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Global warming err Climate change HOAX

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Climate change is interfering with global warming. Brilliant.

China's pollution is both creating and preventing Global Warming, at the same time.

All the heat is hiding in the ocean, now specifically, the Indian Ocean, which, is so warm compared to the rest of the ocean, that precise measurement of the hiding heat is near impossible due to the variance...but we know it's in there...somehow.

Meanwhile, surface temps of the rest of the ocean remain the same...that is...unless some of the buoys are ignored/F'ed with.


Somebody Explain: exactly what hand has the oil and gas industry had in any of the above?


Hint: none. You cannot blame the oil and gas industry for the bad behavior and ridiculous "science" of the environtologists. The oil and gas industry isn't making any of these clowns do what they've done. They've done it all by themselves. Thus, trying to put an = sign between them is stupid. IF one group is behaving badly, we don't justify that by pointing the bad behavior of the other group: we hold BOTH accountable.


And, I'll ask Baskin again: Why are we trying to explain a "pause" in Global Warming, and saying that "pause" doesn't exist, at the same time? :lol:

Edited by OCinBuffalo
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Obama Warns of Planet Beyond Repair: ´Submerged Countries. Abandoned Cities. Fields No Longer Growing´

Cybercast News Service, by Melanie Hunter


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No word yet how the pathetic humiliated glacier held up under the pressure of the president’s intense, withering gaze.................... :flirt:



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Musk: "Humanity is currently running the dumbest experiment in history."


(T)he "indefinite extension of the Fossil Fuels Era" is "the dumbest experiment in history."

As Musk further explains it:

The greater the change to the chemical composition of the physical, chemical makeup of the oceans and atmosphere [due to increased carbon emissions], the greater the long-term effect will be. Given that at some point they'll run out anyway, why run this crazy experiment to see how bad it'll be? We know it's at least some bad, and the overwhelming scientific consensus is that it'll be really bad.



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This simple fact – that increasing carbon dioxide concentration in a gaseous mixture will increase temperatures – is undeniable. At a basic level, we can demonstrate that carbon dioxide concentration impacts temperatures. (This is also true of the other primary greenhouse gasses, including water vapor and methane.) It doesn’t take much to go from there and predict that rising carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere will also lead to increased temperatures. In fact, this hypothesis was first proposed in 1896 by Svante Arrhenius, who would go on to win the Nobel Prize in 1903. In Arrhenius’ paper, he discussed how variations in carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere must be naturally variable, and that variations in carbon dioxide are what lead to excessively warm and cold periods in the Earth’s history. Many of Arrhenius’ assumptions have since been validated, and even his mathematical predictions we



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Obama Warns of Planet Beyond Repair: ´Submerged Countries. Abandoned Cities. Fields No Longer Growing´

Cybercast News Service, by Melanie Hunter


Original Article






No word yet how the pathetic humiliated glacier held up under the pressure of the president’s intense, withering gaze.................... :flirt:

ALGORE parrot!


That ENTIRE speech is what AlGORE, Inc. said in 2006.


Once again, I invite you all to Battery Park next summer. Hopefully we'll play the Giants in pre-season or somesuch. That would be the best. 10 years after ALGORE's dire predictions, we'll all have paper-mache kiaks, and spend the rest of the night trolling people.




Also: I'm quite pleased to find that some are actually cracking jokes based on CO2 sensitivty(Azalin). That shows me that we're starting to get down to cases on what this entire thing is truly about.


It's a variable that's been treated like a constant: change the value, and all the "settled science" starts performing as advertised. Unfortunately, while scientifically sound, it's a political loser for the "Global Warming" industry.

Musk: "Humanity is currently running the dumbest experiment in history."




The answer to that question...lies directly in the groundless assertion that follows.


Surely you're not dopey enough to not see that.


So, I'll ask again: Where is you Global Warming Mendoza line? Are you really so dumb as to not recognize what you bolded as "crimethink"?

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It's only Sunday, but I'm confident that this will be the silliest climate change piece of the week (involves Hitler) http://nyti.ms/1QvSoyh




I particularly like this:



The quest for German domination was premised on the denial of science.


No, the Nazi pursuit of domination was based on a philosophy of racial superiority that had its foundation in the science of eugenics...which was widely accepted at the time, but it turned out to be wrong.

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So this is the topic where a guy like GreggT breaks from you guys and where I break w/you guys (conservatives).


It must be that one progressive lives and works in the real (and industrial) world.... Me... :lol: Okay, not quite... I w/the gov't, kinda like the Federal camp in "The Grapes of Wrath." And... The other progressive works in dreamland (Hollywood).


Is there hope for both of us as progressives!


Go easy... On me... Screw him! :D

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