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Pretty clear there.



Now. To you being a retard. I think you are. Are you taking new types of drugs or something?


Once again, the board of governors is NOT the fed. They are not synonymous.


Someone is a retard in this thread, but odds are it's the guy who fails to grasp this very simple fact.



Once again, the board of governors is NOT the fed. They are not synonymous.


Someone is a retard in this thread, but odds are it's the guy who fails to grasp this very simple fact.

So are you coming so far as to admit that the Federal Reserve is run, directed, operated and led by a Federal Organization? You are admitting that, correct? A Federal Agency is in charge of the Federal Reserve? Which itself is a government organization that has some, though limited, private aspects?


So are you coming so far as to admit that the Federal Reserve is run, directed, operated and led by a Federal Organization? You are admitting that, correct? A Federal Agency is in charge of the Federal Reserve? Which itself is a government organization that has some, though limited, private aspects?




I am saying what I've said since the start: the Federal Reserve is NOT a part of the US Government; the board of governors is NOT the same things as the Federal Reserve.





I am saying what I've said since the start: the Federal Reserve is NOT a part of the US Government; the board of governors is NOT the same things as the Federal Reserve.


Dude, if he insists on being a moron, just get out of his way and let him. He certainly doesn't need the help - he's managed just fine on his own.


Holy Crap Tom, you and the retard brigade better get the news out of this conspiracy. How bad is it? The Federal Register has the Federal Reserve System--not just the Board of Governors--listed in its registry!




If you understood what you're arguing, you'd see that's not as cut and dry as you'd like to believe.

You are an idiot. Low life pond scum


You are an idiot. Low life pond scum


So much anger for being shown the truth. I get it. It's hard to have your reality bubble popped.


That said, if you can bottle up that anger, I'm still waiting for you to clarify what conspiracy theory has been put forth in this thread. Care to comment on something substantive or would you rather just continue to throw a tantrum best suited for toddlers?


No, its just in charge, that's all.


It's not "in charge." The board regulates the Federal Reserve. It is not "in charge" of it. The board is the only part of the Federal Reserve that is a government agency. But "The Federal Reserve Board" is not the "Federal Reserve" or the "Federal Reserve System."


But why am I bothering? You've finally seen how you're in error, so you're just going to double-down on being an idiot in response.



But why am I bothering? You've finally seen how you're in error, so you're just going to double-down on being an idiot in response.


All he's doing is covering both ears with his hands and saying nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah I can't hear yooooouuuuu.

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