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You are not a troll? Come on. All you losers are trolls. Especially Tom...He posts the most




So much anger. So little wit. Must be tough being Gator.


Tough? Are you kidding? What's so tough about repeating what everyone else says? Hell, even birds can do that.

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Tough? Are you kidding? What's so tough about repeating what everyone else says? Hell, even birds can do that.

And also like birds, he does to this forum what birds do to my car


So California passed a carbon tax law that ensures any company that puts carbon in the air must pay a fee to the state.


The state uses those fees to halt climate change, though no one has explained how.


To get the voters to pass the law, the state said it will pass on some of those fees to CA consumers as "a carbon credit" so we can invest in our own ways halt global warming cooling climate change.


We get a credit to our power bill every six months.


I got mine in today's bill: $3.85.


I'm coming for you global warming cooling climate change!! And I'm bringing almost $4 with me, so prepare for an epic battle!!!


Phucking SoProg nutbags.


We get a credit to our power bill every six months.


I got mine in today's bill: $3.85.





Try not to spend it all at once.


So California passed a carbon tax law that ensures any company that puts carbon in the air must pay a fee to the state.


The state uses those fees to halt climate change, though no one has explained how.


To get the voters to pass the law, the state said it will pass on some of those fees to CA consumers as "a carbon credit" so we can invest in our own ways halt global warming cooling climate change.


We get a credit to our power bill every six months.


I got mine in today's bill: $3.85.


I'm coming for you global warming cooling climate change!! And I'm bringing almost $4 with me, so prepare for an epic battle!!!


Phucking SoProg nutbags.

If you can come up with another $.14 you can get one of these.




Read the fine print:


Gonna have to save up a couple months


Our rebate only gets credited every six months, so in 2 1/2 years, I'm in.


So I've got that going for me. Which is nice.


Meanwhile, CNN continues the battle against global warming cooling climate change with today's story: Beef is the new SUV.


But eating beef, as I'll explain, has come to be seen, rightly, in certain enviro circles, as the new SUV -- a hopelessly selfish, American indulgence; a middle finger to the planet. It's not the main driver of global warming -- that's burning fossil fuels for electricity, heat and transportation -- but it does contribute significantly.

Globally, 14.5% of all greenhouse gas pollution can be attributed to livestock, according to the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization, the most reputable authority on this topic. And a huge hunk of the livestock industry's role -- 65% -- comes from raising beef and dairy cattle.



Our rebate only gets credited every six months, so in 2 1/2 years, I'm in.


So I've got that going for me. Which is nice.


Meanwhile, CNN continues the battle against global warming cooling climate change with today's story: Beef is the new SUV.




Well, Rats: Oceans Not Dying After All


One of the leading talking points of the climatistas is that we’re going to turn to oceans into giant acid vats that will melt your toes off if we don’t turn over our car keys to Al Gore. Well, Science magazine this week reports a whole lot of cold salt water on the theory.







Our rebate only gets credited every six months, so in 2 1/2 years, I'm in.


So I've got that going for me. Which is nice.


Meanwhile, CNN continues the battle against global warming cooling climate change with today's story: Beef is the new SUV.


Beef has always been environmentally unfriendly. It takes a hell of a lot of land and water to raise one beef steer.


But they're so damned tasty...


Beef has always been environmentally unfriendly. It takes a hell of a lot of land and water to raise one beef steer.


But they're so damned tasty...

Even worse if they are grass fed. Just don't tell that guy in NC. ;-) ;-)




Newsweek didn’t vet the author of an op-ed piece critical of wind energy who turned out to have ties to oil groups, the magazine’s managing editor told the On Media blog on Wednesday.

The piece by Randy Simmons, published on April 11, questions the true cost of wind power to American taxpayers. And though the original article mentioned that Simmons, in his role as a professor of political economy at Utah State University, receives funding from the U.S. Department of Energy and Strata, a 501 c3 non-profit organization, it failed to mention his connection to the Kochs and Exxon-Mobil.






Ever notice how it's a scandal when someone with oil industry ties writes a piece critical of alternative energy, but completely kosher when someone with ties to alternative energy writes a piece critical of oil?

Posted (edited)

Meanwhile, CNN continues the battle against global warming cooling climate change with today's story: Beef is the new SUV.



Good thing there's plenty of fish left for everyone to eat.




p.s. can I assume Barack Hussein, ALGORE, their families, cabinets/advisors/staff and all their supporters have stopped eating meat? How about you gatortard? Off meat for good?


I mean, shouldn't the problem be fixed simply through the reduction in demand for meat from all the Global Warming Cooling Climate ChangeTM worshipers?

Edited by KD in CT


Good thing there's plenty of fish left for everyone to eat.




p.s. can I assume Barack Hussein, ALGORE, their families, cabinets/advisors/staff and all their supporters have stopped eating meat? How about you gatortard? Off meat for good?


I mean, shouldn't the problem be fixed simply through the reduction in demand for meat from all the Global Warming Cooling Climate ChangeTM worshipers?


Yes, but we can't do it by "choice" it has to be a government mandate. Because you are too evil/greedy/dumb to do the right thing on your.



Yes, but we can't do it by "choice" it has to be a government mandate. Because you are too evil/greedy/dumb to do the right thing on your.


Of course I'm too evil/greedy/dumb to do the right thing, but certainly all the enlightened progressives don't need to wait for instructions from Big Brother before "doing something", correct??


Help me out g-tard....explain why progressives would activity contribute to climate change instead of simply eating tofu?



Of course I'm too evil/greedy/dumb to do the right thing, but certainly all the enlightened progressives don't need to wait for instructions from Big Brother before "doing something", correct??


Now why would you ask a question like that? I mean, you make it sound like these same SoProgs passed Obamacare, but got exemptions for themselves and their campaign donors.


They would never....oh, wait.



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