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Game Balls vs. Green Bay


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Lots of ST love going around, so I'll reiterate one of my game balls from earlier in this thread: Danny Crossman.


Nice to have guys like Dixon and Graham around for sure; let's also recognize the job he's done getting great ST output from Brooks, Easley, Robey, Rambo, etc.

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I am going to add that a game ball should go to the RB's-- all three of them collectively.


All three guys had crazy plays, where they turned like 5-yard losses into big gains through individual effort. Freddy grinding out yards on that last drive was classic Freddy too.


Don't forget Dixon fighting to recover his fumble.

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Not game balls, but attaboys to some players who I thought (just watching the network feed) did a nice job yesterday:


1. Lee Smith. Our favorite whipping boy. From what I saw, he did his job as a blocking TE, and did it well.

2. Easley and some of the other special teams grinders. Again, a lot of us question roster moves, and the common response is "but he's a valuable special teams player." And we saw that value yesterday. Easley, Hogan (before he was in the regular receiver mix), Dixon, Brooks -- all these guys are good to great special teamers, and it makes a difference.

3. The inside O line. I actually saw some holes up the middle yesterday. No, the Pack defense is not the Bills defense, or even the Broncos defense. But they opened some holes and Fred found them. Another beleaguered unit that turned in a good performance. Now, as for what's happened to Cordy Glenn, that's another story.

4. Schwartz and the defensive line rotation guys -- we saw it again. They were fresh. The Packers O line was beat up and was not. Funny, when Schwartz was with the Lions I thought of him as an old Raiders style coach -- undisciplined, too aggressive, dumb penalties (Suh etc.). What I've seen here is he has his plan, he doesn't overreact (as in yesterday after the Packers scored their TD by running it inside for big gains -- some D coordinators would've stacked the box right away and Rodgers would've killed them on the next drive), he just makes sound adjustments and trusts his players.

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