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Only $837,109 in dead cap money and 7 million and change to work with before any renegotiations, that's pretty good. Say whatever you want about TD, but he has gotten a good handle on our salary cap situation from how Butler left it.




I agree. The one thing that TD has not done, not that he's really needed to anyhow, is do "simple restructures" to create cap space. He's used that method only once and that was with Jay Riemersma back in the 2001 off-season cap purge. John Butler, may he rest in peace, used that method almost exclusively to find cap space and it led to the aforementioned cap purge


For those who do not know: "simple restructure" is conversion of salary to signing bonus for the ability to spread out the cap hit over the remaining yrs of a players contract. I'll use Spikes as an example. He has a $3.5 million salary for 2005 with 4 yrs remaining. His minimum salary is $665,000 for the number of yrs he's been in the league. Bills convert $2.835 million of the salary to signing bonus and then they can spread that over the remaining 4 yrs of his deal at $708,875/yr. If you take $3.5 million - $665,000 - $708,875 = $2,126,125 cap savings in 2005. However, using this, $708,875 has been added to each yr (2006-2008) and that cannot be changed. That's why teams are getting wise and are slowly shying away from simple restructures

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That's why teams are getting wise and are slowly shying away from simple restructures



tell that the titans, dolphins, and colts, just to name a few.......plenty of teams have been doing it exclusively for years, and now it is really starting to catch up to them........

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In some ways, i think it is also fair to throw the Bledsoe deal into the simple restructure mix. Its a different thing in that he was working with a contract subsidized by the Pats taking the accelerated cap hit, but the balloon payment owed to Bledsoe in tihis deal forced a restructuring to a new deal which paid Bledsoe more and upfront money in the form of pro-rated bonus in exchange for giving him a lower cap hit than he would have had if we had simply paid him what we agreed to take on as an obligation when we took his Pats contract.


The new deal struck me as too rich for my blood as it made it a tough pill to swallow if we cut Bledsoe and he produced like he produced in 2003 or evn to retain him unless he was clearly our starter.


I think events have unfortunately shown this to be true as TD has essentially told him we can only afford to keep his play if his cap hit is greatly reduced.

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