an unmitigated moron can't see what the Rs have to say to keep winning going forward. It's right above in bold, and it can't be effectively countered by the Warren/Krugman Ds demands for even more "progressive" Obama economic policy. Because: mockery. And just like I said in another thread, the R 2016 strategy is laid bare for all to see = support the worker's side of this fight. The Democrats don’t need a more ambitious agenda; they need an entirely new one that puts working-class families—headed by welders, teamsters, electricians, pipefitters, construction workers, machinists—ahead of billionaire funders like Tom Steyer. If they won’t do that, Republicans should welcome these voters—often union members—into the GOP with open arms. It's pretty clear. The Rs are going after union support, and they are likely to get it, because all they have to do is say Steyer-->Democrats-->high gas prices. Again, very difficult to muddle that message. In contrast to the cogent, on-target analysis of the situation above, and it's forward thinking....we have this clown: http://www.theatlant...ma-boom/383754/ Get Ready for the Obama Boomlet Remember when pundits loved the president? The conditions are right for that old feeling to return. Remember when pundits loved Barack Obama? It’s been quite a few years now. But I suspect some of the adoration is about to come back. Hey leftists, you know how I accuse you of wishful thinking? Does the above help you to see why? For the rest of you, don't bother clicking on the link, because this all you need to see. In the year to come, there will be many more reminders that in 2008 Obama generated a passion among liberals that Hillary Clinton did not, and may still not. That storyline will make Obama look good. Hilarious. See the contrast with the Weekly Standard? Rs are talking about what is to come/planning for 2016. This clod is reaching back 6 years to "feel good", and in the process, bashing the presumptive 2016 D candidate. Hey dolt: "Making Obama look good" has been the root cause of the entire Obama problem!(um Nobel Prize/teleprompter sound familiar?). Obama should have been out working/doing his job, and making himself look good. Instead, everybody but Obama, "making Obama look good", has cost your party everything it has gained since 2006. In the face of historical defeat, with things setting up for the far-left fighting a 2-front war, with the Rs and the working class Ds, your chief concern remains: making Obama look good. There is no better example of "Democratic Civil War" denial than this. These people are about to get Mack trucked. They still think immigration is a winning issue, and that the economy is merely what? A boring thing that should just go away? Something Obama, after 6 years of failed effort, will suddenly get credit for? The media is soon going to care enough about Obama, to say anything, never mind something good, when there's a coming POTUS election? There are only 3 kinds of Democrats now: enviros, labor, and the too dumb/affected by wishful Obama nostalgia to see the war the other 2 have already begun to fight. Oh and then there's Paul Ryan who has been actively working, not giving speeches, working, with the poor and lower-middle class for 2 years now, to formulate a new R plan, not just messge. Ryan is waiting to drop his entire aresenal of "how to actually help the poor/working families, not subjugate them in return for votes" on the far-left, which is the historical equivalent of what would have happened had England entered the real Civil War on either side. Edited December 16, 2014 by OCinBuffalo
Trump_is_Mentally_fit Posted December 16, 2014 Posted December 16, 2014 Oh and then there's Paul Ryan who has been actively working, not giving speeches, working, with the poor and lower-middle class for 2 years now, to formulate a new R plan, not just messge. Ryan is waiting to drop his entire aresenal of "how to actually help the poor/working families, not subjugate them in return for votes" on the far-left, which is the historical equivalent of what would have happened had England entered the real Civil War on either side. If Great Britain had entered the war Canada would now be ours, What in the name of God are you talking about??? Paul Ryan is a total douche bag
B-Man Posted December 16, 2014 Posted December 16, 2014 All I want for Christmas is a "No Steny No" T-shirt......................lol .
LeviF Posted December 16, 2014 Posted December 16, 2014 At least there are no incongruous thread tags this time. Progress, OC, progress. The shrieks from the leftists are getting more hilarious by the day. I think whether any of this will translate into a decent president in two years is still up in the air.
Trump_is_Mentally_fit Posted December 16, 2014 Posted December 16, 2014 At least there are no incongruous thread tags this time. Progress, OC, progress. The shrieks from the leftists are getting more hilarious by the day. I think whether any of this will translate into a decent president in two years is still up in the air. Will be hard to improve on Obama. A good man, smart, the good of the country at heart and an insane opposition
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