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Bills Simmons "Sports Guy" Chat transcript


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The following is from ESPN.com....Bills simmons Chat Transcript....mods if this is not cool...delete..if it is OK...enjoy




Welcome to The Show! On Thursday at 10 a.m. ET, The Sports Guy, Bill Simmons will hop in to take your questions and comments live from the Super Bowl. Send in your questions and comments now! Then join Bill Thursday morning.

In the meantime, check out The Sports Guy's entire Super Bowl Blog!


The ShowGirl: (9:20 AM ET ) Yes, it's true! The Sports Guy will make an appearance in The Show at 10am ET! Got something to say to him? Now's your chance!


The ShowGirl: (10:01 AM ET ) He's here!


Bill Simmons: (10:02 AM ET ) All right, I'm here...






Mike (Jacksonville, FL): Bill, what's the beef with Jax? I was at the Super Bowl XXXVI, it was cold and crowded. Sure, they had gambling, but so do we! There are two ships that sail twice a day here. Only Miami has a climate advantage on us. Give it until Friday before you start whining. Only the Media is here, the fans still have to work. The NFL only cares how the GAME appears on TV. That is where 99.99% of the fans and advertisers see the game. This game will look great on TV with the River and city.


Bill Simmons: (10:03 AM ET ) The key sentence there is "The NFL only cares how the GAME appears on TV."




krick (wilmington): BS - got to get rid of the beard. you look like a werewolf on crack


Bill Simmons: (10:04 AM ET ) I shaved it last night - now I have one of those Jim Rome goatees, which is probably worse. I was going to keep the beard all week until my buddy JBug emailed me to tell me that I looked like George Michael.




Joe (Philly): Wow, you really trashed Jax! Unfortunately, having been to Jax on several occasions I have to agree with most of your comments. At least you were kind enough to not mention the smell that comes from the paper mills when the wind blows just right.


Bill Simmons: (10:05 AM ET ) I don't think I trashed Jacksonville at all - they just shouldn't be hosting a Super Bowl. I don't think Boston should be hosting a Super Bowl, either, and that's obviously my favorite city.




Matt (DC): Hey Bill, are you gonna get a job writing for the new Adam Carolla show?


Bill Simmons: (10:07 AM ET ) Which one? He has like five in the works... by 2006, he's going to have his own Direc-Tv channel.




Walter (NYC): What is hardest right now: being a Knicks fan? being a Lakers fan? or being a Celtics fan?


Bill Simmons: (10:09 AM ET ) Being a Knicks fan - there's nothing worse than having Isiah Thomas running your team. It's like sitting in the passenger's seat with a driver who just threw down 8 beers and 5 hots - sheer terror.




Vik (Fort Myers FL): Bill, how long before Mark Blount is kneecapped by your dad?


Bill Simmons: (10:09 AM ET ) I think he would hire someone else to do it.


Bill Simmons: (10:10 AM ET ) I think he would hire someone else to do it.


Bill Simmons: (10:10 AM ET ) If he hasn't already.




Chris (Baton ROuge): Bill, I'm from Jacksonville (Cowford). You think traffic is bad now? Just wait til they try to cross the river with the cow herds on Friday afternoon!


Bill Simmons: (10:10 AM ET ) The good thing is that there's no traffic downtown - since they've closed just about every road.




Dan (Worcester, MA): This seems to be a popular debate going on right now, how many of these current Pats are Hall of Famers? I say 5 locks, Brady, Venatieri, Seymour, Dillon and Bruschi, with Law having a shot. What do you think?


Bill Simmons: (10:13 AM ET ) I don't think any of them are locks - it obviously depends on how many more years they can keep it going. I doubt Bruschi would ever make it. Law has a decent chance if he can play at a high level for another few years. Seymour is too young right now - let's see where he is in ten years. Brady is obviously on the right path. Dillon needs 3-4 more good years I think. The only lock right now is Vinatieri, I feel like he was the defining kicker of the past 10-15 years, like the Pats version of Mo Rivera.




Chris (Baltimore): Hey Bill, so who do you think will end up winning the MVP on Sunday?


Bill Simmons: (10:13 AM ET ) I'm going to pick Corey Dillon.




Raffi, Auburn Massachusetts: Bill, what will you remember more about this week? The Patriots third Super Bowl victory, or the release of a Karate Kid Boxed set?


Bill Simmons: (10:15 AM ET ) That's a tough one... I'm going with the Pats, but only because the KK Box Set includes the one with Hilary Swank.




Matt (Detroit): Are you excited about being in Detroit this time next year?


Bill Simmons: (10:16 AM ET ) You won't see me in Detroit next year - I'm going to pretend I have mono or something so they don't send me.




Paul (Hudson, NH): What are the reporters saying about the Peter King/Ken Powers plagiarism story in Jacksonville?


Bill Simmons: (10:18 AM ET ) That's the big story down here right now - everyone's talking about it. If you missed it, a Worcester Telegram writer basically passed in Peter King's Monday Morning QB column six days later - a Pats-Eagles preview. It's crazy. He didn't even bother to change the words or anything. It was like a cry for help.




Ethan (New York, NY): BSG,What was the opening night crowd like for "Assault on Precinct 13", mine was a little wild and laughed evertime Ja Rule from "Hoop Dreams" was on. By the way, there is no excuse for seeing this movie on opening weekend.


Bill Simmons: (10:20 AM ET ) I'm embarrassed to admit this, but I actually thought it WAS Arthur Agee... we had to change my joke about it in Monday's column. I had no idea it was Ja Rule, I didn't recognize him without the chains.




Evan (Stamford, CT): BSG - In your opinion, what do the Eagles have to do to derail the Pats date with destiny?


Bill Simmons: (10:23 AM ET ) I think they should blitz Tom Brady, because he gets easily rattled. And I would run right up the middle with Westbrook, the Pats have a terrible front 7. Also, be very concened about Dillon catching balls out of the backfield. And if Hank Poteat and Troy Brown are on the field, steer clear of them - don't throw the ball in their direction.




zach (ny): Is this chat, the way your going to get out of writing a column for today?


Bill Simmons: (10:24 AM ET ) I can never win




Adam (Dallas, TX): BSG - Some of our local sports-talk radio personalities are down in JAX all week broadcasting live, and they can't go 5 minutes without mentioning how "talented" Jacksonville's female population is. Are they really that breathtaking?


Bill Simmons: (10:26 AM ET ) Very pretty and very nice. You can't go wrong with girls from the South, Texas or California - like 99% of all the good-looking women in America live in one of those 3 areas.




Mike (Fairfield CT): If you could take one guy one the Eagles to replace a current member of the Pats for just this one game...would you and why?


Bill Simmons: (10:28 AM ET ) I like Brian Westbroook - he would be a very good third down back and kick returner for the Pats.




Matt (Jacksonville Beach): Hey Bill, how has your career improved since you apppeared on "I love the 90's" on VH1?


Bill Simmons: (10:30 AM ET ) My career hasm't improved, but my friends have something to make fun of me now for the next 20 years. Nothing like losing PT to Hal Sparks and Loni Love.




Nick (CT): Damn, you actually appeared on one of those shows. I have lost a little respect for you.


Bill Simmons: (10:30 AM ET ) I've lost respect for myself - if they keep showing it, I'm going to end up in a women's bathroom with my shoes off, attacking police officers like Barrett Robbins.




Jon (Hoboken): The rumor mill has Phil coming back to coach the Lakers. How much of Soap Opera would that be? Better than Melrose Place?


Bill Simmons: (10:32 AM ET ) That will never happen - they just have no ideas how to replace Rudy T, and since Jax dates Buss's daughter, he probably allowed them to "float" his name out there as a replacement while they secretly hunt for someone to actually coach the team.




Colin (Providence): Bill, Tonight on NESN they are playing game 4 of the ALCS. All week I have been reading your columns, watching my Pats prepare on TV, and listening to the Standells, "Dirty Water" and "Sweet Caroline" by Mr. Diamond. I'm only 19. Is this the highlight of my life?


Bill Simmons: (10:33 AM ET ) If you're ever going to lose your virginity, I think this is the week. By the way, what are the odds of my TIVO at home actually recording Game 4 of the ALCS? The odds are like -500 that my wife will somehow screw this up.




Monty (Fairfield OH): Bill, do you think that Pittsburgh was a bigger match for the Pats than Eagles are going to be?


Bill Simmons: (10:34 AM ET ) I actually think San Diego would have been the worst matchup out of anyone - I was terrified of them. Thank God Marty's sphincter tightened during the Jets game.




Kevin (Phoenix): Have you had any run-ins with Eagles fans yet? If not, they're a very friendly group. Make sure you wear your Pats jersey, tell them that the Eagles suck, and that you'd rather have Bubby Brister as your QB than Donovan McNabb.


Bill Simmons: (10:36 AM ET ) I'm looking forward to hanging out with Eagles fans - I always enjoy people from Philly. I couldn't be happier that they're the NFC team, much better than dealing with the bandwagon hoppers from St Louis and Carolina.




Dan (Boston): Bill, please shave your beard of you haven't already, my respect for you is wavering after VH1(sellout) but the beard is too much!


Bill Simmons: (10:37 AM ET ) Can you sell out for VH1 if you weren't even paid? They don't pay people for those shows.




Brendan (Dedham, MA): Does it kill you, being the Holy Cross grad that you are, to see B.C. at 19-0 right now??


Bill Simmons: (10:38 AM ET ) Are you kidding me? I'm delighted! They're going into the Big East tournament at like 29-1, then they'll get killed in Round 2 by some no-name team... then they'll choke on opening weekend. Just remember, when Al Skinner is your coach, that means that Al Skinner is your coach.




Jimmy (jacksonville): You were pretty hard on your jacksonville comments, I have been here for about 10 years and all I can say is that it is improving. Your comment about the cab charging more starting on Thursday is not true...I checked. By the way what great city are you from that is perfect?


Bill Simmons: (10:39 AM ET ) The cab charging story was told to me by 2 different cab drivers.... any non-metered cab will be 100 an hour. THey had 300 metered cabs to start, then they brought in another 300 non-metered cabs.




Tim (Boston): With Jax and Detroit getting a Super Bowl, do you think New England has a chance?


Bill Simmons: (10:40 AM ET ) Having a Super Bowl in Foxboro would make Jacksonville look like Las Vegas.


Bill Simmons: (10:40 AM ET ) sorry, Foxboro




dave (Jax): Bill, I respect you for coming in with an open mind, but don't you think its a bit ridiculous how much you (and many other sportswriter) complain about their surroundings and how Jax is going to be the worst superbowl ever when only about .02% of people who enjoy the superbowl are actually in Jax? Aren't the weather and game time conditions what is most important for a great superbowl? (by the way, how does 70 degrees and sunny sound for Sunday)


Bill Simmons: (10:42 AM ET ) Here's the thing though: Isn't it our job to report how things are going down here? Or should we never mention the city at all? Isn't the goal of the Super Bowl for fans to come down, blow off some steam and have a good time? If that's not the case, why even have Super Bowl Week?




Nate (Schaumburg, IL): Whhhhhhhaaaaattttt? You're weren't paid for the VH1 gig? Even the vets like Hal Sparks? That's all they got going for them right now....at least you have a job.


Bill Simmons: (10:43 AM ET ) I think the only 2 people who get paid are Hal Sparks and Michael Ian Black - and thats becauuse it's the only way they can fill out a 1090-form every year.




Matt (Newton, MA): Is it true that Eagles fans outnumber Pats fans 4:1 in Jax and that it will be a home game for Philly? I heard that on the radio and I am skeptical...


Bill Simmons: (10:45 AM ET ) I think it's true that 4X as many Philly fans will be down here - just think about how many fans they have, and how long they've been waiting for his. Supposedly a ton of them are coming down without tickets or rooms. I think the scalper prices will be off the charts this Sunday.




jj (orlando): what the scene is like in jax right now


Bill Simmons: (10:45 AM ET ) Foggy and rainy.




Jim (Boston): I have formed the completely indefensible theory that the Jacksonville and Detroit SuperBowls are just an appeasment tactic by the NFL. They want to make a few whiny owners happy, but in doing so the corporate gladhanders and media hangers-on and the party fans will get their panties ina bunch and demand a more congenial setting in 2007. Either that, or they're just letting those of us who are bitter that we will NEVER get to a SuperBowl have a reason to laugh at you losers who get to go. Thoughts?


Bill Simmons: (10:47 AM ET ) From what I heard, the last 3 SB's (Houston, then Jax and Detroit) were given to those cities as a reward for building a new stadium. Apparently that's the perk from Team Tagliabue. Although they have drawn the line with Foxboro.




Nick (Millbury, MA): Will Holy Cross make the NCAA Tournament this year and finally dispose of a favored team? Also, will you be going to Worcester for the first 2 rounds of the tournament?


Bill Simmons: (10:49 AM ET ) I'm just excited that HC finally has a guy named "Simmons" on his team... if they don't send me one of his game-worn jerseys, I'm never giving money to the school again. Oh, wait, I've never given money.




Rob (NY): Bill, quick Vegas question: I'll be in downtown Vegas for one night. Where's the best place to play poker or blackjack? Thanks.


Bill Simmons: (10:49 AM ET ) I like the Hard Rock for blackjack and either Mandalay Bay or the Bellagio for poker.




Chris (NY): Why does Jiri Welsch look like young Scott Baio?


Bill Simmons: (10:50 AM ET ) That's a good one - that's going to be his next job after the Celtics waive him, working for a family with 3 daughters.




Jon (Chicago): Has their ever been a stronger afternoon linup than Soapnet's 90210 Melrose Place double header each day @ 4:00 & 5:00 (central time)? Yes...I am watching Soapnet


Bill Simmons: (10:52 AM ET ) It's a murderer's row - I wish they would change the name of the channel though. The only name worse than "SoapNet" would be "Out of the Closet"




Angus (Ithaca, NY): If Drew Bledsoe was a tree, what kind of tree would he be?


Bill Simmons: (10:52 AM ET ) A tree that was better 10 years ago.




JMiller (Prospect Park): When will you admit that Steve Nash is MVP?


Bill Simmons: (10:53 AM ET ) Please. He's a table-setter. Table-setters don't win MVP's. He's doing his job - run the offense and distribute the ball. That's what point guards are supposed to do. Surround J-Kidd with that kind of talent and he'd be averaging 12 assists a game, too.




Bill (Hoboken,NJ): How can you complain about anything down therw when 90% of the people on this chat are sitting in their cubes right now looking behind them to make sure they don't get caught by their boss lookign at this?


Bill Simmons: (10:54 AM ET ) That's an excellent point.




Mark (Mansfield, MA): Bill, I was a little confused at the news that Darius Miles was suspended for using a racial slur towards his coach, Mo Cheeks. Last time I checked, weren't they both African American? Plus, what happened to Darius? He used to be so happy, slapping his headband after dunks and now this?


Bill Simmons: (10:55 AM ET ) I'm with you - I thought that was very confusing. It's like Brent Barry getting suspended for calling Gregg Popovich a "honky."


Bill Simmons: (10:55 AM ET ) I'm with you - I thought that was very confusing. It's like Brent Barry getting suspended for calling Gregg Popovich a "honky."


Bill Simmons: (10:55 AM ET ) I'm with you - I thought that was very confusing. It's like Brent Barry getting suspended for calling Gregg Popovich a "honky."




Jay (Alexandria, VA): Hey Bill - is the NFL planning an event at the Jacksonville Olive Garden tonight or will you be able to catch Dwyane vs. LeBron on national TV?


Bill Simmons: (10:57 AM ET ) I'm DYING to see Dwyane-LeBron... unfortunately I'll be stuck outside my hotel waiting for a cab for 2 hours.




Jeff (Cleveland): Why don't you go to the ESPN the Magazine house and watch it?


Bill Simmons: (10:59 AM ET ) I'm at the ESPN magazine house right now - it's bizarre. Like a converted frat house. Right now there's a fake football field to my right with Michael IRvin walking around... I'm about 20 minutes away from having a 10-step handshake with him.




Brian (Rocky hill, CT): Bill, why the Skinner bashing? I know HC alums are supposed to hate BC, but Skinner's really not a bad coach. He's done nothing but good things for the program. He's won two regular season Big East titles (and well on his way to a third), one Big East tourney title, and he's been to the NCAAs 4 times in 6 years. Plus he was national coach of the year in '00-'01. How exactly is he a bad coach?


Bill Simmons: (11:00 AM ET ) Because I will never forgive him for not being there for his son Dudley after the traumatic near-molestation episode of Diff'rent Strokes.




Tim (Columbus, OH): Have you asked LeBron out on a date yet? Has your man crush fully developed?


Bill Simmons: (11:00 AM ET ) Come on, I'm not even 1/100th as bad as Eric Neel - he's done everything but make LeBron a mix tape.




Jason (Lancaster): Please enter your question.Who will win the super bowl?


Bill Simmons: (11:01 AM ET ) You have to wait until Sunday morning for my prediction.




jeremy (kcmo): so who is the hottest reporter down there?


Bill Simmons: (11:01 AM ET ) John Clayton.




Jayson (Houston): Bill, I heard you had alittle time with Rome yesterday. How did it go? You a Rome fan?


Bill Simmons: (11:03 AM ET ) Yeah, I like Rome - he's a good guy. He's like a God in LA, it's unbelievable. But he has the only listenable show in LA - besides all the ESPN Radio shows, obviously.


(Quit pointing the gun at my head!)




Craig (Toronto): Give us your "Proposition Bet Lock O' the Week"


Bill Simmons: (11:03 AM ET ) The over on Corey Dillon's rushing yards.




Jordan (Philadelphia): Bill just admit that you are nervous about this game....Stop acting like a damn Yankee fan (not the group) and say you what your really feeling about the outcome of the game.


Bill Simmons: (11:04 AM ET ) I was nervous about the game until I saw the Eagles on Media Day - they gave the term "Happy to be there" new life.




Jim(Woostah): Bill, i know you've been to a few Super Bowls, but have you ever been asked to cover the Pro Bowl? I think a Bill Simmons Hawiann experience would be a great read.


Bill Simmons: (11:05 AM ET ) I agree... that's a fantastic idea. The perfect way for every remaining reader I have to hate my guts.




Tank (Indy): Please keep bad mouthing JAX not being big enough for a Super Bowl. Here in Indy, as a lure to try to get people to pay for a new stadium, they are talking that it could lead to a Super Bowl. Seriously! I agree with you that the Super Bowl shouldn't be outside of Miami, New Orleans, and San Diego. Unless oc course your Vegas idea takes flight...I can only imagine the world descending on Vegas for a Super Bowl.


Bill Simmons: (11:06 AM ET ) I, for one, would be DELIGHTED at an Indy Super Bowl... I could do a pilgrimmage to French Lick, check out Milan, etc etc... I've always wanted to go there. Of course, like 5 other people feel this way, but I don't care. I'm road-tripping to Indy in the next 2 years.




Jacob (New Haven): With all we have heard about your Starbucks travails, I'm surprised now that your in LA we have no heard anything about In-N-Out Burger. Do you share the view of many that it's the best (and only edible) fast food ever?


Bill Simmons: (11:08 AM ET ) It's a disservice to call it "fast food" - it's better than most food. The burgers are amazing. I think the fries suck though. But the fast-food scene in LA is remarkable... when they have a Super Bowl in LA, that will be one of the highlights for every sportswriter.




Shaun (Philadelphia): Who do you think will play the biggest factor in an Eagles victory?


Bill Simmons: (11:08 AM ET ) The secondary.




Mikey (Queens, NY): When you look back at your articles from your days at the Kimmel show, do you also realize that they suck compared to the rest of your work?


Bill Simmons: (11:10 AM ET ) You kidding me? I'm proud of those columns! I was working 60 hours a week for that show and writing most of those columns from 9PM to 3AM on Thursdays after a 12-hour workday... I defy anyone else to try this.




John (Houston): I was watching the Celtics Rockets game the other day and I played the Marc Blount game that I read in your mailbag. To my surprise it worked withing the first Celtics possession he wasn't ready for a pass and committed a turnover. He did that at least four more times during the game. It was really amazing. I'm with your Dad he is terrible.


Bill Simmons: (11:11 AM ET ) Mark Blout is a force of nature - you really can't properly capture it in print. Tommy Heinsohn now refuses to speak after every terrible Blount play, it's like he's afraid to drop an F-bomb or something.




Sarah (Gainesville, Fl): Bill, as University of Florida student, I wanted to say thank you for bashing that hell hole of Jacksonville and i want to welcome you to my state!!!!


Bill Simmons: (11:12 AM ET ) Good to be here!




David (Manchester, CT): Year TWO THOU-SANDclap-clapclap-clap-clap




Jodie (Toronto): Whats your view on the prop bet: What will happen first for mcnabb, touchdown pass or interception


Bill Simmons: (11:13 AM ET ) INT, followed by the embarrassed smile and the head shake




Heather (NYC): Would you ever hire a chick as your intern?


Bill Simmons: (11:14 AM ET ) Of course!




Greg (Titletown USA): What ever happenned to your list of top 100 sports movies that you were jumping around with, I only saw like 4 or 5 and then poof it was gone


Bill Simmons: (11:15 AM ET ) It's coming back in 2 weeks - was always meant to be a February-August thing




Charley Ward (Houston): Would you ever hire an ugly chick as your intern?


Bill Simmons: (11:15 AM ET ) Of course!




Bunge (New England's Rising Star): What do you think of the Red Sox signing a Japanese pitcher with a mullet?


Bill Simmons: (11:16 AM ET ) Obviously I'm delighted...




Cal (Boston): How bout an ungly chick that used to be a dude?


Bill Simmons: (11:17 AM ET ) Of course!




Dave (New Jersey): Bill, due you think we can get a running diary for Wrestlemania 21 this year? I always find it hilarious when a guy who hasn't watched wrestling in a while try to watch a RAW or a PPV and have no real idea what the hell is going on.


Bill Simmons: (11:17 AM ET ) You kidding? I'm going this year - it's at the Staples Center.




Carmen (South Jersey): If T.O. plays and Harrison hurts him, I'm buying an authentic Harrison jersey, and I'm not even a Pats fan.




Turtle (my hummer): If Jimmy Fallon runs on after the Pats win, can we pay Rodney to lay him out?


Bill Simmons: (11:18 AM ET ) I'll handle it.




Marci (Boston): Do you find it sad that Schilling beat the Yankees and then lost to Sarah Rue in a poker game?


Bill Simmons: (11:19 AM ET ) She's a much tougher out than A-Rod.




Gary (Nashville): Have you had a chance to speak with Fred Taylor's groin since you arrived?




Eric (State College): Who was the most unfriendly player to deal with on media day?


Bill Simmons: (11:20 AM ET ) Everyone was pretty friendly - Harrison was the most serious though. Not someone you want to joke around with.




Nate D (Philly): Can you take a picture of the look on your face after the Eagles win the Super bowl on Sunday, so we can all see what the "Bill Simmons-I didn't realize the Eagle's were this good" face looks like?


Bill Simmons: (11:21 AM ET ) If the Eagles win, I will absolutely do this.




vince (detroit): Is God really T.O.'s doctor?


Bill Simmons: (11:22 AM ET ) Yes - for the last 4 weeks. They're trying to keep it quiet.


Bill Simmons: (11:27 AM ET ) Whoops... I gotta go, I have to judge the Weber Super Grill Off outside the ESPON White House... and no, I'm not making this up. Thanks to everyone who sent in questions!

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Angus (Ithaca, NY): If Drew Bledsoe was a tree, what kind of tree would he be?


Bill Simmons: (10:52 AM ET ) A tree that was better 10 years ago.





What does he mean "was" a tree ??

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Where's FFS's critique on every single question/answer?? I'm waiting!


Angus (Ithaca, NY): If Drew Bledsoe was a tree, what kind of tree would he be?


Bill Simmons: (10:52 AM ET ) A tree that was better 10 years ago.



I say its the tree that's about to be cut down with a herring.

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