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Santa Claus refuses to see little girl with service dog at mall

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i love dogs as much as the next guy, but i am sorry, they are not your kids, leave your dog at home


They may not be your kids, but they're definitely family. I take my dog with me to Home Depot all the time, though, granted, he is a smaller dog and he rides in the cart, leaning over the front of the cart like Max in the Grinch. A lot of the workers keep dog treats, and the kids love to see him.




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I made a simple statement, I wasn't defending the Santa.


If I were, I'd then say maybe he was allergic, of he had his fill of uncontrollable Autistic children.


R E L A X ... before you attempt to trash me .... I have an autistic child and honestly I don't know why she needed a "service animal".


Autistic children are a lot to handle, but you need to try to get them to relate to the world with as few crutches as possible. Why? Because when they are grown up, no ones going to give them handouts.


As chknwing334 just stated, maybe there is more to this story than is being told.


That was most definitely not an attempt to trash anyone. I'm sorry if it came across that way.

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I'm willing to bet that there is more to this story. It is just too perfectly set up as a media slam dunk. I hate to be such a skeptic but I find it hard to believe that someone who works as a mall Santa and deals with kids all day treated this girl so poorly after the dog was removed. There must have been more to the initial confrontation. Probably some back and forth between the parents and the Santa. After all, they did name their kid abcde! I'm doubting they are reasonable and accommodating.


This would be a perfect platform for the family and their friend who just so happens to be a "service dog advocate" to get some major sympathy and support.


This ^^


It's a service animal...


Was the girl blind? Do pit bulls make good service animals?

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