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it's now clear we should taken beckham and kept our 2015 1st ...

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I like Collins; I think he'll fit best in the NFL as a guard a la Carl Nicks. I'm not a Hundley fan, but I'd be good with a QB in the 2nd and O'Leary in the 3rd, provided we can score a guy like Clint Boling in FA (along with re-signing Hughes and landing a 3rd pass rusher)


Would you consider re-signing Wynn as doing the bolded or do you specifically want another game changer? He's been pretty damn good this year and will probably be cheap.

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Would you consider re-signing Wynn as doing the bolded or do you specifically want another game changer? He's been pretty damn good this year and will probably be cheap.


I agree that I would like to re-sign Wynn. I wouldn't consider him the 3rd pass rusher, no. IMO, the 3rd pass rusher basically needs to be another very effective guy that can get to the QB reliably. My opinion is that in the NFL, if you don't have two quality pass rushers on the field, the quality of your defense is going to suffer. Just from a rotational standpoint alone, you need a 3rd guy; proclivity for injuries makes it all the more important IMO.


I'd like to re-sign Hughes and Wynn, and add a situational guy like O'Brien Schofield or Pernell McPhee

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This is my favorite part of the argument. Everyone that MMQB's decisions naturally won't be outraged about a particular player that will be drafted in the middle of the 1st round, at least until he has played 7-10 games. That's when they go "we should have taken that guy." It all the same people now saying we should have taken OBJ when at the time very, very, very few on here were saying that. There were people that wanted Ebron & Greg Robinson. Why aren't those people screaming still that the Bills screwed up by missing out on those guys?


For those of you that hate the move, who is it that you are afraid to miss out on in the middle of the 1st round in 2015?


in fact i believe the largest ODB thread was the week before the draft when there were some rumors we liked him as a plan B and i recall it not being very happy around here. thats just on memory though.



edit: heres the thread. not as much bashing as i thought, but some mention of height and that we already had guys like graham and goodwin. BB, as usual, probably wins the thread by saying he would puke if we took him. im sure there was another thread from the kevin massare tweet, but i didnt see it at first glance.


Edited by NoSaint
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I agree that I would like to re-sign Wynn. I wouldn't consider him the 3rd pass rusher, no. IMO, the 3rd pass rusher basically needs to be another very effective guy that can get to the QB reliably. My opinion is that in the NFL, if you don't have two quality pass rushers on the field, the quality of your defense is going to suffer. Just from a rotational standpoint alone, you need a 3rd guy; proclivity for injuries makes it all the more important IMO.


I'd like to re-sign Hughes and Wynn, and add a situational guy like O'Brien Schofield or Pernell McPhee


This makes sense. Thanks

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I think that David Beckham is probably too old to start playing American football at this point. If one of our kickers goes down, maybe we should consider it.


As for Odell, I will repeat the same thing that I have said before:


1. I love Sammy Watkins;


2. I am very glad that Sammy is on our team;


3. Ray Farmer completely out-negotiated Doug Whaley - including that bit about having to take another call;


4. We gave up far more than the Dolphins did the year before to move up both higher in the draft and more spots;


5. How I continue to feel about the trade will hinge on where we finish;


6. Did I mention that I love Sammy Watkins? No matter how badly Farmer out negotiated Whaley, I am glad Sammy is on the team, and none of us should hold the trade against Sammy - no matter what your view of the trade is.

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I hate thest kinds of threads.


Would this thread exist if he didnt make that spectacular catch? If it was just a basic 2 yard score?


I hate these kinds of threads.


Next week someone will have a 90 yard return for td and someone will start a "We should have picked THAT GUY" kind of thread.


I hate these kinds of threads.


I think that David Beckham is probably too old to start playing American football at this point. If one of our kickers goes down, maybe we should consider it.


As for Odell, I will repeat the same thing that I have said before:


1. I love Sammy Watkins;


2. I am very glad that Sammy is on our team;


3. Ray Farmer completely out-negotiated Doug Whaley - including that bit about having to take another call;


4. We gave up far more than the Dolphins did the year before to move up both higher in the draft and more spots;


5. How I continue to feel about the trade will hinge on where we finish;


6. Did I mention that I love Sammy Watkins? No matter how badly Farmer out negotiated Whaley, I am glad Sammy is on the team, and none of us should hold the trade against Sammy - no matter what your view of the trade is.

If we had a real qb, this thread wouldnt exist! Sammy is good despite mediocre qbacking.

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I think that David Beckham is probably too old to start playing American football at this point. If one of our kickers goes down, maybe we should consider it.


As for Odell, I will repeat the same thing that I have said before:


1. I love Sammy Watkins;


2. I am very glad that Sammy is on our team;


3. Ray Farmer completely out-negotiated Doug Whaley - including that bit about having to take another call;


4. We gave up far more than the Dolphins did the year before to move up both higher in the draft and more spots;


5. How I continue to feel about the trade will hinge on where we finish;


6. Did I mention that I love Sammy Watkins? No matter how badly Farmer out negotiated Whaley, I am glad Sammy is on the team, and none of us should hold the trade against Sammy - no matter what your view of the trade is.


The other call was the Lions...they really did want to move up for Sammy.

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It is a bit hard to take that this draft is chock full of elite WR talent and the Bills could have drafted a great young WR AND kept their 2015 picks, which they desperately need.


Still, Sammy is an elite player who is almost always open when healthy, so I'm not too upset. Go find someone in this draft or FA if you need to at QB.

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I hate thest kinds of threads.


Would this thread exist if he didnt make that spectacular catch? If it was just a basic 2 yard score?


I hate these kinds of threads.


Next week someone will have a 90 yard return for td and someone will start a "We should have picked THAT GUY" kind of thread.


I hate these kinds of threads.




Dude, this thread was started BEFORE "the catch"

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what if we go with "would be nice to have, but who knows what value it holds"

I'm thinking about starting a public poll prior to the draft where everyone can go on record with the guy that they would have selected at 15 or whatever pick it ends up. This way after a few games go by we can just point back to what people said they would have DONE before the draft instead of with the benefit of hindsight. I don't remember a lot of people pounding the table for OBJ.


Everyone was thrilled that they used next years 1st instead of wasting their 2nd in such a deep draft. How'd that work out?

Edited by Kirby Jackson
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If we had a real qb, this thread wouldnt exist! Sammy is good despite mediocre qbacking.

Sammy is good, I don't think anyone is disputing that. The question in my mind anyway is, is Watkins better than Beckham. And if so, is he better enough that you would prefer to keep Watkins and give up next years first? Or would you take Beckham and keep next years first.


In my mind, at least at this point in time, I'd take Beckham and next years first.

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Sammy is good, I don't think anyone is disputing that. The question in my mind anyway is, is Watkins better than Beckham. And if so, is he better enough that you would prefer to keep Watkins and give up next years first? Or would you take Beckham and keep next years first.


In my mind, at least at this point in time, I'd take Beckham and next years first.

Did you feel this way prior to the draft?
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Sammy is good, I don't think anyone is disputing that. The question in my mind anyway is, is Watkins better than Beckham. And if so, is he better enough that you would prefer to keep Watkins and give up next years first? Or would you take Beckham and keep next years first.


In my mind, at least at this point in time, I'd take Beckham and next years first.

31 out of 32 GMs would agree with you.

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