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Citizens Against Nude Juicebars and Pornography


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I guess they couldn't come up with a better anagram.  CANJAP? 


Seriously, it seems that the laws are aimed at the owner of this nudie bar/establishment.  Courts have traditionally erred on the side of caution in these situations, giving leeway to the owners of such places over the community interests. 





In Erie county they would slap him with a 9% "right to strip" tax.

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Oh, welcome to "rezoning".  :(



Maybe, but I doubt it... The owner of the company has very close ties to businesses and politicians... Plus, the city would then have to deal with the fact that there's a bunch of drug addicts who want to try and get clean (or who are being forced to be there due to the court system) with nowhere to go... So they'll go on the streets... Bad PR for the city if that happened. :(



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Good points; most of them are doctors and lawyers and such.


I know the developers have alerady made an offer to my wife's company to buy the land, but they're not offering enough for the company to be able to buy land/buildings elsewhere.  I guess I wouldn't be surprised to see an offer come in later.  However, I doubt the government would get involved.  Of course, you never can tell.





Watch the gov't come in and slap eminent domain on the rehab center with the argument that the tax base the condos provide is higher than that of the rehab clinic.



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A kid is more likely to get molested at church, a Boys & Girls Club, by a relative or by Michael Jackson than if they live in a neighborhood with a strip club or an adult video store. Everyone of these lunatic fringe pro-censorship groups just says "we are protecting the kids" to justify their actions. They get away with it because people just don't want to get involved or go up against these nut jobs that are hiding behind "protecting" kids to push their views against the constitution and their censorship on the rest of us. We should be protecting kids from these people. It's a sick, sick world we live in.

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A kid is more likely to get molested at church, a Boys &  Girls Club, by a relative or by Michael Jackson than if they live in a neighborhood with a strip club or an adult video store. Everyone of these lunatic fringe pro-censorship groups just says "we are protecting the kids" to justify their actions. They get away with it because people just don't want to get involved or go up against these nut jobs that are hiding behind "protecting" kids to push their views against the constitution and their censorship on the rest of us.  We should be protecting kids from these people. It's a sick, sick world we live in.


People throw around words like "Constitution" and "Bill of Rights" in defending these sleaze joints; and that confuses me. Does anyone seriously believe that George Washington endured Valley Forge so that men could pay money for lap dances? The Bill of Rights guarantees freedom of religion, speech, the press, peaceable assembly. But oddly, the Founding Fathers forgot to mention lap dances, or strip clubs, or pornographic movies, or sexual services. But I'm sure these Founding Fathers intended these things to be included. I'm also sure that the freedom to engage in these things is why the Revolutionary War was fought in the first place. A weeping mother to her son, "Be brave, my son, as you go off to fight the British. I would hate to see you die on the battlefield, but even more than that, I'd hate to live in a country where women were not free to work at strip joints, and where men were not free to patronize such sexual establishments. A goal like that is so lofty that for it, I am willing to see you fight, even die, on the gory field of battle. Be brave, my son, and remember what you are fighting for!"

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A kid is more likely to get molested at church, a Boys &  Girls Club, by a relative or by Michael Jackson than if they live in a neighborhood with a strip club or an adult video store. Everyone of these lunatic fringe pro-censorship groups just says "we are protecting the kids" to justify their actions. They get away with it because people just don't want to get involved or go up against these nut jobs that are hiding behind "protecting" kids to push their views against the constitution and their censorship on the rest of us.  We should be protecting kids from these people. It's a sick, sick world we live in.



how right you are!! most of the time when you heard about child molesting or child abuser trials you find out the criminals were "frustrated" guys from very conservative background, catholic prayers, people raised in environments where sex has always been showed as "evil" . They do the worst because because that "bad sex" has become their obsession. Franckly i'd not like to see my kids grow up in the neighborood of a catholic sect...

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Guest RabidBillsFanVT
People throw around words like "Constitution" and "Bill of Rights" in defending these sleaze joints; and that confuses me. Does anyone seriously believe that George Washington endured Valley Forge so that men could pay money for lap dances? The Bill of Rights guarantees freedom of religion, speech, the press, peaceable assembly. But oddly, the Founding Fathers forgot to mention lap dances, or strip clubs, or pornographic movies, or sexual services. But I'm sure these Founding Fathers intended these things to be included. I'm also sure that the freedom to engage in these things is why the Revolutionary War was fought in the first place. A weeping mother to her son, "Be brave, my son, as you go off to fight the British. I would hate to see you die on the battlefield, but even more than that, I'd hate to live in a country where women were not free to work at strip joints, and where men were not free to patronize such sexual establishments. A goal like that is so lofty that for it, I am willing to see you fight, even die, on the gory field of battle. Be brave, my son, and remember what you are fighting for!"



They DID fight, and created the following standards:


Slavery is best legal and left alone.

Slaves count as 3/5 of a person.

Women don't have the right to vote.


Times change to fit the needs of the free people of the United States of America.


I'm sure they didn't expressly fight for the ACLU, KKK, NAACP, Christian Coalition, Nation of Islam, Nazi Party, Communist Party of America, etc either. It was meant to be a document that was FLEXIBLE due to the times, for they KNEW it would change. Now, sexual mores have changed, as well as MILLIONS of other things as compared to 1775. Our republic ultimately decides what is right and what is not by our CONSTITUTION, regardless if it is spelled out.


I say if it abides by the rules of decency OUTSIDE the establishment, then it should not be attacked time after time by vicious, bloodthirsty conservatives who have nothing better to do. When people urinate outside ANYWHERE, they get charged... hell, it happens at bars ALL THE TIME, and we don't ban alcohol!! :(


These kinds of strict people are the true sick ones..

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how right you are!! most of the time when you heard about child molesting or child abuser trials you find out the criminals were "frustrated" guys from very conservative background,  catholic prayers, people raised in environments where sex has always been  showed as "evil" . They do the worst because because that "bad sex" has become their obsession. Franckly i'd not like to see my kids grow up in the neighborood of a catholic sect...



"Sect" in and of itself carries a highly negative connotation. I'd say I'm anything but right-wing, but would you call Protestants (any flavor) "sects"? What about liberals, conservatives, socialists, etc? I was baptised Episcopal, my wife is a faithful Catholic, and before you call me a Catholic light (one third the guilt), we have many differences of opinion, yet my wife's heart is in the right place, far more often than most.


Personally, if I was you, I'd fear Chiroc far more than a Catholic.


Those obsessed with "bad sex" extends far beyond the Catholic realm. Have you looked at your Moslem neighbors lately?

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"Sect" in and of itself carries a highly negative connotation. I'd say I'm anything but right-wing, but would you call Protestants (any flavor) "sects"? What about liberals, conservatives, socialists, etc? I was baptised Episcopal, my wife is a faithful Catholic, and before you call me a Catholic light (one third the guilt), we have many differences of opinion, yet my wife's heart is in the right place, far more often than most. 


Personally, if I was you, I'd fear Chiroc far more than a Catholic.


Those obsessed with "bad sex" extends far beyond the Catholic realm. Have you looked at your Moslem neighbors lately?



i wrote "catholic sect "because living where i am (deep basque country) that's the risk i could face... we don't have many protestants conservatives or integrist muslims around here...

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Do you think they would offer Ocean Spray 100% Cranberry Blend?  I love that stuff.  I really think it is the !@#$ing sh--.  I like that so much that I would endure 60 minutes of street skank sliding up and down on a brass rail to drink it.



And what's wrong with street skanks sliding up and down a brass rail?



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