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From NOAA:

(0.12 inches is roughly 3 mm)

Another Study



They estimate that between 1993 and 2012 sea level rise averaged 3.13 mm per year. Which is pretty close to the global mean sea level from the TOPEX/Poseidon, Jason-1, and Jason-2 satellite altimeters at 2.9 ±0.4 mm per year. Notably between 2005 and 2011 the rate of sea level rise actually decreased relative to the 1993 to 2012 rate.


The study that gator links to uses assumes a rise of 0.9 meters and 1.8 meters by 2100. That works out to an average sea level rise of 10.7 mm per year and 21.4 mm per year respectively. Just another study based on a dubious assumption which has no connection to reality.


I already pointed that out pages ago.


What's more, local variation overwhelms that global measurement - you can find coastal locations that have had a 10mm rise in sea level, and some that have had a fall in sea level. Discussed that pages ago, too. Gatorman ignored that point.

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Posted (edited)


Speaking of conservation and stuff our water district out here has done a pretty good job of helping people conserve water. They send charts and graphs showing you your water usage. Ours spiked a few months ago by 100 gallons a day! They said the biggest offender is your toilet. Checked and found out we had a leaky toilet. That leaky toilet was wasting about 3,000 gallons of water a month. We do our best to conserve like catching water from when the shower water is heating up and use that to water the garden in the summer and fill the toilet tanks when we flush in the winter. So I felt pretty bad about wasting that much water. They say the US wastes over 1 trillion gallons of water a year due to leaks. So they offer water conserving shower heads and faucet aerators for free which is pretty cool. Oh wait they are not free. I almost fell into the Bernie trap.


And see gator we don't hate all government. Sometimes they do some good things.

Curently, I bathe in water you would pay $5 a bottle to drink.


I'm in the Southern Tier right now. There is tons of water here, and all of it is the best. I'm gonna flush my toilet 5 times...because I can, and you can't. Enjoy! Every time you keep it mellow becuase it's yellow? I am laughing, because I could bottle the water out of my toliet and sell it to you. Hey, I'm housed on private land with its own well.


And consider: none of that would be "Known to the State of California"...so...you're F'ed.


I never miss a giggle when I see "Known to the State of California". It's like your crazy uncle...he is known to your family as incapable of coherence....but the rest of us? Do not care. Not our problem. My toilet water is unknown to the State of California, but, if I had an "earth friendly"/ "send me your used milk gallons and I will fill them up with the finest artesian water in the land" campaign?


You'd be drinking my toilet water, with no chance of ever knowing.

Edited by OCinBuffalo
Posted (edited)


You'd be drinking my toilet water, with no chance of ever knowing.

I'm guessing he has a pretty good chance at knowing because you told him 37 times in your post. Edited by 4merper4mer

I guessing he has a pretty good chance at knowing because you told him 37 times in your post.

That's just begging for someone to create an "OCinBuffalo's Toilet Water" account.



From NOAA:

(0.12 inches is roughly 3 mm)

Another Study



They estimate that between 1993 and 2012 sea level rise averaged 3.13 mm per year. Which is pretty close to the global mean sea level from the TOPEX/Poseidon, Jason-1, and Jason-2 satellite altimeters at 2.9 ±0.4 mm per year. Notably between 2005 and 2011 the rate of sea level rise actually decreased relative to the 1993 to 2012 rate.


The study that gator links to uses assumes a rise of 0.9 meters and 1.8 meters by 2100. That works out to an average sea level rise of 10.7 mm per year and 21.4 mm per year respectively. Just another study based on a dubious assumption which has no connection to reality.

From your link:



There is strong evidence that global sea level is now rising at an increased rate and will continue to rise during this century.

While studies show that sea levels changed little from AD 0 until 1900, sea levels began to climb in the 20th century.

The two major causes of global sea-level rise are thermal expansion caused by the warming of the oceans (since water expands as it warms) and the loss of land-based ice (such as glaciers) due to increased melting.

Records and research show that sea level has been steadily rising at a rate of 0.04 to 0.1 inches per year since 1900. Since 1992, new methods of satellite altimetry (the measurement of elevation or altitude) indicate a rate of rise of 0.12 inches per year. This is a significantly larger rate than the sea-level rise averaged over the last several thousand years.



From your link:


There is strong evidence that global sea level is now rising at an increased rate and will continue to rise during this century.

Grasping at straws are we? Notice nothing quantitative in that statement. Got to keep the funding flowing. As I previously stated:


The study that gator links to uses assumes a rise of 0.9 meters and 1.8 meters by 2100. That works out to an average sea level rise of 10.7 mm per year and 21.4 mm per year respectively. Just another study based on a dubious assumption which has no connection to reality.



They estimate that between 1993 and 2012 sea level rise averaged 3.13 mm per year. Which is pretty close to the global mean sea level from the TOPEX/Poseidon, Jason-1, and Jason-2 satellite altimeters at 2.9 ±0.4 mm per year. Notably between 2005 and 2011 the rate of sea level rise actually decreased relative to the 1993 to 2012 rate.

Sea level rise would have to increase almost 4 times faster than it is now to hit the 0.9 meter mark and more than 7 times faster to hit the 1.8 meter mark. Starting NOW. The IPCC's AR5 projections even with the extreme RCP8.5 scenario (assumes we burn almost all the fossil fuel reserves by 2100) only projects a rise of 1 meter.


So gator, why do you hate science?


Curently, I bathe in water you would pay $5 a bottle to drink.


I'm in the Southern Tier right now. There is tons of water here, and all of it is the best. I'm gonna flush my toilet 5 times...because I can, and you can't. Enjoy! Every time you keep it mellow becuase it's yellow? I am laughing, because I could bottle the water out of my toliet and sell it to you. Hey, I'm housed on private land with its own well.


And consider: none of that would be "Known to the State of California"...so...you're F'ed.


I never miss a giggle when I see "Known to the State of California". It's like your crazy uncle...he is known to your family as incapable of coherence....but the rest of us? Do not care. Not our problem. My toilet water is unknown to the State of California, but, if I had an "earth friendly"/ "send me your used milk gallons and I will fill them up with the finest artesian water in the land" campaign?


You'd be drinking my toilet water, with no chance of ever knowing.


I'd rather live in California and have to conserve water than live in the Southern Tier and flush 5 times a day.



Grasping at straws are we? Notice nothing quantitative in that statement. Got to keep the funding flowing. As I previously stated:






Sea level rise would have to increase almost 4 times faster than it is now to hit the 0.9 meter mark and more than 7 times faster to hit the 1.8 meter mark. Starting NOW. The IPCC's AR5 projections even with the extreme RCP8.5 scenario (assumes we burn almost all the fossil fuel reserves by 2100) only projects a rise of 1 meter.


So gator, why do you hate science?

Are you Tom logged in with another name? Strange you just show up for this, but whatever.


No, not grasping at straws at all. You might be right that the sea levels will not rise That much, but they are rising.


Are you Tom logged in with another name? Strange you just show up for this, but whatever.


No, not grasping at straws at all. You might be right that the sea levels will not rise That much, but they are rising.


And once again what's the plan to stop Mother Nature?


So why doesn't california use sea water in toilets? That would ease the shortage and reduce the water level of the ocean and reduce demand for fresh water. Anything to make the lefties happy.


So why doesn't california use sea water in toilets? That would ease the shortage and reduce the water level of the ocean and reduce demand for fresh water. Anything to make the lefties happy.


Seeing it would be a nightmare to set that up I suggest they hire the homeless, those currently on welfare and unemployment to bring buckets of sea water to every home in CA. :thumbsup:



I'd rather live in California and have to conserve water than live in the Southern Tier and flush 5 times a day.


I'd rather live in California, if the costs were equal. But they're not, unfortunately.

Posted (edited)


And once again what's the plan to stop Mother Nature?



Richer nations giving Billions of dollars to poorer nations, of course.

Edited by B-Man

Are you Tom logged in with another name? Strange you just show up for this, but whatever.

No I am not Tom although I wish I had half his wit.


No, not grasping at straws at all. You might be right that the sea levels will not rise That much, but they are rising.

Sea level has been rising for more than 20,000 years. The fact they are still rising is not news.





I'd rather live in California, if the costs were equal. But they're not, unfortunately.


Cost is only an issue in the absence of value. :D

No I am not Tom although I wish I had half his wit.



Sea level has been rising for more than 20,000 years. The fact they are still rising is not news.




I have no idea of the source and accuracy of this chart but according to it the rise has leveled off over that last 8-10k years.

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