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DC_Tom is not a dumbass. Neither is GreggyT.


However, they both have buttons that are easily pushed. The seqeunce is important. It's like an ATM. Knowing the buttons is not enough. Push them in the right sequence and you get the result you want.


The worst thing you can do is get angry at DC_Tom. He lives for that. You getting angry merely supports his "See, I DO know it all because instead of coming back with sound arguments, he's getting angry == saying stupid things == "You're an idiot"" trope. :lol:


The worst thing you can do is feed GreggyT with redneck/religious fanatic/right wing incoherence. He lives for that. These comments merely support his "See, I'm not a political hack, I'm actually quite reasonable, and let me show you to this post/link, where it's the other guy." trope. :lol:


Ultimately, me hitting Tom back with sound arguments, and calling GreggyT out for things like "Do you actually have a Global Warming BS line?" irks the F out of them. Same story for others. I counter what they want to do here, and better: laugh while I'm doing it, which really pisses them off.


DC_Tom doesn't want to argue, he wants to demonstrate his ability. GreggyT wants to be seen as the voice of reason.

Eh, I think they both just need a job. Definitely both very insecure people

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DC_Tom is not a dumbass. Neither is GreggyT.


However, they both have buttons that are easily pushed. The seqeunce is important. It's like an ATM. Knowing the buttons is not enough. Push them in the right sequence and you get the result you want.


The worst thing you can do is get angry at DC_Tom. He lives for that. You getting angry merely supports his "See, I DO know it all because instead of coming back with sound arguments, he's getting angry == saying stupid things == "You're an idiot"" trope. :lol:


The worst thing you can do is feed GreggyT with redneck/religious fanatic/right wing incoherence. He lives for that. These comments merely support his "See, I'm not a political hack, I'm actually quite reasonable, and let me show you to this post/link, where it's the other guy." trope. :lol:


Ultimately, me hitting Tom back with sound arguments, and calling GreggyT out for things like "Do you actually have a Global Warming BS line?" irks the F out of them. Same story for others. I counter what they want to do here, and better: laugh while I'm doing it, which really pisses them off.


DC_Tom doesn't want to argue, he wants to demonstrate his ability. GreggyT wants to be seen as the voice of reason.


Of course I don't want to argue. Why would I want to argue, when I'm always right?


Eh, I think they both just need a job. Definitely both very insecure people


I love that you call me insecure when you have my posts on ignore. :lol:

DC_Tom is not a dumbass. Neither is GreggyT.


However, they both have buttons that are easily pushed. The seqeunce is important. It's like an ATM. Knowing the buttons is not enough. Push them in the right sequence and you get the result you want.


The worst thing you can do is get angry at DC_Tom. He lives for that. You getting angry merely supports his "See, I DO know it all because instead of coming back with sound arguments, he's getting angry == saying stupid things == "You're an idiot"" trope. :lol:


The worst thing you can do is feed GreggyT with redneck/religious fanatic/right wing incoherence. He lives for that. These comments merely support his "See, I'm not a political hack, I'm actually quite reasonable, and let me show you to this post/link, where it's the other guy." trope. :lol:


Ultimately, me hitting Tom back with sound arguments, and calling GreggyT out for things like "Do you actually have a Global Warming BS line?" irks the F out of them. Same story for others. I counter what they want to do here, and better: laugh while I'm doing it, which really pisses them off.


DC_Tom doesn't want to argue, he wants to demonstrate his ability. GreggyT wants to be seen as the voice of reason.




As our seas rise, so do insurance premiums, property taxes and food prices.” -@GinaEPA #ActOnClimate #2degrees


Yes, that’s today’s big climate thought from EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy. Readers were already troubled to learn that cleaning out the refrigerator leads to more food in landfills, where it produces greenhouse gasses that are killing all life on earth, but climate change is a troubling thing.


Fortunately the party of science has God on its side. McCarthy held a ceremony today honoring the 12 “Champions of Change” — faith leaders who #ActOnClimate.


That’s right: The same administration that has been utterly ruthless in the courts mandating that the Little Sisters of the Poor provide abortifacients to their employees in violation of their faith or be fined into oblivion is happy to invite to the White House faith leaders who preach climate change from the pulpit.



No voices are more credible on our moral obligation to #ActOnClimate than faith leaders. Great to honor #WHChamps!




And you know there’s no faith leader with more moral credibility than this one, who gave the opening remarks... :doh:




"We all must deal with climate change as a health issue, moral issue, and a civil rights issue." -@TheRevAl

#WHChamps #FaithLeadersOnClimate




Appealing to the pulpit now? Regarding...science? :lol:


Once again, I ask GreggyT especially, and birdog: "Where is your Global Warming BS line?"


Or, in this case, does appealing to faith leaders, on what is supposedly a 100% cut and dried science issue, get you closer to your BS line?

Posted (edited)

Appealing to the pulpit now? Regarding...science? :lol:


Once again, I ask GreggyT especially, and birdog: "Where is your Global Warming BS line?"


Or, in this case, does appealing to faith leaders, on what is supposedly a 100% cut and dried science issue, get you closer to your BS line?


I've answered it I thought. A few times.


To me, the debate isn't a true debate because everyone is arguing different things. I don't care if climate change is man made or a part of the Earth's natural cycle, at least not in a political sense (I do care in a scientific sense). I'd rather put aside the politics and focus on preparing for the climate change we seem to be very much in the midst of. I believe it's a real and occurring phenomenon (or cycle) and those who are trying to say it's not happening are either paid for by the oil and gas industry or otherwise letting their politics get in the way of reason. I also believe this happens on the other side of the equation and isn't limited to "deniers" (I only use that word for clarity sake).


That said, I don't believe carbon taxes are the answer, or that we as a nation can do anything other than set the best example possible for India and China to follow as they emerge as industrial powers. I'm not in favor of excessive regulation, but I am in favor of reasonable regulation and understand there is a world of difference between the two.

Edited by GreggyT
Posted (edited)



“I’ve starred in a lot of science fiction movies and, let me tell you something, climate change is not science fiction, this is a battle in the real world, it is impacting us right now.


“I believe the science is in. The debate is over and the time for action is now,” he told an invited audience of intellectuals and spiritual leaders from all faiths. “This is bigger than any movie, this is the challenge of our time. And it is our responsibility to leave this world a better place than we found it, but right now we are failing future generations.”




Edited by GreggyT



True Lies ?


End of Days ?


Red Heat ?





Total Recall, of course. "We must reverse climate change before all our faces explode..."


SLATE article warning:



The study—written by James Hansen, NASA’s former lead climate scientist, and 16 co-authors, many of whom are considered among the top in their fields—concludes that glaciers in Greenland and Antarctica will melt 10 times faster than previous consensus estimates, resulting in sea level rise of at least 10 feet in as little as 50 years.




This kind of prediction should be easily measured over the next few years if it holds any merit.


SLATE article warning:







This kind of prediction should be easily measured over the next few years if it holds any merit.


You know what the clearest evidence is of someone being a huckster? When they keep making the same prediction, and it keeps being wrong. And this one's particularly cute, because it questions the consensus that two years ago couldn't be questioned, because the "consensus" was "settled science."


Oh, but this "study" isn't scientific. It's intended an an alarmist policy statement from former scientists like Hansen who retired from research to become activists. :wallbash:


It bugs the **** out of me that people try to pass bull **** like this off as actual scientific research.


SLATE article warning:






This kind of prediction should be easily measured over the next few years if it holds any merit.


Of course by then the faithful will be on to the next hysteria and will shout down any attempts to conduct such measurements.


A few other thoughts on this wonderful article:


- Salon.com :lol:

- Most "famous" Climate Scientist? Yup, that's the surest sign of good science: fame.

- "Breathtaking" new study? Yup, nothing quite so breathtaking as a climate change study.

- NYT article from 1988 they acknowledge right up front that weather measurements began 130 years ago (out of 4.5 billion years of actual weather). It's it funny how much that fact gets downplayed today.

- The dire predictions from the 1988 study (from the alarmist who is "also right") was 1 to 4 feet of sea level rise by mid-century. I guess now it's time to amp up the alarm to Ludicrous speed and throw out the new 'ten feet' prediction. I wonder why they didn't mention how far along we are on the 1 to 4 (or 10) foot rise from 1988 until now.


and, of course....


In response to this impending doom, he calls for 'social revolution' as the answer. Yup....cause punishing a few thousand rich Americans is going to turn the tide on Climate ChangeTM. Once we take down Wall Street, people aren't going to need heat, transportation or consumer goods any longer. Once the evil corporations have been shut down and stopped from causing global warming, we'll all just commune in harmony with nature. Just as long as there's still a Starbucks open on the way to the next protest.

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