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Surprised by Packers fan behavior


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Did you yell scoreboard after the game ended?

You know me, of course I did.


I am happy to report that every single Packers fan I came in contact with while tailgating and at the game itself were very sportsman-like, fun and classy. Even after the loss, they took it well and fist bumped with me a lot and said good game.



This is more what I was expecting


They were from fine with what I saw but as I walked around in the lots before and then into the game, I looked at license plates and the vast majority of parties with large numbers of Packers fans had Ontario and even some Quebec (saw one Iowa plate) plates. Not an observation about their actions but more along the lines of what I've said with people who start following the EPL. 99% of EPL fans you find here lives Man City, Man U, Arsenel and Chelsea and you have to struggle to find Burnley, QPR, WBA, or Sunderland fans. So my hypothesis is, and most of these were younger fans, early 20-30s, they've become NFL fans and picked the Packers because they've been good recently. And that brings out a certain attitude in someone who has never gone through the depths of failure we have that when combined with a lack of no humility; alcohol; and the personality of a bandwagon jumper and you'll get your fair share of idiots.


Pretty much summed it up, in fact I said that to my wife several times, it must be really easy to be a fan when you've never gone through the losing that a Bills fan has.

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Also a funny story. The Packers injured players were in a suite next to st. Doug s wife's and were talking trash to her. So once the bills went up Marrone's wife went into the pack suite and mooned them. A security guard had to be placed in between the two suites.

No Offense but I am calling B.S. There is no way Doug Marrone's wife mooned anybody at the stadium.

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I could not disagree more when comparing to every single Packer fan I met before during and after the game.......solid group of people.


Well as I mentioned in an earlier reply, it appeared yesterday I won the idiot lottery for them and got the small percentage that were just idiots.

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No Offense but I am calling B.S. There is no way Doug Marrone's wife mooned anybody at the stadium.


I agree. Can't see that happening. Maybe she turned her backside to the group and pointed to it or something. Can't see a coach's wife doing a full on mooning, lol.

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No Offense but I am calling B.S. There is no way Doug Marrone's wife mooned anybody at the stadium.

I didn't see it for myself but heard the story from two people I know that work in separate parts of the stadium. One security the other a cook for the suites. No offense taken. I have no reason to believe they are lying. But it's definitely not from me personally seeing it. I hope it's true. I'm going to ask again today to see if there are inconsistencies. I'll post back soon what I find out.



EDIT. Just got off phone with my Friend along with a supervisor at stadium and both said it happened.

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doesn't matter if mooning story is true or false what's important ,is the fact that it is funny ,but , if it was how ? would sports center present it?


it doesn't matter what team you support, rude behavior happens every where, remember you can't teach common sense, or respect

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95% of the Packers fans at the game yesterday were Canadians who picked the Packers as their team growing up as opposed to Packers fans who made the trip from Wisconsin. It's the same as every Bills home game. If you want to get an idea as to what real Packers fans are like you have to go to Lambeau. They are the best fans in the league, period.

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I sit front row in the endzone. There was a girl with a Packers sign, she was screaming every 2 minutes, "look at my sign, look at my sign, take a picture, blah blah blah". The photographers would just walk by, finally i said "you're sign sucks, deal with it. They can take 1000's of digital pictures and they wont take 1 of your sign, that should tell you something". She just swore at me an kept screaming. But overall Pack fans were ok in my section and there were a lot of them...

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I sit front row in the endzone. There was a girl with a Packers sign, she was screaming every 2 minutes, "look at my sign, look at my sign, take a picture, blah blah blah". The photographers would just walk by, finally i said "you're sign sucks, deal with it. They can take 1000's of digital pictures and they wont take 1 of your sign, that should tell you something". She just swore at me an kept screaming. But overall Pack fans were ok in my section and there were a lot of them...

what did the sign say?
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I watched the game at a bar at Breckenridge yesterday, I was the only Bills fan, but the Pack fans were great!


I was friends with the wild group by the end. Even my buddy in the yellow and green overalls!


Like I said to a few Geen Bay fans, just seems to me Buffalo and GB are kindred spirits! Cold, love football, good food, etc.

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In my younger days I lived in cape cod and had a work friend who was very nice and took me to a Patriots game (my first ever live game.....did the whole tailgating thing....awesome. He asked me not to wear my bills colors and since he was footing the bill I obliged.....just wouldnt wear patriot gear)


He had season tickets and our seats were next to where the players came out of the tunnel.....I had a idiot patriot fan sitting in the seats behind my friend......he spilled beer on him twice...the second time quite a bit. My friend didnt want to cause trouble and kept asking me not to do anything.


This was in the days of Curtis Martin. Curtis and a rather huge offensive linemen were walking into the tunnel at halfime and the drunk was just yelling every nasty thing you could say at the O linemen who had made some mistakes in the game......so bad he actually got the O linemen's attention. The drunk thought he was safe from where he was at.


Finally.....losing my mind. I grabbed the drunk and hung him out over the railing where the O line could actually reach him and held him there.....with drunk guy turning red and trying to squirm away.....and his buddies just shocked and not knowing what to do...my friend wide eyed at me not knowing what to say. I yelled to Curtis and the OL "Hey....you want him?" and they both started laughing and just shook their heads and went into the tunnel.


I thought about just dropping him on the field....then pulled him in and slapped the beer cup out of his hand. He was gone in a flash. Security came over and told me to calm down which I did.

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