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Russ Brandon: "Marrone Has Changed the Bills' Culture"


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Actually, and I meant to post this WAY earlier, hopefully it doesn't get buried here: Chris Brown offered some sterling insight into the whole M.Williams thing.


It was on the WGR pregame yesterday.


He said in Williams' waning days, Orton approached Hogan and Watkins about when they could schedule some time to come in during off-hours to throw. Williams was standing right there and wasn't even an after thought in the process.


Brown indicated that once he witnessed that, that Orton didn't even consider him among the peer group, that he knew Williams' days were numbered.


It's also an anecdote that puts to rest that it was Williams v Marrone.


Yeah I mentioned a while ago that the Williams disappearance correlated directly with the EJ benching. I thought maybe there was something to it but now I am also just guessing lol.

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Yeah I mentioned a while ago that the Williams disappearance correlated directly with the EJ benching. I thought maybe there was something to it but now I am also just guessing lol.

two other reports correlate. One from a fan who was at the Detroit game (Orton's first) where he saw MW get lit up by Orton on the sideline a couple times and then MW sitting apart from the rest of the WRs the remainder of the game. The second was an article that I think was in the Syracuse paper about Orton wanting the WRs to come in early to work on game prep and Watkins coming in at 6am, and insinuation by Hackett or someone that MW wasn't putting in extra time needed to gel with a new QB they hadn't had in TC. Details are fuzzy but I figured it was a work ethic or route running issue. At least in part. Edited by YoloinOhio
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I do not think there is any question that the attitude and culture of the Bills has radically changed over the past two years. While it would be fair to say that both Pettine and Schwartz have had an impact on this (especially the nasty streak this D plays with), it starts at the top and it is Marrone who should be credited with instilling the change. This team expects to win, fights hard, and does not exhibit the loser mentality we have witnessed for years under Jauron and then Gailey. It is a noticeably different team.

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I wouldn't read too much into this. To me it just sounds like one Good ole boy sticking up for a buddy of his. That is how these guys get to be good ole boys. You make strong friendships by sticking up for your buddies publicly. That is all I see happening here. Brandon took a moment to strengthen a friendship and try to help his buddy out to keep his job. Even if Marrone gets the ax now, he will know that Brandon had no part in it.

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#Bills President Russ Brandon gives vote of confidence to Doug Marrone at QB Club luncheon. @wgrz


#Bills Brandon: "I'm not always a fan of all the play calls... but Doug Marrone has changed the culture of the organization." @wgrz



Clarification on #Bills/Russ Brandon quote: "I'm like any other fan, I don't always understand all of the play calling." (1/2)


(2/2) was said in context of giving Doug Marrone full vote of confidence at #Bills QB Club luncheon. "Leading organization on right path."

I believe Marrone has changed the culture and is respected by his players. He's a good young coach getting better at his craft. He is a stubborn dude and I don't think if you disrespect him he is particularly forgiving. He obviously doesn't trust the media these days, which is unfortunate but I think warranted. Check out his Monday presser. BTW I too don't always agree wth the decisions but that' part of being a fan.

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two other reports correlate. One from a fan who was at the Detroit game (Orton's first) where he saw MW get lit up by Orton on the sideline a couple times and then MW sitting apart from the rest of the WRs the remainder of the game. The second was an article that I think was in the Syracuse paper about Orton wanting the WRs to come in early to work on game prep and Watkins coming in at 6am, and insinuation by Hackett or someone that MW wasn't putting in extra time needed to gel with a new QB they hadn't had in TC. Details are fuzzy but I figured it was a work ethic or route running issue. At least in part.


Interesting. Been saying for a while that it's more than coincidence that MW found the inactive list around the time Orton took over. One game together and he found the inactive list a week later. Hmm.



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Interesting. Been saying for a while that it's more than coincidence that MW found the inactive list around the time Orton took over. One game together and he found the inactive list a week later. Hmm.



How does that reconcile with what Woods said. That he has been trying hard every rep and helping all the receivers and is their energy?


"His morale is always positive," Woods said. "Of course he wanted to play and be out on the field with us and he went hard every rep he had. Even when he was on practice squad, pretty much he went hard every rep. Great teammate, taking plays for us when we got tired, really just trying to make a good impression, putting his body on the line just to make sure we were good on Sundays."

While some speculated there could be some leftover tension between Williams and Marrone from the receiver's unceremonious departure at Syracuse, they had nothing but good things to say about the other through it all, and Williams' remains a favorite in the receiver room.

"He was our energy," Woods said. "He gave us some laughs, gave us some good times, pushed us at practice, motivated us when we were down and just kept us all in it really."

Williams has insisted that he's still the same player he was in Tampa Bay, where he caught 25 touchdowns in 54 games. Woods still sees that, too.

"He definitely is. He's definitely still making plays every practice, going up and getting the ball. Same stuff he's been doing beforehand."

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I do not think there is any question that the attitude and culture of the Bills has radically changed over the past two years. While it would be fair to say that both Pettine and Schwartz have had an impact on this (especially the nasty streak this D plays with), it starts at the top and it is Marrone who should be credited with instilling the change. This team expects to win, fights hard, and does not exhibit the loser mentality we have witnessed for years under Jauron and then Gailey. It is a noticeably different team.


Could not agree more.


In 2012 the team lost games by 20, 24, 42, and 33. That was not a team without talent.


That nonsense ended when Marrone showed up. He can get better in game, and there are great reasons to question Hackett. But Brandon is right.

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I tend to agree but it's just slightly premature. What if they somehow get pasted by the Raiders? What if Tom Brady drops 49 points on them? Let's close out the season in full, and then finish the evaluation. The last few weeks have definitely been encouraging, though.




Let's not forget who you have to beat at least once per year to win this division. If they don't play well in that game the GB game will be long forgotten.


And an offense as anemic as the Bills was yesterday can lose to anybody on any given Sunday...regardless of the defensive effort.


When all you can score are field goals....one untimely turnover...a bad special teams play....and you are beat. That's why playing not to lose usual leads to nothing more than a .500 record regardless of your talent.


They need to come out and wax Oakland and then at the very least play great in that finale. That will be their playoff game. Their Super Bowl. A run for the bus effort like last years 300 yard rushing allowed finale in NE won't reflect well.


Also, to the guy who thinks Marrone has hired great staff......Hackett and Crossman are 2/3 of his coordinators and one is green and keeps getting his asss handed to him by opposing DC's and the other has had a long and subpar career.

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How does that reconcile with what Woods said. That he has been trying hard every rep and helping all the receivers and is their energy?


It doesn't. It's just interesting that MW plays in the first four games, then has a 1 catch for 8 yard day vs. Detroit where he's (reportedly) seen on the sidelines isolating himself from his teammates. And then the very next week, in only the second game of Orton's tenure here, MW finds the inactive list for the first time. When Manuel first mentioned that he was impressed by Orton's 6am arrival times in order to get extra prep work with the receivers, I just assumed MW was part of the mix as well. Now to hear that Orton didn't even bother extending an invitation to MW while he was in earshot of the invites to others seems weird to me. Just a strange lockerroom politic all the way around on the surface.



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It doesn't. It's just interesting that MW plays in the first four games, then has a 1 catch for 8 yard day vs. Detroit where he's (reportedly) seen on the sidelines isolating himself from his teammates. And then the very next week, in only the second game of Orton's tenure here, MW finds the inactive list for the first time. When Manuel first mentioned that he was impressed by Orton's 6am arrival times in order to get extra prep work with the receivers, I just assumed MW was part of the mix as well. Now to hear that Orton didn't even bother extending an invitation to MW while he was in earshot of the invites to others seems weird to me. Just a strange lockerroom politic all the way around on the surface.




In that quote it said in the days before Mike Williams release he didnt get an invitation not that he didnt get invited when Orton first arrived . For all we know he was extended an invitation the very first week and declined and then screwed up in the first game which was the Lions game which made Orton upset and now MW has an attitude the rest of the year after being called out , The coach sees this talks to him as a vet as they are expecting more but MW is set in his ways and so the team moves on .

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I don't know about Marrone in particular, but the culture seems to have turned a corner for sure. The team never seems totally out of any game, and when someone goes down (at least on defense) it seems like his replacement doesn't want to let down the rest of the team by playing below the level of the guy who went out.


Seems like they still have a tough time handling success -- they can't string more than two wins together yet. The next two weeks will tell a lot. I get the Marrone criticisms (bad game day decisions, questionable loyalties, head scratching personnel moves) but there's no reason to let him go, even though there's been a lot of calls to do so. That would be an "old culture" thing to do and it would set the franchise back another couple years. I'm generally in support of continuity. I can see no changes to any part of the coaching staff next year. I think they're happy with the direction and the team will look to keep what they have on defense and upgrade the o-line, tight ends, and running backs.


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I was thinking about this last night... and I have to agree. Marrone IS changing the culture of this team.


For the first time in forever, I no longer wonder if the team is going to come out of the locker room flat. They always play hard-hitting, passionate football. Also, I've noticed that I don't just expect they'll blow the lead each game. I may not be certain we'll win, but I don't just expect to lose.


For me... that's changing the culture of this team. And, I do give Marrone credit for that.


I'm still not completely sold on him as HC. But, the last 2 weeks are going a long way to changing that. We've played 2 of the best 3 teams in the league (in 2 weeks we'll play the 3rd), and we've more than held our own. That says alot.


I still think Hackett needs to go. Our offense is still abyssmal. We need a good QB. And I have no idea where you get one of those without a top 5 draft pick. But, this team is close. It's good. And Marrone is making a strong case for keeping it together... with a few tweaks, namely OC.


It's going to be extmemely interesting to see how the off season goes. But for now.... we got 2 more weeks of football! So, I'm gonna worry about that and for the first time in a decade.... forget all about the draft and what top coaching candidates are out there!!

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