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Is a Bronco Win Over Buffalo Really Imminent?


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Our defense vs. anyone = winnable game


Our offense vs. elite QBs = almost impossible to win


Our defense will beat them up but PEyton will get his points. I just can't see an offense that struggles to score a td against anyone but the Jets, scoring enough points to win. And settling for fgs, which Marrone loves (he must have Carperter on his fantasy teams), is a sure fire way to lose.

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I'm thinking that this thread is a response to the "how will you respond to blowout" thread.


I'm thinking that people still have memories of LAST years Denver offense etched in their brains.


I'm thinking that most people don't realize the Broncos only have the 5th rated offense this year.


I'm thinking that most people have not watched the Broncos turn into a run first ball control offense.


I'm thinking personally (opinion alert) that this has a lot to do with Manning's arm which is nowhere near what it once was.


I'm thinking this will most likely be a loss but it isn't the guarantee that some are making it out to be. If the Bills can be physical at the line with DEN WRs and pressure Manning I will like the Bills chances even more. I'm sure many of you saw the Manning line stat on Sunday night football but in case you missed it:


Teams that score less than 21 points are 4-113 against him

Teams that score more than 21 are 62-72


So it is imperative that the Offense gets to at least 21. Which for as bad as the team has been offensively is achievable as they are averaging 22 points a game.


Can they win it? Yes they can

Will they win it? Ehhhhhhhhhhhhh I hope so?

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IMO if we lose it will not be a close game but if we win (not says odds are high but not insurmountable) it will be a close game. Broncos will win because they will out shoot Bills but if Bills win it will because all three phases made significant contributions.

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I think this is a game we could steal. Denver is the better team not doubt, purely just having number 18 will do that.


The Defense is certainly good enough to win. The broncos lately ave gone to a running offense with Cj Anderson and the Bills can stop the run. Surprisingly the best chance the Bills have is to make a future HOF QB throw 50 times. Our pass rush should be able to disrupt a few passes and we can maybe pull out a few turnovers. Not impossible


The problem is our offense is a joke. I hope KO decides to make John Fox feel bad about dumping him for a college football analyst and plays well because otherwise we won't score 13 points against that defense

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I think we can beat the Broncos, but we will have to be able to beat the Ref's as well. Frankly, I expect that the Broncos will be the recipients of some game changing penalties (PI, unnecessary roughness, unsportsmanlike conduct) that will have a large effect on the outcome of the game.

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Here's my perspective on it, so take it for what it's worth. Denver, Green Bay and New England are all playoff teams and right now the likely winners of their respective divisions. If the Buffalo Bills aren't able to compete with these teams and more importantly rise up and win some games, then it really doesn't matter. If they're ready for the playoffs, then they have to be able to beat playoff caliber teams. Thus far, we've seen a mixed bag. They beat Miami once and Detroit, but lost to San Diego, New England and Miami. Only 3 of their wins came against teams with a 0.500 or better record. All of their losses did though. We're at a minimum going to know this weekend whether this team is ready to compete at the next level or not. A blowout loss tells me they're posers.

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I for once think this board is being entirely rational on this topic.


CAN this Bills beat the Broncos? Yes.

However over the last couple of years they have had an insanely difficult time in beating elite QB's (Would have to go back to Brady in 2011 by my definition).

Do I think this Defense is good? Absolutely but so is Denver's (although I think ours is better with far more depth).


Like everyone said this game comes down to Orton & the running game getting established. If Hackett can call the game of his life & Orton play his best game of the season we can and most likely will win this game, if he doesn't we will lose. Our defense is good enough to overcompensate for bad teams (see Jets & Browns) but not nearly good enough to overcompensate for the poor offensive play vs solid-good teams (Pats, Chiefs, even the last Dolphins game).


Basically the defense can only sustain themselves for so long with the offense stuck in neutral and vs. Denver it just can't happen. You can't punt 4 straight times in this game or we WILL lose. 3-outs can't happen so Hackett needs to plan with a game long battle plan of how to wear down Denver's defense while also keeping our D rested. Even if it means getting to the Denver 40 & pinning them deep thats okay but we can't have the same crap we have the last month. It just can't happen.

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