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- NYT article from 1988 they acknowledge right up front that weather measurements began 130 years ago (out of 4.5 billion years of actual weather). It's it funny how much that fact gets downplayed today.



Really, they began about 300-400 years ago. Lots of weather data can be mined from old Royal Navy logs.


Everything before then is indirect - tree rings, ice cores, etc.

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JOEL KOTKIN: Putting climate change ahead of constituents.


“Racial and economic inequality may be key issues facing America today, but the steps often pushed by progressives, including minority politicians, seem more likely to exacerbate these divisions than repair them.


In a broad arc of policies affecting everything from housing to employment, the agenda being adopted serves to stunt upward mobility, self-sufficiency and property ownership.


This great betrayal has many causes, but perhaps the largest one has been the abandonment of broad-based economic growth traditionally embraced by Democrats. Instead, they have opted for a policy agenda that stresses environmental puritanism and notions of racial redress, financed in large part by the windfall profits of Silicon Valley and California’s highly taxed upper-middle class.”




Posted (edited)

JOEL KOTKIN: Putting climate change ahead of constituents.


“Racial and economic inequality may be key issues facing America today, but the steps often pushed by progressives, including minority politicians, seem more likely to exacerbate these divisions than repair them.


In a broad arc of policies affecting everything from housing to employment, the agenda being adopted serves to stunt upward mobility, self-sufficiency and property ownership.


This great betrayal has many causes, but perhaps the largest one has been the abandonment of broad-based economic growth traditionally embraced by Democrats. Instead, they have opted for a policy agenda that stresses environmental puritanism and notions of racial redress, financed in large part by the windfall profits of Silicon Valley and California’s highly taxed upper-middle class.”




It's like the Democrats have completely forgotten HOW Bill Clinton balanced the budget, or HOW he facilitated(because that's all a president can really do) the economic booms we enjoyed.


Broad based economc growth? These clowns are doing much more than just the bolded, to achieve the exact opposite.


Then? They have the temerity to talk about income inequality? Every rich person in the country has nearly ALL their money in the market. :wallbash: Why? Because no fool is going to invest their capital in a new business with Obamacare/EPA/Dodd Frank and the rest of the nonsense. And, when everybody is in the market, and sure that everybody else is too? What is the market going to do 100% of the time?


Go up. Which, by definition, makes the rich, richer.


Meanwhile no new, broad economic growth-based jobs...means the poor get poorer.


Of course these simple truths are too hard for the media, and most of the left, to understand.


I'll say it again: the people currently running the D party are not Democrats. The D party has been highjacked by power hungry totalitarians, and it's far past time for rank and file Ds to wake up and do something about that.

Edited by OCinBuffalo

Of course these simple truths are too hard for the media, and most of the left, to understand.




They'd understand those simple truths perfectly well if their party leadership were to embrace them.



They'd understand those simple truths perfectly well if their party leadership were to embrace them.

How does one, "embrace truth"?


I can't imagine a situation where I'm not going after the right answer y to the question x, no matter where it leads. Thus, seeking truth, and of course failing, and starting over as often as is necessary, is part of what defines me. I don't need, want, or trust other people to capture truth for me, skin it, tan it, and then hand it to me so that I can embrace it like a scarf.


And that's my general theme here in many threads: Obama doesn't put any effort into finding the truth. He's been living in a bubble of pleather manufacturing his entire life, and he wears whatever he is given. Often he wears it incorrectly, which is how "You didn't build that" came about. He wore his pleather underwear on his head, because he didn't know any better.



By not lying.

Yes but I truly believe that Obama doesn't know when he's lying, in terms of the content.


"If you like your doctor", "If you like your plan" etc. Who the hell would purposely go out and say those things, if there was any chance at all of them not being true? A politician. :lol: Yes, I get it. But, I am talking about sheer political calculation here: the damage has made whatever good might have been gained irrelevant. And, I'm not just talking about Obama, I'm talking about the credibility of the D party to deliver on its health care promises for the next 50 years.


Yes but I truly believe that Obama doesn't know when he's lying, in terms of the content.


"If you like your doctor", "If you like your plan" etc. Who the hell would purposely go out and say those things, if there was any chance at all of them not being true? A politician. :lol: Yes, I get it. But, I am talking about sheer political calculation here: the damage has made whatever good might have been gained irrelevant. And, I'm not just talking about Obama, I'm talking about the credibility of the D party to deliver on its health care promises for the next 50 years.


I'm convinced that Obama truly believes what he says, and when reality doesn't turn out the way he says, he thinks reality's wrong.


It's the typical behavior of a very smart person who has little experience in the real world, but learned how the real world should work by reading the classics...



I'm convinced that Obama truly believes what he says, and when reality doesn't turn out the way he says, he thinks reality's wrong.


It's the typical behavior of a very smart person who has little experience in the real world, but learned how the real world should work by reading the classics...


I believe that he doesn't care one way or another if what he says is true or not. If things turn out okay, then all well & good. If they turn out to be a disaster, then there's always the partisan hacks in the republican to blame for screwing it up. He's the most agenda-driven president in my lifetime, and I believe achieving the European-Socialist model in this country is his goal.


maybe cheney will feel some wind on his back and not out his ass (or mouth): http://www.weather.com/storms/severe/news/montana-wyoming-dakotas-canada-cyclone-snow-tornado-wind

A progressive wishing harm to Cheney.


Gee...if only a practicing Catholic could have similar anger against people who intentionally crush baby skulls so as to profit from the leftover baby parts to the highest bidder.


Probably too much to ask from a compassionate liberal like yourself.


maybe cheney will feel some wind on his back and not out his ass (or mouth): http://www.weather.com/storms/severe/news/montana-wyoming-dakotas-canada-cyclone-snow-tornado-wind

So, you saw this and your first thought was oh goody, maybe Cheney will get caught up in this? Hmmmmn. Sounds a lot like laughing at 4 American deaths in Benghazi. Well, it was a good run while it lasted. Until recently I never would have guessed that you and gator were the same poster. In retrospect, the similar lack of character issues should have at least tipped me off and made me wonder. Wow, gator is actually a physician who sees patients in his Mom's basement when Mom allows. Life never ceases to amaze.

Posted (edited)


I'm convinced that Obama the posters on PPP truly believe what they says, and when reality doesn't turn out the way they says, they think reality's wrong.


It's the typical behavior of a very pretty smart person who has little experience in the real world, but learned how the real world should work by reading the classics...



Fixed it for you - couldn't have said it better

Edited by baskin

So, you saw this and your first thought was oh goody, maybe Cheney will get caught up in this? Hmmmmn. Sounds a lot like laughing at 4 American deaths in Benghazi. Well, it was a good run while it lasted. Until recently I never would have guessed that you and gator were the same poster. In retrospect, the similar lack of character issues should have at least tipped me off and made me wonder. Wow, gator is actually a physician who sees patients in his Mom's basement when Mom allows. Life never ceases to amaze.

wow. busted. so ashamed.


i actually have a very active conscience (it's a prerequisite for a liberal badge) so if this were true, i would be very ashamed. fortunately, it is not.


wow. busted. so ashamed.


i actually have a very active conscience (it's a prerequisite for a liberal badge) so if this were true, i would be very ashamed. fortunately, it is not.

Ah, I see. You posted that hoping that Cheney feels a little breeze to cool him off?

Posted (edited)

Defense Department to Congress: Climate Change a "present security threat":




"Global climate change will have wide-ranging implications for U.S. national security interests over the foreseeable futurebecause it will aggravate existing problems — such as poverty, social tensions, environmental degradation, ineffectual leadership, and weak political institutions — that threaten domestic stability in a number of countries," the report states.

The combatant commands, particularly U.S. Africa Command, which oversees the entire African continent from its headquarters in Germany, views climate change as a security risk because of its effects on human security and the government's ability to meet populations' needs.

The same can be said for Central Command, which has responsibility for the Middle East, where a devastating drought in Syria precipitated a significant internal migration and refugee crisis prior to the outbreak of the ongoing, deadly civil war that has pulled in the U.S. military.

The report cites the drought, which began in 2007, as a factor that helped overwhelm the government's capacity to provide for its people, and may have contributed to the subsequent civil war. A peer-reviewed study published in March linked the drought to global warming-related shifts in air circulation across the Mediterranean.

According to the Pentagon, climate-related stress can also create new vulnerabilities, such as water scarcity, that can lead to instability and conflict.


Link to report: http://www.defense.gov/pubs/150724-Congressional-Report-on-National-Implications-of-Climate-Change.pdf

Edited by GreggyT

Defense Department to Congress: Climate Change a "present security threat":



That sounds like an extremely weak attempt to blame anything but inept foreign policy for the troubles in both the Middle East and Africa.

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