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I'm sure Jacksonville is a fine town and is getting some unfair treatment. Imagine what would happen to Buffalo? It would be 1 million times worse. Detroit will get crucified next year.

It would never happen anyway, but given the opportunity, I'd want Buffalo to say no to that. It was hard enough with the Stanley Cup. All the media asshats came in and took pot shots (and most were just stupid). We can handle the NCAA regionals just fine, but nothing larger.


DETROIT is getting a super bowl.... what happened to only warm weather areas???


it wont be so bad for detroit, cus everyone thaught jacksonville would be warm and nice right now. but its not. thats why they are mad.


if they knew a year ahead of time it would be cold, they wouldnt be so upset.

Answer: domed stadium.




Question: Why give it to a city where only time it will be comfortable is when one is sitting in that domed stadium? The entire "SuperBowl week" which is of course, two weeks, will suck.

Am I the only one that thinks the NFL should just build a stadium in Vegas and have the game there every year?



Bills Simmons said that in his chat too.

I say have it New Orleans every year. Right in the middle of Mardi Gras. New Orleans is the oen town that I would really want to go to if the Bills get back to the Super Bowl.

Question: Why give it to a city where only time it will be comfortable is when one is sitting in that domed stadium? The entire "SuperBowl week" which is of course, two weeks, will suck.

Answer: I don't give a flying fig. I think the SB would be a great boon for the Buffalo area. But corporate and media wimps need to have nice weather.

Bills Simmons said that in his chat too.

I say have it New Orleans every year. Right in the middle of Mardi Gras. New Orleans is the oen town that I would really want to go to if the Bills get back to the Super Bowl.



The only problem with N.O. is they have an NFL team. I think to be fair put it in a city with no NFL team.......hey I guess L.A. is still available.

Answer:  I don't give a flying fig.  I think the SB would be a great boon for the Buffalo area.  But corporate and media wimps need to have nice weather.



The SB in Buffalo? Man, i love WNY... i do. Hell, I'm moving TO buffalo from WPB in a few months. But could you imagine a SB Week in Buffalo?


Reporters would have a hay day!!


Jim Rome on the Rome Report Monday put down J-ville He was wondering what that funny smell was, and said no thanks to coming back to J-ville. Now Jim is back tracking on his put down, surprised??

The J-ville newspaper put Buffalo down on Monday, WHY, inferiority complex?


Heard on the Herd radio show this morning, he had a message on his answering machine (I sure Jim Rome got one too) from NFL public relations asking Colin Kowherd to stop putting down Jacksonville!!!!!

Jim Rome on the Rome Report Monday put down J-ville He was wondering what that funny smell was, and said no thanks to coming back to J-ville. Now Jim is back tracking on his put down, surprised??

The J-ville newspaper put Buffalo down on Monday, WHY, inferiority complex?


Heard on the Herd radio show this morning, he had a message on his answering machine (I sure Jim Rome got one too) from NFL public relations asking Colin Kowherd to stop putting down Jacksonville!!!!!



I'm sure the NFL PR machine is scrambling to do damage control.

When Rome came through Buffalo on his tour a few years back, he had good things to say. I think he would sing a different tune if it were the Super Bowl.

Only if Niagara Falls were 5 minutes from downtown with those hotels and casinos, could Buffalo pull it off, logistically. But imagine what would happen if a blizzard happened on the Thursday before the game? People in Cambodia would be laughing.

I'd pray that Buffalo could pick up the land and crawl under it like a blanket and not come back out for 25 years. It would suck.

They're all PO'ed because they can't play golf - poor babies.



What do you mean that they can't play golf. It might be a little on the cool side, instead of Miami or Phoenix, but cetainly there is plenty of golf courses in the Jax area.


BTW, Indy is using the potential selection of a Super Bowl as one reason to get a new domed stadium for the Colts.


I'd pray that Buffalo could pick up the land and crawl under it like a blanket and not come back out for 25 years. It would suck.



The biggest problem with a Buffalo Super Bowl is even including Niagara Falls I don't think there is the volume of hotel rooms that is needed.

The biggest problem with a Buffalo Super Bowl is even including Niagara Falls I don't think there is the volume of hotel rooms that is needed.



That is the major obstacle. Jacksonville didn't have them either, but they got around that by bringing in those cruise ships. I'm certain the Love Boat wouldn't be pulling into the sunny port of Buffalo t rescue us, so we woule have to rely on Niangara Falls which is 30-40 mintues away. They do have the rooms, IF you count the Ontario side (have you seen the hotels that have gone up in the past 5 years?). That is a big big if. Peopele wouldn't want to cross the border, there would be busts of all kinds, bridge traffic etc etc. Plus, the staduim is actually in OP. Another headache for the Rome's and Simmons of the media world. It's just one inconvenience after another. No amount of cheap Canadian beer could cure it.

Jacksonville is getting killed by the media, Buffalo should never host the Super Bowl


ok, I promise you we will never host the super bowl.



ok, I promise you we will never host the super bowl.





I know we never will. It was hypothetical. Buffalo would be dead last in places chosen. Lambeau would come before Buffalo.

so we woule have to rely on Niangara Falls which is 30-40 mintues away. They do have the rooms, IF you count the Ontario side (have you seen the hotels that have gone up in the past 5 years?).



Niagara Falls is a dump, but crack and senior citizens would be plentiful.



Better to wait a few thousand years for the falls to reach Buffalo and build casinos there.

Niagara Falls is a dump, but crack and senior citizens would be plentiful.

Better to wait a few thousand years for the falls to reach Buffalo and build casinos there.



Hey, that's my hometown you're insulting....


...and I agree with you :doh:



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