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Favorite new beer that you have tried recently

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Not necessarily new, but I just had it again for the first time in years...Smuttynose, Old Brown Dog. It is definitely in my top 5.


I've become a fan of Sierra Nevada Celebration Ale recently too.


Celebration is my number 1 beer for life - I look forward to the beginning of November every year for this reason alone

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I know one of the brewers at smuttynose, she recently moved up there from the boston area, she's a real cool and pretty frigging hot chick that brews beer....what more to life is there?


Not necessarily new, but I just had it again for the first time in years...Smuttynose, Old Brown Dog. It is definitely in my top 5.


I've become a fan of Sierra Nevada Celebration Ale recently too.

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I thought you said you are a beer drinker...




While I am a beer drinker, I was at a new local candy store. They have all of these "fancy" and "old timey" sodas/pops. I bought a Boylans Creamy Birch Beer. One of the best "soft drinks" I have ever had.


Beers in my fridge right now include: Moosehead, Michelob Ultra and Michelob Light.

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I just had the green flash soul style ipa....it was a very good beer

I also got a chance to try the Dock Street(west philly brewery) Walker, its a brown ale brewed with roasted goat brains and cranberries, they were inspired by the walking dead show, i was very underwhelmed, didn't really get any taste characteristics that you would expect(or hope for), tasted fairly ordinary. But alas it is a tough one to get so I can cross it off my list

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I'm about to sound like a giant beer snob but some of these answers are laughable. Might as well call Bud Lite a fine craft brew.


if your talking about stella, and Richmond's entire post then I can see what your saying....the rest are the epitome of craft beer (and the title does not say anything about craft beer for the record, just "new beers" that you had that you like)

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if your talking about stella, and Richmond's entire post then I can see what your saying....the rest are the epitome of craft beer (and the title does not say anything about craft beer for the record, just "new beers" that you had that you like)


Sierra Nevada, Honey Brown, Moosehead???

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Sierra Nevada, Honey Brown, Moosehead???


Agreed about moosehead, i added that in the "richmonds entire post" thing...but...


sierra nevada is absolutely craft beer...whats your beef with it? because its "too big" - so harpoon and dogfish head are also not craft beery enough for ya either?


if you dont like sierra nevada I feel bad for ya, Celebration is widely regarded as one of the best IPAs by "Beer snobs" the world over, and Torpedo is an excellent year round IPA as well


and again, no where in the thread topic does it exclusively say "craft beer"


but please, enlighten me with what YOU consider to be craft beery enough for ya....


Great Lakes Christmas Ale


yum....that and Southern Tier's 2XMAs are two of my fave christmas beers

Edited by PaattMaann
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