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$15 Minimum Wage Battle Moves To Other Industries


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Careful what you wish for. If Asian Carp can ever be trained to play Freecell you will be out of a job

??? Huh ???


Why? How would I lose my job? Unless the carp can actually repeal law... WHICH I would then be really inpressed. They have a right to swim. No silly fish will change that. I have nothing to do with the fish:




USC 33 CFR $ 207.300

USC 33 CFR $ 207.425


It is also US Constitutionally affirmed with the first act of Congress:




"The navigable waters leading into the Mississippi and St. Lawrence, and the carrying places between the same, shall be common highways and forever free, as well to the inhabitants of the said territory as to the citizens of the United States, and those of any other States that may be admitted into the confederacy, without any tax, impost, or duty therefor."

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I really want to know how you missed that. Seriously. It wasn't exactly subtle.

Because we actually work! :-)


Wasn't even on my radar... Then the free cell thing. Had me out-flanked. The structure, lock, controlling works-dam is built on metal cells... Totally, under my head when he said Free Cell... I was in "work mode"... God, I missed it. Now if he said "internet" or solitaire, or even phucking Mah Jong (yes, very popular computer game 1990s, pre-internet).


Again, the phucking free cell thing had me baffled until you clarified! We actually work and take things seriously, I forgot it was freaking card game.


FWIW... I work 12s... Home more stretches than work... Like now... I am off till next Thursday (1800-0600).

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Ever heard of Candy Crush? The 90's called, they want their time-wasting game back.

Candy Crush requires the use of a personal smart phone

Freecell can be played on Government property


Why waste personal resources when you can waste those of the taxpayer?

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Candy Crush requires the use of a personal smart phone

Freecell can be played on Government property


Why waste personal resources when you can waste those of the taxpayer?

The job is the last of the dinosaurs. These types of jobs were originally meant to have people living @ them. The new way of working, as hard as you try, simply can't apply. Think of it like in a baseball club house, or a firehouse, caretaker @ lighthouse, etc...


Sorry for missing the freecell reference, but honestly, that is the least of the government's worries. It simply doesn't apply here.


Use a better reference next time and maybe I would get it. Actually, on a personal cell phone (being mobile during the course of your physical duties) poses more of a serious work, safety, health, resources issue. You should have stuck with that. Freecell on a local machine, hardly a resource issue for the job @ hand.


Peace. I detect a sense of resentment... You part of the IT Gestapo? Expand your horizons and view of the world.

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Despite $15/hour wage, adult just can't get enough hours at McDonalds to support her disabled husband, daughter and grandchildren...and it's not fair.


The article is literally titled "The Tyranny of a Fast-Food Schedule."


Notice the last paragraph below. The answer: legislation by the city for "a fair work week.


So embarrassing.


I’m the sole support for myself and my husband, who has health problems and can’t work. I also help support my daughter and grandchildren. My McDonald’s paycheck is so small that even with my second job, I struggle to make ends meet and I can’t put aside any money to send my daughters to college.

Many of my co-workers are sent home early from their shifts. Sometimes they pay a baby-sitter and a MetroCard fare to get to work, only to be told when they arrive that they’ve been cut from the day’s schedule. Like many of my co-workers, my manager won’t give me more hours when I ask for them.

I’m not sure if it’s to avoid paying for health care or to ensure I never get overtime or if it’s just to retaliate after we won a higher minimum wage. But what I do know is that it’s not enough to survive on.

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Your dumb. People with employees have plenty of money. Small businesses are almost always flush with cash. Instead of giving valuable, skilled, hard working employees a fair wage they use that money to pay for rich CEOs to go on lavish vacations, buy Ferraris, and eat caviar.


Having never run a successful business I can tell you this is how it works because my professor at college who never ran a business either told me.

I own a company. I have employees. I'm not rich.

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I own a company. I have employees. I'm not rich.

I know that you are not one of the recent refugees but you haven't posted here until recently (as far as I know). My impression of you is that you are a good poster and I am glad that you are here at PPP. I've posted here for many years (don't let my post count fool you, I have 14 or 15000 posts under the 3rdnlng name) and wondered why newbees jumped right in with both feet and more than likely made assumptions about other posters that were off base. LA pointed out above that Rob was being sarcastic. Anyone who has been around PPP for awhile would instantly know that. I guess we have had a couple refugees banned already. This message isn't necessarily meant for you but for those refugees. I'm not saying that they should just lurk, but a lot of sarcasm gets thrown around here, and they should at least tread a little lightly until they get to know the lay of the land.

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