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MMQB: Mike Martz breaks down Broncos playcalling


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“Your quarterback has to be a terrific passer first. See the field, make good decisions, and then throw it straight. That’s where RG3 fails. He wants to hold onto the ball when he should let it loose. You can’t cloud up the fact that this game is still played by passers.”

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It is saying something.

He is better than what the Bills currently have. Better is good. I would rather have Martz than at least half of the current OC's.

I know, i was being sarcastic.I too would take a proven OC. The last time the Bills had a great O was with Gilbride and Bledsoe .

Maybe Martz and Bradford next year?

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And other good offenses in SD and GB.


Btw Martz would be a good OC hire...




Absolutely not. Guy always tries to ram (heh) a square peg in a round hole with every QB and every set of offensive personnel.


He also cost Lovie Smith his job.


I think it was Cutler. Martz+Cutler is a match NOT made in heaven.

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