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The mystery of conflicting AGW headlines continues

Nov 3, 2015 9:21 AM by Jazz Shaw


For the next twelve months you can expect to hear a lot about anthropogenic global warming. It will no doubt be a huge feature when Rachel Maddow invites all of the Democrat presidential candidates to sit down for an evening of something which we absolutely won’t call a debate. With that in mind, she’ll have plenty of research to do but she might not want to go to the headlines at Yahoo News. I was flipping through them this morning as I usually do and found two back to back stories which should make everything as clear as mud.

The first is the type of coverage which will be near and dear to the hearts of Hillary Clinton, Martin O’Malley and Bernie Sanders. West Antarctic ice melt could raise seas by 3 meters



Well, now that we know the world is ending we may as well break out the tequila shooters and party like the apocalypse is at hand. We’ve hit the point of no return, so you’d best start investing in beach front property in West Virginia if you want to find a way to capitalize on this. But wait! No sooner had I finished reading that article than this one popped up right below it. Antarctica is Gaining Ice.



Sometimes the more noble path in science of any kind is to admit that you’ve got a theory you’re working on while others have their own theories, and you’re gathering data as best you can but you simply aren’t entirely sure what’s going on yet. It’s a big planet with an intensely complicated climate which is too big to fully model on any computer. I hope we keep working on quantifying it all but we don’t seem to be quite there yet.

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It's warm here today. Must be the climate is changing again. But we just changed the time a couple of days ago. Could that have anything to do with it? After all, time change is man made. So it must be possible for us to change the climate too. It must be. [/dazedandconfused]


It's warm here today. Must be the climate is changing again. But we just changed the time a couple of days ago. Could that have anything to do with it? After all, time change is man made. So it must be possible for us to change the climate too. It must be. [/dazedandconfused]


Two days ago here in SoCal it was in the 90s.


Today it's in the low 70s.


Be afraid.



Two days ago here in SoCal it was in the 90s.


Today it's in the low 70s.


Be afraid.




No ****. It rained up here yesterday. :o

Obviously the start of the new Ice Age that was predicted so much back in the 1960s.


Global warming is so last week.

Oh please:


I fully intend to troll the Church of Environtology...for...life.


There's no excuse. They gave no quarter when they tried to compare reasoned skepticism to Hollocaust Denial. That's a line that a sane, moral person does NOT cross. Thus, they should expect no quarter, for life, from anyone.


I will never, ever, let them slide, short of an abject apology, and a full allocution of every single BS paper/report/massaged data set/scam/news story that they are responsible for.


Ladies and Gentlemen: You all KNOW this is BS. This has been over since the, now, 19-year pause story came out.


I wouldn't care, but for the Hollocaust Denial thing. That requires punishment, because honor, and human decency, demand it.


Oh please:


I fully intend to troll the Church of Environtology...for...life.


There's no excuse. They gave no quarter when they tried to compare reasoned skepticism to Hollocaust Denial. That's a line that a sane, moral person does NOT cross. Thus, they should expect no quarter, for life, from anyone.


I will never, ever, let them slide, short of an abject apology, and a full allocution of every single BS paper/report/massaged data set/scam/news story that they are responsible for.


Ladies and Gentlemen: You all KNOW this is BS. This has been over since the, now, 19-year pause story came out.


I wouldn't care, but for the Hollocaust Denial thing. That requires punishment, because honor, and human decency, demand it.


Don't let these HOAXERS get under your skin...you are obviously a smart and capable person...you need to channel your efforts to further your personal lot in life!!



Looks like someone better update his resume'.


Maybe. But he's thrown a decent lifejacket:


Or (far more seriously) one needs only to consider how VW cheated in its emissions, and wonder how many extra lives might have been lost due to air pollution as a result?

Posted (edited)


Don't let these HOAXERS get under your skin...you are obviously a smart and capable person...you need to channel your efforts to further your personal lot in life!!

You have seriously misperceived the situation, and me. I get under people's skin. Especially Environtologists like yourself.


The simple fact is: this is a scam. Everything about it, from day 1 to day The Professor of Ethics in Science Forges Documents in Furtherance of the Holy Scam says: it's a scam. The other simple fact is: you're psychologically committed to this scam.


Psychological Commitment = Facts, both those that do and don't support the scam, simply don't matter to you. The only thing that does matter? Protecting yourself from exposure as not only falling for the scam, but realizing it, and then, in the ultimate CYA move, becoming a perpetrator of the scam.


This is why you have no BS line when it comes to Global Warming. We could get definitive, repeatable, empirical evidence that man has absolutely nothing to do with Global Warming tomorrow.


You'd refuse to believe it. You'd attack those who offered it. You'd impugn the motives of anyone who(rigthfully) said "great, we're finally done done with this schit". You would do anything, and why?


Because the alternative to all out bad behavior...is impossible for you to even contemplate.

Edited by OCinBuffalo
Posted (edited)


Maybe. But he's thrown a decent lifejacket:


Or (far more seriously) one needs only to consider how VW cheated in its emissions, and wonder how many extra lives might have been lost due to air pollution as a result?

Hmmm. Of the things available to wonder about?


Where does this fall, in reality?


I mean if there were power rankings for things to wonder about? Where does this rank today, then, how about 2 weeks from now?

Edited by OCinBuffalo


Most modern "environmentalists" would call him a global warming denier.


I was thinking the same thing - he's openly encouraging climate skepticism in his last paragraph:



"Tropes of doom-and-gloom, of good versus evil, or environment versus business do not capture the challenges or opportunities for young environmental scientists. So my advice to all students is to be skeptical when presented with any simple story. Look for the data. Run the numbers. Always question."


"Tropes of doom-and-gloom, of good versus evil, or environment versus business do not capture the challenges or opportunities for young environmental scientists. So my advice to all students is to be skeptical when presented with any simple story. Look for the data. Run the numbers. Always question."


"But there's a consensus!"


The guy said exactly nothing I haven't been saying for years.

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