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Ferguson home values are plummeting, and residents are feeling the pain :Down nearly 50 percent since Michael Brown’s death, new data show.

by Daniel Rivero





That's going to seriously depress the local economy.


But not to worry...a $15 minimum wage will fix everything.

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i'm just wondering how a chapter in oklahoma knows the words verbatim to a racist song first popularized in the frat 150 years ago. do you know the song? was anything similar taught to you or would telling us nullify the secret handshake? the fact that the song survives, unchanged over generations within the frat isn't an accident. it happened by design.


A racist song first popularized 150 years ago? Really?? The tune in video is "If You're Happy and You Know It", which was copyrighted in 1971, so you're only off by a century or so, which pretty much blows you whole bullsh-- narrative out the window.


You were in a frat, so you know exactly how it works. The official frat songs with their 19th century lyrics the pledges have to sing aren't much fun on a drunk Saturday night so local versions crop up that use the same tune but extoll the virtues of !@#$ing sorority girls, smoking dope, drinking to excess and in some case, disliking black (or whoever else they don't like) people. Yet here you are asserting that tens of thousands of members across hundreds of chapters nationally have all been singing this cheery tune for a 150 years. And by the way, how exactly would a song "survive unchanged, over generations" unless those lyrics were being written down, copied and widely distributed? Kinda funny how no one ever saw a copy floating around in all these years since the Civil Rights movement.


But you keep ignoring all evidence and logic; those evil rich white men must be stopped at all cost!

Edited by KD in CT
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The tune in video is "If You're Happy and You Know It", which was copyrighted in 1971...


This is where he explains that yes, it was copyrighted in 1971, but the original song was around 100 years earlier and mocked the coloreds because even if they WERE happy and even if they DID, in fact, know it, they couldn't clap their hands while they were in handcuffs.


The coloreds hated that song and went on to get even with the white man years later by creating a song they could do while in chains...the hokey pokey, which enraged the whities who insisted that turning yourself about was not, actually, what it was all about.


True story.

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Reading the DOJ’s Ferguson report took me back to the bad old days. It is the story of a small class of the local power brokers creating two sets of rules, one for the connected and another for the mass of people who are forced — often at gunpoint — to pay for the “privilege” of being governed. This is a very old story, and if the poor of Ferguson are overwhelmingly black, then it’s inevitable that a government built on exploitation will disproportionately exploit black citizens. I have no doubt that there are some racists in Ferguson’s leadership, but we also know that even black leaders will exploit black citizens in the cities they lead — setting up de facto rules that benefit the governing class at the expense of the poor. See, for example, Detroit.
It is entirely possible to believe (as I do) that the evidence indicates that “hands up, don’t shoot” is a fiction, even a malicious fiction, while also believing that the evidence indicates that Ferguson’s government was corrupt in exactly the way that government is typically corrupt.
We often take for granted the rule of law. If you are blessed to live in a town where the officials are relatively clean, or if you’re among the class of people that officials fear to cross, then public institutions seem benign — helpful, even. But there are millions of our fellow citizens who live a different reality, under the authority of different kinds of public officials — officials who view them as virtual ATMs, regardless of their ability to pay. And when the government imposes that mindset on police officers, forcing men and women who are trained to respond to (and anticipate) the most violent incidents to essentially become the armed tax collectors of a corrupt system, then that government is unjust, and its officials must be made to feel the bite of the Constitution that they’ve willfully and continually abused.


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He's a victim, and black, and therefore materially incapable of lying. SCIENTIFIC FACT.


More kindly, "Because he belongs to a culture subject to centuries of oppression, we can't expect him to have the same perspective on things as other people do. So his testimony isn't dishonest, it's completely honest but reflects the cultural differences of perception that we must respect."


Which is just a fancy way of saying "Blacks can't be held to the same standard as others. We have to treat them as small, dull children because they're culturally incapable of being productive members of society. But that's not racist, really."

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  • 6 years later...
On 11/28/2014 at 3:49 PM, B-Man said:

Video: San Diego commuters flame on protesters blocking I-5


Turns out some people do have jobs.


Hundreds of drivers in La Jolla were delayed trying to get to work on Wednesday morning by Ferguson protesters from UC San Diego, who lined up to block traffic on Interstate 5. One man, Tyree Landrum, wasn’t taking it lying down.


Jumping from his vehicle, Mr. Landrum not only confronted the sophomoric twits, he grabbed the bullhorn through which one of them was chanting “no justice, no peace” and addressed the protesters himself.


Hey, I feel you; we ain’t got no justice either. I’m about to lose my job, and you guys are out here protesting?



Landrum told ABC 10 later:


Video at http://libertyunyiel...ppr2V86O7vLv.99




This aged well.

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