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That sounds like an extremely weak attempt to blame anything but inept foreign policy for the troubles in both the Middle East and Africa.


Inept foreign policy doesn't help, certainly. But taking only that away from this report would be a mistake.

From the first paragraph of the actual report:


"DoD recognizes the reality of climate change and the significant risk it poses to U.S. interests globally. The National Security Strategy, issued in February 2015, is clear that climate change is an urgent and growing threat to our national security, contributing to increased natural disasters, refugee flows, and conflicts over basic resources such as food and water.1 These impacts are already occurring, and the scope, scale, and intensity of these impacts are projected to increase over time."

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Inept foreign policy doesn't help, certainly. But taking only that away from this report would be a mistake.


We're talking about two regions in the world among the most infamous for their history of savage butchery going back hundreds, if not thousands of years. Sorry, but I just don't buy climate change as a contributing factor in any of it.



We're talking about two regions in the world among the most infamous for their history of savage butchery going back hundreds, if not thousands of years. Sorry, but I just don't buy climate change as a contributing factor in any of it.


Not even an exacerbating one? Like you said, they're regions with a history of volatility. Now throw in excessive scarcity and large swaths of refugees, you don't think that will contribute to the region becoming even less stable and more of a present security threat for the United States?



Not even an exacerbating one? Like you said, they're regions with a history of volatility. Now throw in excessive scarcity and large swaths of refugees, you don't think that will contribute to the region becoming even less stable and more of a present security threat for the United States?


I understand that some studies indicate an increase in violent crime during the summer months, but I don't know how much of an effect that would have in those regions, since the violence is already very prevalent there. I suppose it's possible, but for our government to use it as an excuse for their ineptitude in dealings in those regions is an insult to our intelligence, imo.

  • 2 weeks later...

We need some solar powered tanks!

Don't give them any ideas,those who live in the land of unicorns and pixie dust believe in this global warm errrrrrrrrrrr I mean climate change stuff and will fall for anything.


Don't give them any ideas,those who live in the land of unicorns and pixie dust believe in this global warm errrrrrrrrrrr I mean climate change stuff and will fall for anything.


The fact you don't believe in it makes me quite confident in my position now. Thank you for that. :beer:



The fact you don't believe in it makes me quite confident in my position now. Thank you for that. :beer:

What happened to the asshat memes? I was enjoying those.

Posted (edited)

Negligent Corporate Polluter Nabbed in Massive Spill. . . Oh, Wait


There’s been a massive spill of toxic mine tailings into the Animas River in Colorado, “turning the water an opaque orange color reminiscent of boxed mac and cheese,” reports Newsweek. The EPA estimates over 1 million gallons of mining waste was dumped into the river. (See photo below.) More from Newsweek:


The wastewater released contains heavy metals including lead, arsenic, cadmium, and aluminum, Ostrander said. The EPA is preparing a plan to sample private water wells along the Animas River valley to test for contamination, including mercury contamination, he said. . .

By Friday morning, the plume of orange had made its way downstream and was eight miles from the northern border of New Mexico, the EPA said in an emailed statement.



I certainly expect that the EPA will levy a stiff Clean Water Act fine on the ExxonValdez Koch Brothers Dow Chemical Monsanto Ajax Mining . . . or whoever the irresponsible party is. As Newsweek adds: “But the EPA has not released information about what concentration of metals are present in the water, or how much a threat to human and ecosystem health the wastewater might pose.” Typical corporate secrecy and rear-end covering.


Oops. The party responsible for the spill is . . . the EPA!


more at http://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2015/08/negligent-corporate-polluter-nabbed-in-massive-spill-oh-wait.php











Edited by B-Man




Royal Dutch Shell have announced they will end their membership of the far-right American Legislative Exchange Council (Alec) because of its continuing denial of the science of climate change.


In a statement released on Friday, a Shell spokesman said: “Alec advocates for specific economic growth initiatives, but its stance on climate change is clearly inconsistent with our own.”

Shell joins fellow oil major BP in a corporate exodus from the conservative, free-market lobby group. Shell’s decision comes after sustained pressure from campaign groups, in particular the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS), for Shell to stop funding Alec. The group’s position statement on climate change calls it an “historical phenomenon”.

“The debate will continue on the significance of natural and anthropogenic contributions,” it reads. Alec has lead an assault on renewable energy that observers are concerned could significantly hamper the industry.

The move was flagged by Shell CEO Ben van Beurden in an interview with the Guardian in May when he was confronted over the company’s continued funding of climate denial. He defended Shell’s membership on the grounds that Alec worked on a broad range of policy issues, but “watch this space”, he said.


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