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NFL Owners Approve New Personal Conduct Policy


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NFLPA criticizes "unilateral" imposition of personal conduct policy:


"Our union has not been offered the professional courtesy of seeing the NFL's new personal conduct policy before it hit the presses, the NFLPA said. "Their unilateral decision and conduct today is the only thing that has been consistent over the past few months."




As PFT previously has reported, the NFLPA intends to immediately scrutinize the new policy for any terms that may fall within the mandatory duty to collectively bargain terms and conditions of employment with the union, and then to pursue potential relief via "system arbitration" under the CBA or via the National Labor Relations Board.

Edited by papazoid
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There is a lot to like in the NFL's new personal conduct policy, starting with its strong message that domestic-related crimes cannot, and will not, be tolerated.


But NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell promised back in September to "get it right," and he's not quite there yet. If he's willing to set aside his ego, and some of his power, however, the NFL could have a policy that not only protects victims and gets players the help they need, but could serve as a model for how to address domestic violence.


"They're moving in the right direction," Kim Gandy, president and CEO of the National Network to End Domestic Violence, said after the NFL unveiled its new policy Wednesday.




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Goodell : The policy is 'comprehensive, strong, tough and better' (7:54)

NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell announces the new NFL personal conduct policy, briefly explaining how the new policy will benefit everyone involved in the NFL. While four owners make statements in support of Commissioner Goodell and speak on how the new policy will positively effect the NFL.
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