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Global warming err Climate change HOAX

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As Hurricane Michael rips through homes and communities, we send our sympathies to all those in its path, but let’s also review what some leading Florida residents have said about climate change.

“One of the most preposterous hoaxes in the history of the planet,” scoffed Rush Limbaugh of Palm Beach. Gov. Rick Scott’s administration went so far as to bar some agencies from even using the term “climate change,” according to the Florida Center for Investigative Reporting (Scott denied this).

Myopic Floridians have plenty of company. President Trump dismissed climate change as a hoax “created by and for the Chinese.” Senator James Inhofe, a Republican of Oklahoma, “disproved” climate change by taking a snowball onto the Senate floor and noting that it was chilly outside; using similarly rigorous scientific methods, he wrote a book about climate change called “The Greatest Hoax.”

Alas, denying climate change doesn’t actually prevent it. North Carolina passed a law in 2012 prohibiting the use of climate science in certain state planning, yet that didn’t intimidate Hurricane Florence last month. And banning the words “climate change” isn’t helping Florida now.



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It's amazing that hurricanes didn't exist before global warming climate change became settle science through consensus.


I'm guessing that the 1900 Galveston, Texas hurricane was just a media hoax, since global warming climate change wasn't a thing back then.

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13 minutes ago, Koko78 said:

It's amazing that hurricanes didn't exist before global warming climate change became settle science through consensus.


I'm guessing that the 1900 Galveston, Texas hurricane was just a media hoax, since global warming climate change wasn't a thing back then.


You notice that this hurricane did not happen until Kavanaugh was confirmed? Friggin' Kavanaugh. 

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39 minutes ago, KRC said:


You notice that this hurricane did not happen until Kavanaugh was confirmed? Friggin' Kavanaugh. 


Kavanaugh kills women though COBRA's Dick Cheney's Weather Dominator!


I'll bet you he's a THREE scoops of ice cream kinda Justice.

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STAHL: Do you still think that climate change is a hoax?

TRUMP: I think something’s happening. Something’s changing and it’ll change back again. I don’t think it’s a hoax, I think there’s probably a difference. But I don’t know that it’s manmade. I will say this. I don’t want to give trillions and trillions of dollars. I don’t want to lose millions and millions of jobs. I don’t want to be put at a disadvantage.

STAHL: I wish you could go to Greenland, watch these huge chunks of ice just falling into the ocean, raising the sea levels.

TRUMP: And you don’t know whether or not that would have happened with or without man. You don’t know.

STAHL: Well, your scientists, your scientists–

TRUMP: No, we have–

STAHL: at N.O.A.A. and N.A.S.A.–

TRUMP: We have scientists that disagree with that.

STAHL: You know, I– I was thinking what if he said, “No, I’ve seen the hurricane situations, I’ve changed my mind. There really is climate change.” And I thought, “Wow, what an impact.”

TRUMP: Well– I’m not denying.

STAHL: What an impact that would make.

TRUMP: I’m not denying climate change. But it could very well go back. You know, we’re talking about over a millions —

STAHL: But that’s denying it.

TRUMP: of years. They say that we had hurricanes that were far worse than what we just had with Michael.

STAHL: Who says that? “They say”?

TRUMP: People say. People say that in the–

STAHL: Yeah, but what about the scientists who say it’s worse than ever?

TRUMP: You’d have to show me the scientists because they have a very big political agenda, Lesley.

STAHL: I can’t bring them in.

TRUMP: Look, scientists also have a political agenda

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2 minutes ago, Koko78 said:

Arguing with the interviewee is now a journalistic interview technique?


No bias there.

Unfair! And where she threw the scientist options at him! Unfair! Just because he is a total ignoranamous doesn't give her the right to challange him! 

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Ah, yes. We all forget that a consensus of scientists regarding an incredibly complex and dynamic set of variables that run in cycles that span centuries, if not millennia, is settled science.


Not to mention that the only cure for such settled science is a massive redistribution of wealth and reorganization of the world economy to a socialist/communist ideal.

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