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A Very Sad Story About Darryl Talley


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I just read the story, and as many of you know I loved DT. He was one of my favorites back in the day. He just embodied that team. I always thought he was the heart and soul of the defense.


I'm so saddened by his circumstances. I'm sure he made mistakes with his finances, but that doesn't mean he should be disparaged as a couple people have posted on these two threads. The sleep deprivation he must go through not making it more than 90 minutes.


I live in Tampa and want to do something for him. I'm donating to this fund. It's only a bandaid, but anything to help the guy. It's really sad the NFL would not reconsider evaluating his situation and potentially be placed in the A category for retirement. He certainly deserves it with over a dozen years of excellent play.


Be well Spiderman.

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I set up a Go Fund Me for Darryl to help him pay his bills. Please consider donating. He was and is my favorite Bill ever and I can't stand idly by after reading this sad news.




I know your heart is in the right place, but I don't think that just giving him money to pay his bills is the right way to go about this. He will surely feel worse about himself when his fans try to hand him charity.


Notice how his fellow players would offer to pay for something on his behalf instead of just handing him money? That is because he would probably refuse a handout and it would make his condition even worse than it already is.


What he needs is to regain his self-esteem and to address the onset of those physical ailments that are starting to surface as a result of his profession. (obviously just my opinion)


If I was a local Buffalo businessman who was trying to grow a retail business, I would look to partner with him somehow. Pay him to be a spokesperson for my company. Give him a taste of the equity in the company or work out some form of profit sharing.

Edited by PolishDave
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does anyone know the "rules" for player signing of autographs? Could Daryl, for example, come to Hammer's Lot on an announced

day (say, the Green Bay game on December 14th). Daryl sets up a tent and everyone who wants to brings a football and a $100.

To shake his hand and get a signed ball (I paid for the ball so no cost to Daryl). Is this legal? Can the NFL object? The IRS?

I know Hammer - I am pretty sure he'd go for this. But, is it feasible/reasonable?


I'd probably bring 4-5 footballs


My wife (revnjoisy) suggests we start a straw poll here at TBD to see who would be interested in a "Daryl signs a ball day at hammer's"


I have never started one of those polls/question thingies. Is it easy?


UPDATE: I have contacted Hammer and he has said, "OK" to hosting. I am now trying to find a way to contact Daryl or his wife. If ANYONE has

such a connection please pm me or use your contacts to reach the Talley's.


Repeating: Proposed date - December 14th...Place: Hammer's Lot

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the sadness this brings me is beyond belief. Most people don't understand the passion I (we) feel for the Bills and Sabres... most people that aren't Buffalo sports fans anyway. It took me a while to read the whole story because I had to stop and cry a few times. my brother texted this article to me late last night, it's the first thing I did this morning when I woke up and was crying immediately. The love we have for these guys seems strange to most people... but I do love him. I moved away from Buffalo when I was 13 and maybe that's why these guys mean so much to me, maybe it's because I lived thru the 2-14 years and then when I was 17-22, they turned into one of the best teams in the league. early in my life Joe Ferguson was my favorite player and we all know his hardships over the years, and that made me sad, but nothing like this news or what we all just went thru with Jimbo's cancer. These guys are like family. I can't make an outsider understand but they are. I'm not on twitter but I might join just to send 56 a message and let him know we love him. Also, the fact that he hasn't said a word until now should show strangers how proud he is and how serious this is. He is a good man, and gave his life to wear our colors. We need to support him.


This isn't a guy who did drugs, got whores, and fathered several children to different women... not saying those guys deserve bad things but I KNOW 56 doesn't deserve this life. I want to give him a hug so badly.


I recently bought a shirt from 26shirts.com featuring Talley, he posed for the promotion and wanted people to buy it to help a family in need... not his family, another Buffalo family that needed help. he didn't say a word about his situation, just posed with his shirt on and smile on his face asking people to help a Buffalo family. I'm so glad I bought that shirt. I will help any way I can. I hope we all come together and help one of the true good guys!


We love you Darryl Talley!

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this story blew my mind when i read it. i can't believe he is having such a hard time. it breaks my heart. i feel like he should move back to Buffalo. the community would embrace him with open arms and he would have a lot more opportunities here and he could live off of his fame. he could open a sports bar and do appearances and stuff. he needs to be here so he can feel the love of buffalo surrounding him

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I know your heart is in the right place, but I don't think that just giving him money to pay his bills is the right way to go about this. He will surely feel worse about himself when his fans try to hand him charity.


Notice how his fellow players would offer to pay for something on his behalf instead of just handing him money? That is because he would probably refuse a handout and it would make his condition even worse than it already is.


What he needs is to regain his self-esteem and to address the onset of those physical ailments that are starting to surface as a result of his profession. (obviously just my opinion)


If I was a local Buffalo businessman who was trying to grow a retail business, I would look to partner with him somehow. Pay him to be a spokesperson for my company. Give him a taste of the equity in the company or work out some form of profit sharing.


Good points but the guy needs both short and long term help. I'm out of work for almost a year but I'm going to donate to the fund. The NFL has to step up and own this. It's not like they are short of cash. But this little fund is a small way to thank a true Buffalo Bill for his play and loyalty to our team. I will share the link with my circle of friends and family.

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NFL needs to step up. So sad.


The NFL's situation is significantly more complex. Take Talley's story, multiply it by a couple hundred at least, add in legal issues, and that's the magnitude of their problem.


Not that they shouldn't step up. But they've got a far, far bigger issue to step up to.

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I set up a Go Fund Me for Darryl to help him pay his bills. Please consider donating. He was and is my favorite Bill ever and I can't stand idly by after reading this sad news.



Well done !!!!

Circle the wagons !

Just donated. and what abetter day to do it.

Thanksgiving :thumbsup:


Um...he's a very proud man, and might take offense at that.


I'm not saying we shouldn't do anything - Lord knows I want to reach out to him myself right now. But...I don't know, maybe just be prepared to have him reject the gesture, and to donate the money to CTE research instead, or use it to create the "Talley Foundation" to help players suffering from CTE.

Thats up to him of course.

But letting him know we care goes a long ass way Tom.

Circle the wagons

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So he doesn't qualify for the higher pension because he didn't get paperwork in on time? Really? A paperwork issue? That is beyond shameful and should immediately be rectified. There's just no excuse for this. None. Shame on you, NFL. You won't be happy until all these former players fade away like John Mackey.



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The NFL's situation is significantly more complex. Take Talley's story, multiply it by a couple hundred at least, add in legal issues, and that's the magnitude of their problem.


Not that they shouldn't step up. But they've got a far, far bigger issue to step up to.


Yup. Talley's story hits us hard because he was so beloved here. But there are players who people screamed at, booed, wanted cut who are experiencing similar heart ache.


The NFL is a dirty business. Players get used and abused. Then when they aren't of use, they are tossed away. But at least Roger Goodell makes $44 million per year.


And I hate hearing this about Talley and want to destroy the Bills on this. But it is one side of the story and both Wilson & Butler can't give theirs. But so sad. :( wish him and his family the best.


So he doesn't qualify for the higher pension because he didn't get paperwork in on time? Really? A paperwork issue? That is beyond shameful and should immediately be rectified. There's just no excuse for this. None. Shame on you, NFL. You won't be happy until all these former players fade away like John Mackey.




Old players don't make the money. It's funny when fans take an owner's side in contract disputes. Players deserve every penny they can get.

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I know your heart is in the right place, but I don't think that just giving him money to pay his bills is the right way to go about this. He will surely feel worse about himself when his fans try to hand him charity.


Notice how his fellow players would offer to pay for something on his behalf instead of just handing him money? That is because he would probably refuse a handout and it would make his condition even worse than it already is.


What he needs is to regain his self-esteem and to address the onset of those physical ailments that are starting to surface as a result of his profession. (obviously just my opinion)


If I was a local Buffalo businessman who was trying to grow a retail business, I would look to partner with him somehow. Pay him to be a spokesperson for my company. Give him a taste of the equity in the company or work out some form of profit sharing.

gotta start somewhere though.

I agree with those that have suggested he may not want the hand. But maybe his wife will be the wiser one here ?

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Yup. Talley's story hits us hard because he was so beloved here. But there are players who people screamed at, booed, wanted cut who are experiencing similar heart ache.


The NFL is a dirty business. Players get used and abused. Then when they aren't of use, they are tossed away. But at least Roger Goodell makes $44 million per year.


And I hate hearing this about Talley and want to destroy the Bills on this. But it is one side of the story and both Wilson & Butler can't give theirs. But so sad. :( wish him and his family the best.




Old players don't make the money. It's funny when fans take an owner's side in contract disputes. Players deserve every penny they can get.


Absolutely. Players need to make hay when they can; it's a short career life span.


But that's a separate issue. When it comes to the question of pension and continued medical benefits, there's just no excuse for the league to deny former players any of it. It's the least "The Shield" can do. The very least.



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