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Observations - Bills/Jets

QB Bills

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In lieu of Bill from NYC, who has gone missing the last few weeks, I'd like to offer up some of my own "game within the game" thoughts:


1. Marcus Easley is f'n amazing on special teams. I forgot how much of a difference he can make.


2. Aaron Williams makes some of the best diving tackles I've ever seen. Precise and violent.


3. Gilmore was very good against the run. He sometimes leaves a bit to be desired in the coverage aspect of his game, but he's a pretty good player all-around.


4. What the hell was Dareus doing out there at the end of the game with all the backups? The guy has been the team MVP this year...sit him down!


5. This game was a Corey Graham interception away from being a shutout. What an extraordinary performance by the defense. You can say all you want about how bad the Jets are, and that's what the media is focusing on, but that's still an NFL team, who is coming off their bye and beat the Steelers the week before that.


6. Bradham taking down Ivory by the dreadlocks was my favourite play of the game. Maybe season. That guy's name just sounds tough.


7. Marrone is completely clueless when it comes to time management. Yes, I know other coaches are too. That doesn't excuse it. What the hell was he doing at the end of the first half? Not that it mattered, but him calling those unnecessary timeouts gave the Jets an extra possession (that Decker almost scored on). This guy really just can't get out of his own way.


8. Just something to ponder...how do you think this team could do in a 3-4 with Kiko back next year? Not saying they should, as the learning curve would probably negate any benefit it may have. But the personnel might be better suited for it. Mario Williams was really good as a rush LB under Wade for a few games before he got hurt. Having said that, I'm more of the if-it-isn't-broke mentality.


9. We finally go for a 4th down, and that's the call? How about you just spread them out and sneak it? Marrone said there was a crease there but still. Why not go with the high percentage play there?


10. I love the way Robert Woods plays football. You need a guy with his kind of feistiness.


11. Scott Chandler...congrats on having the best TD celebration this season. Someone had to pick up the slack for Stevie. Didn't think it'd be him.


12. That was one of the most fun games I've seen the Bills play in a while. I always wrestle with whether I prefer the Bills to win going away or in a nailbiter. I still don't know which is better, but last night was great.


13. Finally, great job by all (except two) of the fans last night. It sure did sound like a home game from watching it on TV. How about from now on, whenever a fan runs onto the field, they are fair game to be dealt with by the players for about 60 seconds?

Edited by QB Bills
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Super fun game.


Run game and run schemes are seriously lacking. We need this to improve immensely to beat NE, Den and GB.


I haven't seen the Bills hit that hard, that frequently, in a long time. We even hit Chris Ivory -- who might be the hardest hitting RB in the NFL -- hard on a number of plays.


In light of Bill from NYC being AWOL, I'll put a more modern twist on his lyrics...


Cause on the surface

the city lights shine

They're calling at me

Come and find your kind

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The offense still has a ways to go but on defense and ST this team appears to be completely in sync and enjoy playing with one another.


I know people still complain about the running game and OL but the line has drastically improved in pass protection over the past month. There were a number of 4-6 yard carries on first down last night as well, against one of the best fronts in the league.


For all of the Hackett-bashing, how about adjusting for the way the Jets were taking away Sammy and making Woodsy the star? 9-118-1 is no joke.

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