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Now I'm reading that the liberal spin on this news is that it will mean disaster if the cooling cycle isn't as cold as it should be because of global warming




Now that's funny. Not surprising, but funny.


If windmills ever become a viable energy source, the environmentalists will turn against the technology because of the amount of grease needed for the turbines.


Actually, many have been protesting further development of wind farms because birds tend to fly into the blades and get killed, especially certain varieties of migratory birds.



Posted (edited)

Funny...I bet somewhere in this thread a post can be found that specifically states that overestimated CO2 sensitivity is the culprit, because not only is it set too high, it's treated like a constant and not a variable. Which...is the obvious cause of all the models being off, since it's one of the few "variables" that all of them have in common.


Whoever finds that post(s) first gets a cookie!

Edited by OCinBuffalo

Funny...I bet somewhere in this thread you can find a post that specifically states that false CO2 sensitivity is the culprit, because not only is it set too high, it's treated like a constant and not a variable.


Whoever finds that post(s) first gets a cookie!


Two sentences?!?!?!?



Posted (edited)


Two sentences?!?!?!?



I edited.


And, do I need to spell that post out for you? The winner of the cookie is going to find more than 2 sentences, I assure you.

Edited by OCinBuffalo
Posted (edited)


Probably a fortune cookie with a three-page missive stuffed inside. Pass.

Whatever, you're just pissed that I called out overestimation of CO2 sensitivity 30 pages ago, and you're just catching on now.


EDIT: The fun part is, now Tom is searching the thread, desperately trying to prove me wrong. Which...is why I said this in the first place.

Edited by OCinBuffalo

Whatever, you're just pissed that I called out overestimation of CO2 sensitivity 30 pages ago, and you're just catching on now.


No, I'm not. My not acknowledging your presumed prescience is due to 1) my not acknowledging your unsupported egomaniacal ex cathedra proclamations, and 2) not reading your bull **** to begin with.


But you just go ahead and assume that, because you posted something I didn't read before I posted it, that I was ignorant of it until now. Whatever floats your narcissistic fantasies.



No, I'm not. My not acknowledging your presumed prescience is due to 1) my not acknowledging your unsupported egomaniacal ex cathedra proclamations, and 2) not reading your bull **** to begin with.


But you just go ahead and assume that, because you posted something I didn't read before I posted it, that I was ignorant of it until now. Whatever floats your narcissistic fantasies.

Had your number....for...years!

Posted (edited)

OC I don't know if anything has changed in the last 24 hours but I believe DC Tom is Dumbass #2 right behind Dumbass and top troll #1 GreggyT

DC_Tom is not a dumbass. Neither is GreggyT.


However, they both have buttons that are easily pushed. The seqeunce is important. It's like an ATM. Knowing the buttons is not enough. Push them in the right sequence and you get the result you want.


The worst thing you can do is get angry at DC_Tom. He lives for that. You getting angry merely supports his "See, I DO know it all because instead of coming back with sound arguments, he's getting angry == saying stupid things == "You're an idiot"" trope. :lol:


The worst thing you can do is feed GreggyT with redneck/religious fanatic/right wing incoherence. He lives for that. These comments merely support his "See, I'm not a political hack, I'm actually quite reasonable, and let me show you to this post/link, where it's the other guy." trope. :lol:


Ultimately, me hitting Tom back with sound arguments, and calling GreggyT out for things like "Do you actually have a Global Warming BS line?" irks the F out of them. Same story for others. I counter what they want to do here, and better: laugh while I'm doing it, which really pisses them off.


DC_Tom doesn't want to argue, he wants to demonstrate his ability. GreggyT wants to be seen as the voice of reason.

Edited by OCinBuffalo
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