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School Massacre in Pakistan


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We can't torture them because we're better than them. Or we're supposed to be. Sacrificing our ideals and principles for pure bloodlust or revenge makes us as bad as them.

This is bad logic. This is basically war we are in. We are much, MUCH better than them. In fact they are animals. I actually thats disrespecting the animal kingdom. They are worse. So to treat these guys like we would like to be treated is ludicrous. If we would have known Hitler was going to be such a monster wouldn't it have been worth it to torture some of his operatives to keep a step ahead of him? Torture is distasteful for sure but so is taking out a truck of troops with a predator drone but its war. Bad shite happens and this is just one more of those things. All the belly aching about enhanced interrogation I don't get.
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Yes, we should. "If you know yourself and know your opponent, you need not fear the results of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not your opponent, for every victory you will suffer a defeat."


Respecting, understanding, and empathizing with your enemies and their point of view makes it easier to kill them. The Taleban understands that, obviously.

If Sun Tzu is correct then the Taliban will eventually be depleted by their own objective.
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Got it...you are right...scary times we live in.


Yeah, but his point was that you can call the scum that the flew into the WTC a lot of things, but "cowards" wasn't one of them.

You do know that most of those cowards didn't know what the mission was - right?

OBL had a good laugh when he was told that only the ring leaders who flew the planes knew what the objective was. The others were there for the ride and perhaps to slice a few necks in the process. They were kept in the dark and died azzholes.


We haven't faced an enemy like this since the Japanese fanatics in WWII.

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