DC Tom Posted November 13, 2015 Posted November 13, 2015 And if I ever need YouTube researched, I promise you'll be the first person I think of.
4merper4mer Posted November 13, 2015 Posted November 13, 2015 Has anyone ever seen a bearded douche bag that isn't a commie?
B-Man Posted November 13, 2015 Posted November 13, 2015 This week’s New Scientist magazine covers a new study published recently in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences that calls into doubt the familiar thesis that ocean acidification from human CO2 emissions will kill coral reefs: Acidic water may be a sign of healthy corals, says a new study, muddying the waters still further on our understanding of how coral reefs might react to climate change. Andreas Andersson of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography in San Diego, California, and his colleagues carefully monitored a coral reef in Bermuda for five years, and found that spikes in acidity were linked to increased reef growth. “At first we were really puzzled by this,” says Andersson. “It’s completely the opposite to what we would expect in an ocean-acidification scenario.” Yeah, don’t they know the science is settled? Worse, the coral reefs may add to acidification: The team found that coral growth itself made the water more acidic as the corals sucked alkaline carbonate out of the water to build their skeletons. The corals also ate more food during these high-activity periods and pumped more CO 2 into the water, increasing acidity further. You can find the abstract to the PNAS study here, though the full article is behind a subscription paywall.
B-Man Posted November 29, 2015 Posted November 29, 2015 LEADERS GATHER TO 'SAVE THE WORLD' Decade long ice age predicted as sun 'hibernates'... POLL: Growing doubts human activity to blame for warming... FLASHBACK: Temp data fiddling 'biggest science scandal ever'...
OCinBuffalo Posted November 30, 2015 Posted November 30, 2015 (edited) http://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2015/11/30/what_should_we_do_about_climate_change_128876.html Ok, so the guy is a consultant. However, this is exactly the kind of work that needs to be done on this topic. Often in our business(as I am sure DC_Tom can now attest), we are confronted with myths, agenda-driven narratives, and selfish distortions of the business process("how things work" at the client). Our job is to get to the real truth. It's like being an investigator of sorts. After all, we cannot solve the problems we've been asked to solve, if we act on falsehood/distortion. Hence, Rule #4 for new consultants: The Client is NEVER right(completely). This requires extreme objectivity, and as a human being, that is tall order, and it costs. Nevertheless, it is what is required. While selfish agendas and the myths they create are difficult to track and kill, self-deception and sheer stupidity are much harder. Sometimes self-preservation, or merely: wanting to do a good job, and having pride in the work, is the only agenda, but, stupidity drives that the wrong way. People think propogating a myth is helping them, when the opposite is true. Self-deception/stupidity are the hardest nuts to crack, because there is no motive to track through the process/data, they simply do not know any better, or go along, or do things that support the myth because it is "helping" them. With self-deception, data is auto-filtered, yes, but more likely, sources that might provide contrary data are instictively avoided. Stupidity rejects the normal data processing approach entirely. In any event, this guy claims to be an evidence-based management consultant. I submit that for any real consultant, these modifiers ahead of the word consultant are redundant. However, his work is exactly the kind of thing I have been trying to expose the self-deceived here to for quite some time. If you check the links, you can see how the myths were conceived, how they are propogated, and how they are now defended today. If you have an agenda, we know how you will react: argue against at all costs. If you are self-deceived/stupid: you will merely avoid this contrary data. If you're an honest broker: this article and its links are of use. Edited November 30, 2015 by OCinBuffalo
B-Man Posted November 30, 2015 Posted November 30, 2015 Climate Media Watch I’m not sure what’s going to be more fun over the next 10 days—watching John “Long Face” Kerry prattle on, or reading the predictable stories in the media about how the conference is “deadlocked,” “going into overtime,” and announcing, at the 11th hour, a “breakthrough!” that will save the planet—at least until we can all meet again next year to repeat the farce. .
keepthefaith Posted November 30, 2015 Posted November 30, 2015 Who's advising Obama? When he has a chance to change the subject from ISIS to climate change, he goes to great lengths to relate the two to each other.
KD in CA Posted November 30, 2015 Posted November 30, 2015 Decade long ice age predicted as sun 'hibernates'... Quick -- ramp up the CO2 output!!!
B-Man Posted November 30, 2015 Posted November 30, 2015 (edited) Robert Mugabe to Present Africa’s Position at Climate Change Summit by Jim Gerharty Here’s how you know you can take the global climate change summit seriously: Zimbabwe’s President, Robert Mugabe, is attending “where he will present Africa’s position and needs on climate change mitigation to world leaders.” Robert Mugabe is probably one of the world’s foremost experts on how to stop human beings from emitting carbon; nothing stops people from generating carbon dioxide quite like massacres:http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/may/19/mugabe-zimbabwe-gukurahundi-massacre-Matabeleland The so-called Gukurahundi massacres remain the darkest period in the country’s post-independence history, when more than 20,000 civilians were killed by Robert Mugabe’s feared Fifth Brigade.Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner Why Paris Deal Is Meaningless... FTA: In fact, emissions reductions are barely on the table at all. Instead, the talks are rigged to ensure an agreement is reached regardless of how little action countries plan to take. The developing world, projected to account for four-fifths of all carbon-dioxide emissions this century, will earn applause for what amounts to a promise to stay on their pre-existing trajectory of emissions-intensive growth. Here’s how the game works: The negotiating framework established at a 2014 conference in Lima, Peru, requires each country to submit a plan to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions, called an “Intended Nationally Determined Contribution” (INDC). Each submission is at the discretion of the individual country; there is no objective standard it must meet or emissions reduction it must achieve. Beyond that, it’s nearly impossible even to evaluate or compare them. Developing countries actually blocked a requirement that the plans use a common format and metrics, so an INDC need not even mention emissions levels. Or a country can propose to reduce emissions off a self-defined “business-as-usual” trajectory, essentially deciding how much it wants to emit and then declaring it an “improvement” from the alternative. To prevent such submissions from being challenged, a group of developing countries led by China and India has rejected “any obligatory review mechanism for increasing individual efforts of developing countries.” And lest pressure nevertheless build on the intransigent, no developing country except Mexico submitted an INDC by the initial deadline of March 31 — and most either submitted no plan or submitted one only as the final September 30 cut-off approached. After all this, the final submissions are not enforceable, and carry no consequences beyond “shame” for noncompliance — a fact bizarrely taken for granted by all involved . Edited November 30, 2015 by B-Man
KD in CA Posted December 1, 2015 Posted December 1, 2015 Robert Mugabe to Present Africa’s Position at Climate Change Summit by Jim Gerharty Here’s how you know you can take the global climate change summit seriously: Zimbabwe’s President, Robert Mugabe, is attending “where he will present Africa’s position and needs on climate change mitigation to world leaders.” Robert Mugabe is probably one of the world’s foremost experts on how to stop human beings from emitting carbon; nothing stops people from generating carbon dioxide quite like massacres:http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/may/19/mugabe-zimbabwe-gukurahundi-massacre-Matabeleland The so-called Gukurahundi massacres remain the darkest period in the country’s post-independence history, when more than 20,000 civilians were killed by Robert Mugabe’s feared Fifth Brigade. Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner Why Paris Deal Is Meaningless... FTA: In fact, emissions reductions are barely on the table at all. Instead, the talks are rigged to ensure an agreement is reached regardless of how little action countries plan to take. The developing world, projected to account for four-fifths of all carbon-dioxide emissions this century, will earn applause for what amounts to a promise to stay on their pre-existing trajectory of emissions-intensive growth. Here’s how the game works: The negotiating framework established at a 2014 conference in Lima, Peru, requires each country to submit a plan to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions, called an “Intended Nationally Determined Contribution” (INDC). Each submission is at the discretion of the individual country; there is no objective standard it must meet or emissions reduction it must achieve. Beyond that, it’s nearly impossible even to evaluate or compare them. Developing countries actually blocked a requirement that the plans use a common format and metrics, so an INDC need not even mention emissions levels. Or a country can propose to reduce emissions off a self-defined “business-as-usual” trajectory, essentially deciding how much it wants to emit and then declaring it an “improvement” from the alternative. To prevent such submissions from being challenged, a group of developing countries led by China and India has rejected “any obligatory review mechanism for increasing individual efforts of developing countries.” And lest pressure nevertheless build on the intransigent, no developing country except Mexico submitted an INDC by the initial deadline of March 31 — and most either submitted no plan or submitted one only as the final September 30 cut-off approached. After all this, the final submissions are not enforceable, and carry no consequences beyond “shame” for noncompliance — a fact bizarrely taken for granted by all involved . Gotta love the left wing. Anything is forgivable, including genocide, so long as one worships at the Church of Climate Change.
DC Tom Posted December 1, 2015 Posted December 1, 2015 Gotta love the left wing. Anything is forgivable, including genocide, so long as one worships at the Church of Climate Change. Hey, now, what's a little genocide between friends? It's not like it was a war or anything
TakeYouToTasker Posted December 1, 2015 Posted December 1, 2015 Hey, now, what's a little genocide between friends? It's not like it was a war or anything Civil Wars aren't wars at all, they're simply "civil".
B-Man Posted December 1, 2015 Posted December 1, 2015 At Watts Up With That?, a site you should read every day if you want to understand what is really going on in the worlds of climate science and climate “science,” cartoonist Josh puts the ritual in graphic form:
DC Tom Posted December 1, 2015 Posted December 1, 2015 Civil Wars aren't wars at all, they're simply "civil". Plus civil wars aren't declared according to the Constitution or recognized by an international certifying body.
Trump_is_Mentally_fit Posted December 1, 2015 Posted December 1, 2015 https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2014/09/11/try-to-keep-up-earths-ozone-layer-is-recovering-but-that-is-making-global-warming-worse/ Nice story of an environmentalist's victory. Scientists credit the recovery to the phasing out of chemicals used in refrigerators, air conditioners and aerosol cans in the 1980s. “It’s a victory for diplomacy and for science and for the fact that we were able to work together,” said chemist Mario Molina, who won a Nobel Prize for his research into the ozone layer. It was in the 1970s that scientists first realized chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) had worn the ozone layer thin above Antarctica. Studies have shown that, left unchecked, ozone destruction could cause higher rates of skin cancer, disrupt plant growth and destabilize the aquatic food chain thanks to an increase in harmful ultraviolet rays. Fortunately, the world’s policymakers were proactive about environmental problems back then. Leaders agreed in 1987 to the Montreal Protocol, which phased out CFCs. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2014/09/11/try-to-keep-up-earths-ozone-layer-is-recovering-but-that-is-making-global-warming-worse/
Chef Jim Posted December 1, 2015 Posted December 1, 2015 (edited) https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2014/09/11/try-to-keep-up-earths-ozone-layer-is-recovering-but-that-is-making-global-warming-worse/ Nice story of an environmentalist's victory. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2014/09/11/try-to-keep-up-earths-ozone-layer-is-recovering-but-that-is-making-global-warming-worse/ Victory? So the ozone depletion is over and it's recovering? Then what are we worried about? Edited December 1, 2015 by Chef Jim
B-Man Posted December 1, 2015 Posted December 1, 2015 (edited) ROGER SIMON: Climate Change: Last Year’s Fad Goes to Paris: In the immortal words of H. L. Mencken, “ When somebody says it’s not about the money, it’s about the money.” I saw this up close and personal myself while covering COP-15 in Copenhagen for these digital pages back in 2009. Even then there was something more than vaguely dubious about the enterprise and it seemed appropriate that the conference was taking place in a blinding snow storm, a winter wonderland of global warming. And what a boondoggle it was! Half the U.S. Congress seemed to be there, all arriving on a chartered jet in Wonderful, Wonderful Copenhagen. When I ran into Cong. Charlie Rangel in the gift shop of the Marriott, where he was perusing some elegant Scandinavian jewelry, and asked him if he believed in man-made global warming, he stared at me in astonishment. How could I ask anything so preposterous, he seemed to be saying, questioning the received wisdom of the ages, and turned to the clerk, gesturing toward some silver cufflinks. Earlie r that day I had asked the same question of a delegate sitting beside me at one of the interminable panel discussions. By chance he came from one of the Pacific Islands said to be in danger of disappearing from the rising ocean level. His response to my question was much more forthcoming than Rangel’s. He laughed and shook his head. Then why are you here, I asked? ”For the money,” he said, still grinning. And then he punched my shoulder playfully. Even beyond the Gleichschaltung and crony corporatism (but I repeat myself) aspects of COP-21, it’s tailor-made for a president whose bespoke clothes contain no one within them: As Charles Krauthammer noted last night, Mr. Obama “Lives in His Own ‘Idealistic and Deluded, Undergrad Imagination.’” . Edited December 1, 2015 by B-Man
GaryPinC Posted December 1, 2015 Posted December 1, 2015 https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2014/09/11/try-to-keep-up-earths-ozone-layer-is-recovering-but-that-is-making-global-warming-worse/ Nice story of an environmentalist's victory. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2014/09/11/try-to-keep-up-earths-ozone-layer-is-recovering-but-that-is-making-global-warming-worse/ Too bad the article only covers data through 2013. Amazing how quick they are to declare victory for a mild 3 year uptick. Reminds me when GW Bush declared victory in Iraq. Too bad 2015 has the fourth largest hole on record: http://theozonehole.com/2015.htm Whoops.
Chef Jim Posted December 1, 2015 Posted December 1, 2015 Too bad the article only covers data through 2013. Amazing how quick they are to declare victory for a mild 3 year uptick. Reminds me when GW Bush declared victory in Iraq. Too bad 2015 has the fourth largest hole on record: http://theozonehole.com/2015.htm Whoops. So are we supposed to worry again?
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