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HS football team goes to court Thursday to overturn referee's call

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The short version:

  • With one minute left, team has fourth down and is trailing by one point
  • QB throws pass to RB, and RB makes a dozen highlight-reel moves to score 60-yard touchdown
  • Coach runs along the sideline, cheering on the player, and accidentally runs over the linesman who is also on the sideline (not on the playing field)
  • The rulebook calls for a 5-yard penalty, to be assessed on the following kickoff
  • Instead, the referee calls an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty, negating the touchdown
  • Fourth down is replayed, without gaining the first down or a touchdown
  • Team sues to overturn call, count the touchdown, and replay the last minute of game.

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Edited by \GoBillsInDallas/
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Good job teaching your kids how to roll with life's punches coach! :thumbsup:


  • Instead, the referee calls an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty, negating the touchdown


p.s. this is a direct result of our obsession with making refs part of the game. All the unnecessary rules, judgement calls, replays, etc make all refs think they are the 3d team on the field.

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i look at this as the exact opposite...he is standing up for his players because why should they be wrongly punished for something he did that was penalized incorrectly....he is teaching his players to not accept injustice(i know, a bit of hyperbole there), but the rule clearly states one thing and the refs got the call wrong....allegedly


Good job teaching your kids how to roll with life's punches coach! :thumbsup:




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how many wrong calls did the team benefit from along the way? im guessing he didnt point those out, yet alone go to court -- if justice, and doing whats right is the core lesson, of course.


but teaching his kids that going to court over the score of a game.... not a fan of this one, personally.

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i look at this as the exact opposite...he is standing up for his players because why should they be wrongly punished for something he did that was penalized incorrectly....he is teaching his players to not accept injustice(i know, a bit of hyperbole there), but the rule clearly states one thing and the refs got the call wrong....allegedly



It was the coach's fault the team lost. The coach should just man up and say he effed up. Sorry kids.


This is like the dumbest thing ever to launch a lawsuit about.


Remember, when the world starts to go to hell, first kill all the lawyers.

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One minute of play back on the clock? If I am the defense then I am going to make sure no one moves an inch without bleeding.

Yup. Bench clearing brawl like high school teams used to do back in the day. Swinging helmets and everything. What will the refs do then?


The coach is the douche who ran into the ref. Yes the ref was also a douche for making the wrong call. But Geezuz man, its a friggin high school football game. There are more important things in life. And this is certainly not something worth involving lawyers and judges in.

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It was the coach's fault the team lost. The coach should just man up and say he effed up. Sorry kids.




The ref should read the rule book & own up to his mistake. Good for the coach for not just rolling over. There is enough in the world that just isn't right. We need to make things right when we can.

That is such a bad philosophy it's scary. So all sporting events should be reviewed in court for possible "it just isn't right" moments? Is it too late to replay the '85 World Series or the '99 Stanley Cup Finals? And what do we do when the courts get it wrong?


It is exactly this mentality that created the situation in the first place. Refs now think everything has to be absolutely perfect which is why they throw flags when they shouldn't, throw players out of games because of glancing helmet blows delivered during a full speed play, and why they waste hours (and destroy the momentum of the game) every weekend waiting for instant replay reviews that half the time don't show anything of value and the other half confirm what was obvious initially.


Every time I catch a bit of 'The U' documentary I'm reminded how much more fun it used to be to watch football; back before we started 'getting everything right'.

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That is such a bad philosophy it's scary. So all sporting events should be reviewed in court for possible "it just isn't right" moments? Is it too late to replay the '85 World Series or the '99 Stanley Cup Finals? And what do we do when the courts get it wrong?


It is exactly this mentality that created the situation in the first place. Refs now think everything has to be absolutely perfect which is why they throw flags when they shouldn't, throw players out of games because of glancing helmet blows delivered during a full speed play, and why they waste hours (and destroy the momentum of the game) every weekend waiting for instant replay reviews that half the time don't show anything of value and the other half confirm what was obvious initially.


Every time I catch a bit of 'The U' documentary I'm reminded how much more fun it used to be to watch football; back before we started 'getting everything right'.


I was going to try and put my thoughts into words on this, and I couldn't do it any better than you did. To me it's the same concept of when kids got into fights when we were growing up. You fought, with fists, it ended and that was it. it was OVER. It's a game, it happened on the field, and it's over. Let it go. Not one of the individuals impacted in this game are going to go on and make a fortune by having this overturned. There is no benefit to this at all.

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Yup. Bench clearing brawl like high school teams used to do back in the day. Swinging helmets and everything. What will the refs do then?


The coach is the douche who ran into the ref. Yes the ref was also a douche for making the wrong call. But Geezuz man, its a friggin high school football game. There are more important things in life. And this is certainly not something worth involving lawyers and judges in.





Edited by KikoSeeBallKikoGetBall
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How long until this happens in the nfl?


With millions at stake I could see it happening. If not from the owner or coach, the fans perhaps.


Imagine ifthatcall or one similar decided te afc championship game or the Super Bowl?


The refs have been sooooo hooorrriiibbbbllleeeee this season I would low to see a lawsuit to try ad straighten the league out.

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How long until this happens in the nfl?


With millions at stake I could see it happening. If not from the owner or coach, the fans perhaps.


Imagine ifthatcall or one similar decided te afc championship game or the Super Bowl?


The refs have been sooooo hooorrriiibbbbllleeeee this season I would low to see a lawsuit to try ad straighten the league out.


You mean like when the Seahawks got screwed in th SB against the Steelers in '06? Where was the lawsuit?


There will be no such lawsuits--certainly not from owners--becuase such cases are hopeless. If you accept that humans will referee these games and that humans will make bad calls, you have no recourse when their errors affect the outcome of the game to your disliking. Unless you can prove some criminal or nefarious intent, there is no case to bring to court.


If there was, you wouldn't have to "imagine" it....it would have happened a very long time ago and would happen all the time since.

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You mean like when the Seahawks got screwed in th SB against the Steelers in '06? Where was the lawsuit?


There will be no such lawsuits--certainly not from owners--becuase such cases are hopeless. If you accept that humans will referee these games and that humans will make bad calls, you have no recourse when their errors affect the outcome of the game to your disliking. Unless you can prove some criminal or nefarious intent, there is no case to bring to court.


If there was, you wouldn't have to "imagine" it....it would have happened a very long time ago and would happen all the time since.


The world is changing. And with it, I think a lawsuit is more likely to come in the future.


For example, if the NFL is going to demand that the refs make all these calls all the time, then it's reasonable for the fans to expect the refs to do a good job at makin those calls.


And the refs have totally blown this year.


Maybe no one sues for a replay of the game, but a fan could definitely sue to get his 50k plus PSL seat license back due to the games being poorly officiated or the outcomes determined by the refs not the players.

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